Etch some glass, without the commitment

I’ve had a couple of glass beverage jars ever since Macy’s cupcake party one and a half years ago. I’ve toyed around with the idea of etching something on them like 100 times. I considered a monogram (let’s face it….C is the most boring monogram EVER), but I couldn’t commit! And what if I screwed up?!?!? Etching cream scares me. It’d be a shame to ruin a perfectly good beverage jar, right?

Silhouette sent me some of their new frosted glass premium vinyl to try. And I LOVE it. It’s the perfect way to fancy up your glassware without any sort of commitment.


(That kinda looks like a urine sample.)



And, I couldn’t get a good shot of this one, but I think it’s my favorite:


Silhouette is offering 2 promotions for January:

25% off all premium vinyl


A Silhouette SD, 2 rolls of premium vinyl, 1 roll of transfer tape, a home décor CD for $225 (a $395 value!!!)

Use code “CRAP” to take advantage of either of these offers now through the 22nd!

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  1. LOL. Thanks for the discount code. I had to laugh that the code is "CRAP". I guess I say that word a lot, but I need to cut back. The other day my three-year-old woke up and the first words she said were, "Holy cwap!" Yikes.

    Love your blog!

  2. I may have to buy something just so I can use your promo code! LOL!

  3. Your beverage jars are beautiful! I love the 'no commitment needed' frosted vinyl. Absolutely lovely!

  4. Sarah Maccarelli says:

    I love the "eat these and die" one.

  5. so can you wash the vinyl, or would you have to take it off first? This might be the first project that's made me seriously want one!

  6. I love that there's a Love, Mom after "Eat these and die!" Hilarious–thanks for being you!

  7. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    I hand washed after taking pics and it's still good and stuck. I probably wouldn't put it in the dishwasher, though. I believe Silhouette says the adhesive will last 7 years outdoors or something, so I'd think it'll survive several washes.

  8. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    I like the beverage label idea! Then they KNOW what they're getting without having to put a little sign everytime!

  9. ascrapoftime says:

    The etching stuff scares me too… I'm always afraid of messing up my glass. I love the vinyl! I will definitely have to give it a try. =o)

  10. Carolyn Windley says:

    eat these and die! I love it!!! My kind of humor!

  11. Krystal Kinlaw says:

    I love those! I have tons of things I've thought about etching but I just haven't done it. I change my mind way too much. These are perfect for me!

  12. so cute! i tried to use the promo code when purchasing the vinyl and it didn't work when i went to check out:(

  13. Char @ Crap I've Made says:


    I just tried it and it worked for me. The text says it's for the machine package, but it took 25% off my vinyl price. Try again, maybe?

  14. {northern cottage} says:

    I love the scallopy edge on this – awesome cottagey rockin awesome…however LOL your 'sample' information made me gag a little – just sayin!

  15. Maddie Kertay says:

    Dont suppose the code still works?… was just getting ready to buy one when I found your loverly CRAP code… oh such a good deal!


  16. I love your site. I seems so helpful to people like me. I work and I have two children. As a result I little time available to search for water proof clear labels, nevertheless, I did. I searched and searched and three months later, I have not found any clear waterproof labels suitable to apply on stainless steel water bottles and glassware. I have found clear labels and waterproof white labels but no clear waterproof labels. Your site looks so inviting. I decided to come in and ask for help. Can you help me? The etched label on the water picture above is close but my label needs to be clear. I will be printing art work on it that will be applied to glass and stainless steel. Please help! Thanks in advance Valerie

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