BC dragged me to a disgusting mess of a store (NPS, for you locals) this weekend. Like, I’m not sure why anyone would go there. Maybe you need a cross bow and some expired Diet Coke in one stop? I think it’s freight damaged stuff? Like I said…I’m still not clear on the whole situation, but BC *really* wanted to go (with all 4 kids in tow), so we went.
And I wanted to hurt people and/or myself.
BC spent lots of time looking at golf clubs. My boys enjoyed the other sports equipment. Macy and I saw a sign that said “FABRIC” and got excited, but it was a lie. There was no fabric.
As we were about to leave, I saw one of these:
Only it was Antique White…like the rest of the furniture in my craft/sewing room. Retail price? $419, but currently on sale for $379. NPS price? $149.
But wait!
It was an additional 70% off! That means I paid $44.70…for real live Pottery Barn! I think it’s going to be my official Silhouette storage solution. Stay tuned for more on that.
gotta love great finds like that! congrats!
that's right up there with some of Val's greatest finds. Good job.
Wahooooo for you!!! Big Score!!
Love it!
That is great! Wow! I'm sure you'll have fun getting it all stocked! Love it!!!! I've enjoyed your blog and am a follower. Will you come follow my blog too?
I LOVE NPS!!! But NEVER, I repeat NEVER, on a weekend.
I only treasure hunt there on weekdays, alone and wearing grungy clothes.
The do have fabric. I've found some great fabrics there. But I haven't been in a while, I hope that's not something they've phased out.
Hopefully your awesome find will prompt you to check it out again sometime. There really are treasures there. Did you go to the one with food items or the one across the street with only non food-industrial type stuff? Make sure you explore both. Seriously! It's no worse than sifting through a thrift store for the hidden gems.
Awesome!! Holy score!
I went to NPS for the first time last week. I was not impressed! However, that is a great find!!! I think we are going to try to hit the industrial one though.
PLEASE, remind me to tell you a funny story about NPS. It involves my friend Andy, since you know him, I figure you'd find it amusing.
Ack! How's come I never find the good stuff in crappy places? Way to go!
Sounds like that bookshelf made the trip worth it
Awesome find.
That's awesome. I've yet to be there…I need to try it out!
My mom is a NPS fanatic! She buys so much stuff from there that it gets ridiculous. Although she did find some really awesome Melissa and Doug toys marked down to $4 just before Christmas. I guess NPS has its place.
YES! NPS, can be really frustrating, but when you find an AWESOME deal… you all of a sudden LOVE IT!
LOL. I had the SAME experience!
I LOVE that bookshelf, storage unit, thingy. LOL… what IS that called?
I can't wait to see what you rig up!
The NPS store is like a thrift store but with better stuff. You just have to sift. A lot.
WOW!!! What a score! I so wish that there were stores like that here!
We have a couple of stores like that here in Ohio. I only go when I have lots of time, no kids and a diet dr. pepper on board.
yay total score!!!
I have a serious love/hate relationship with NPS. I've been shopping there for over 10 years. But never in the foods department. They have great fabrics for amazing prices when they have a sale. You have to go to a little room on the side. I'll go there for fabric and leave without fabric and a cart full of junk I could do with out. I try and only go a couple times a year and never with kids or the weekend.
Ok well I am dumb… but what is NPS? please let me know I would love to go and see.
I've heard of this store, but never been. Maybe I'll have to check it out. Then again, even the old DI stores give me the creeps- so maybe it wouldn't be good for me. Great score!
Around our house we call that place "'Nother Piece o' $#it" I don't really know what the real acronym means.
I would like to know if the workers really know what all those rusted/greasy things even are?
I just read this post to Brett, and we were both laughing our heads off. His mom *loves* NPS. She spends most of her free time there. We have been the recipients of more than our fair share of NPS crap. But, I'm glad you found a great deal!
Never heard of NPS. Gonna check to see if they have one here in Atlanta. But isn't it awesome how things do a complete 90% turn on you? I remember in my younger days (back in the 80's – yeah, I'm old), I was a legal secretary and got fired. I was devastated!!! And embarrassed. I got fired on a Thursday, made an appointment with an employment agency for the next Monday, went on an interview Monday afternoon and got hired. Making $300 more each month! Talk about a shock! I had been so embarrassed and so devastated on Thursday, and less than 5 days later, I had a new job making $300 more each month. I know, I know…you're wondering what that has to do with your shopping expedition. Your 90% turn of events made me think of that experience that happened so many, many years ago. Okay, enough of that — I have to go so see if we have an NPS here. congratulations on scoring the PB shelving unit.
My brother and my dad both love NPS. They actually find great deals there all the time, but they say it takes a lot of patience. I've always wanted to check it out. I'll have to next time I'm in SL. Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll have another one of those!
Chris loves NPS too. One time, he came home with like 15 white bath towels. I told him white wasn't my color of choice, but they were a buck. So I couldn't complain too much.
haha! i love love LOVE going to NPS LOL! I have found some killer deals there as well
But im interested in the 'industrial' one that people are talking about, guess ill have to check it out!
I love love love NPS!! I sit amazed that someone would dislike it!! I dare say mid week mid day is the best time!! One time I went tand there were bolts and blots of BEAUTIFUL Rachael Ashwell fabric for 2.99 a yard!! LOVE! I get loads of organic body and hair products there. Love the 33 cent organic tooth paste!! Lots of fun treat there too that I'd never pay full price for!! Go again! Go mid day…and go to the food section!!! If you still hate it…no worries all the more for me!!
I love love love NPS!! I sit amazed that someone would dislike it!! I dare say mid week mid day is the best time!! One time I went tand there were bolts and blots of BEAUTIFUL Rachael Ashwell fabric for 2.99 a yard!! LOVE! I get loads of organic body and hair products there. Love the 33 cent organic tooth paste!! Lots of fun treat there too that I'd never pay full price for!! Go again! Go mid day…and go to the food section!!! If you still hate it…no worries all the more for me!!
awesome deal! love this!
I don't think we can be friends anymore. Firstly, because you HAVE a sewing room and now you're flaunting awesomely amazing deals that I can not capitalize on.
I had a NPS moment in September with my mom. She was totally disgusted and I was laughing too hard trying to decide if the place was full of hobos or regulars in disguise. We found nothing decent or good. Maybe it's one of those "come all the time" until you find a winner. Glad you found a winner, winner, … chicken dinner!
HAHA I forgot this place existed. My mom's friend introduced our family to this store about 10 years ago. She referenced it as "the five hour store" because it takes you about that long to go through everything. I've been there a time or two. It does seem like a huge DI! But SCORE on the PB shelf! Makes me want to check it out again. i haven't been for about 5 years!
Ahh… NPS. Good good times! LOL- my cousin calls it the "used food store".
But seriously- last time I went they had Costco romaine packages for something insane like $1.
We love it, but 10 years ago it was easier to fine better deals, so now going there isn't as frequent an occurrence.
I am intrigued by this fabric dealing though…
I think I will have to go with my mom next week.