$50 to Target courtesy of GroopDealz Winner!

The winner of the $50 gift certificate to Target provided by GroopDealz is…


#237, aka Connie!

Connie, shoot me an email to [email protected] to claim your prize!

I’ll be back with another fun giveaway this afternoon.  In the mean time, enjoy this picture of me and Tam from Sew Dang Cute at the Our Best Bites cookbook signing this weekend:



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  1. Just Jaime says:

    Congrats to Connie!

    Char, you are so lucky to have gone to the book signing. I wish I could have, I love Our Best Bites!

  2. Connie Babe says:

    oh…for a moment there i thought it was me…but..no…it's the connie in michigan…


  3. I am so excited about winning the Target gift card! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  4. you're all so glowy. are you pg? ha ha ha! no, really, you look beautiful

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