You might spend too much time blogging if…

Your latest plan for your living room color coordinates with your blog header.


I’m thinking about making one of these pillows, just for comedic effect.

Image from

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  1. Jessie K says:

    Make two; one with the blogger symbol, too! ;D

  2. I love the pillow! You should definitely do it :-)


  3. Hilarious! I'm with Jessie K above!

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree

  4. Oh, that is so funny! I agree with Jessie K, make the blogger symbol, too!

  5. Amy at Ameroonie Designs says:

    Love it!! You could do all the social media buttons along your sofa. Great conversation starter. (too bad you couldn't get the pillows to link to your blog. ;) )

  6. I have considered redoing my office to match my blog. Does that mean I blog too much??? Probably :)

  7. I think the pillow would be a great addition!

  8. Thanks for the best laugh I had all day!

  9. haha! I'm loving the pillow, I think it would add depth and dimension to anything to put it with! hehehe.


  10. Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. says:

    Ikea rug? I was thinking about bringing that one home yesterday…

  11. V. Furnas says:

    Do it that is hilarious!

  12. Rebecca@This Present Life says:

    That's hilarious!

  13. PinkGranny says:

    Cute pillow idea…and the one with the blogger logo too…if I make one or two they will be cute on the daybed in the sewing room!

  14. I love it! I think I know what I am making for my mother for mother's day. Too bad my father will hate them.

  15. Rug = Love

  16. great (cheap) coffee table idea… I may copy it! :-)

  17. I think I just fell in love with you. :)

  18. Heather at Happy Chippy Junk says:

    Love the cofee table!!

  19. Heather at Happy Chippy Junk says:

    Love the cofee table!!

  20. If your coffee table was a tad taller it would be my Bathtub :) – No joke!

  21. Love the rug. And the coffee table. ;)

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