Finally Friday

Thanks for all the sock suggestions! I’m glad to know that there are others who share my “issue”. And some of you are way, way way more organized than I will ever be. I watched some American Idol and tackled the sock baskets last night. I’m free!

We’ve got a big bunch of crazy this weekend, so most everything crafty is on hold. I’m so whacked out that I even hired a housekeeping service. And look what they did to my toilet paper!

(crappy cell phone pic)

My partner Lindy made it through the decoupage round of CWTS. Her project was this phenomenal chest.

She hand painted the branches and decoupaged the birds. Her project for this week’s baby theme sounds insanely awesome and ambitious as well! I’ll remind you when you can go vote.

And, there’s still time to go enter Knock It Off over at 733.

There’s also time to send me cookies to influence the judges’ decisions. Winking smile

Hope your weekend is fabulous!

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  1. Maddie Kertay says:

    I am SO going to do this whenever I go to someones home.. .. right before I leave I will excuse myself to the loo and manhandle their Tp into Various overblown displays! If feeling even more frisky I will also fold their kitchen napkins into fabric birds just like my favoirte Asian resturant!

  2. That chest is really well done!

  3. 1 Funky Woman says:

    She did a great job but I have to say I am so with Maddie on doing some wacky swan on someone's tp. Love it! No offense but I don't like people touching my tushy paper!


  4. Mommy Minded says:

    Um, I am loving the TP display! lol

  5. Love the TP. My housekeepers make swans and such with my hand towels. So fun!

  6. Victoria at Party Puff says:

    I just get a little flippy fold on my tp, but my kleenex boxes sprout a similar do!

  7. Marianne, aka Ranger Anna says:

    Housekeeper. . . . sigh. . . oh be still my heart…

  8. John'aLee says:

    What a fun blog you have! Love it!

  9. Mrs Bishop says:

    I have an award for you!

  10. Audrey Ayers says:

    My kids make things out of toilet paper too…lol. :)

  11. Flipfloppingmamma says:

    OMG! I was cracking up at the TP display. LOL!!

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