Man, that was fun!
Why do I always forget to take pictures? I get too caught up in enjoying myself and the camera never comes out.
I’ve borrowed a few, though, so you won’t get too bored.
First up, HUGE thanks to the 2 ladies that spoke with me about blogging authentically and letting your personality show on your blog:
Shelley from House of Smiths and Stephanie from The Daily Blarg
(Photo courtesy of Amy @ The Idea Room)
I’ve had a couple people ask what I thought the most important thing I said was. So, I’m going to go with the things I saw being passed along on Twitter.
My new motto: “You will never regret behaving appropriately.”
When asked about how I deal with competition: “There is no competition to be me, and that’s what I’m doing.”
And “Don’t compare your worst to someone else’s best.”
Deep, right? You thought all I did was stick my finger up my nose. Ha!
I also need to throw out a public thanks to the AZ GNO ladies, Steph, Kristyn, and Kendra, for a FABULOUS time.
(photo courtesy of Jamie Lynn Photography)
back row: Jen from Tatertots & Jell-O, Lara from Less Cake, More Frosting, Tauni from It’s a Tradition and co-founder of Creative Estates
middle row: Some dork, Becca from Blue Cricket Design, Amy from The Idea Room, Shelley from House of Smith’s
bottom row: Kristyn from Lil’ Luna, Steph from Somewhat Simple, and Kendra from My Insanity
And you girls that were at my table that night that I really should have taken a picture of? HILARIOUS. I’m making a Chanel bag right now.
Um, what else?
(photo courtesy of Mom Endeavors, do you like how no one knows where we’re supposed to be looking?)
Oh yeah. The girls of room 333: Michelle from A Little Tipsy and Lara from Less Cake More Frosting. I adore you both. Thanks for the late night hilarity.
Here’s where I want to make a long, long list of all the other fabulous women I met, but I know I’ll miss someone. If you’ve posted about Creative Estates, leave me a comment with a link so I can come check it out, will ya?
I’m looking forward to next year (in SLC, woo!) already.
I loved all your "deep" quotes! They were some of my favorite. And if you read all the other CE posts from other you will see I am not alone
I so want to be you when I grow up! (Which makes me wonder if I am older than you…hmmmmm)
"There is no competition to be me."
You're are sort of awesome!
so so happy I met you and got to hang out enough to get to know you! my life wouldn't be the same without some CRAP in it!
loved your inspiration from your session too and the laughter that we could hear rolling down the hallway!
You were one of my favorite people this weekend, and that's saying something… cuz there were lots of lovelies. You are too much fun, and my sides are still stitched from laughing Sat. night. Kisses!
I'm so glad I got to meet you. The panel discussion was amazing. I don't remember when I've laughed so hard and also learned a lot at the same time. I can't wait for next year. I had such a great time. You rock! Oh, my husband loves your blog name.
Can it be!?!? You are saying Creative Estates will be in SLC??? I hope so because my heart will be SO happy! I was so close to going this year but then my hubby got cold feet and was nervous for me to go by myself. But I'm a SLC'er so I could go NEXT year!! Sweet!
Char!! I loved meeting you this weekend – I wish we could have talked more!
You had my favorite quotes of the weekend – I got so much out of your panel!
I posted about the weekend here:
I thought it looked like a ton of fun…and I'm so sad I missed out! I can't wait for next year!
You remind me alot of myself…I'm really crazy funny, loud, kind and fun! Of coarse I don't have a clue how to write like that..LOL
I try my hand at funny on FB and while the people that know me get it…. most of the others don't…I'm way too scared to try it on my blog…..I NEVER take myself too serious
I just have fun….
I love Char! What a fun weekend!
It was great to meet you! You're full of awesomeness & totally crack me up! So fun that you used one of my pictures!
All of your quotes were my favorite for the conference. Thanks again for picking my number!!
My name is Lara….and I am a C+. And I love me some CRAP! I think my husband thinks that I want to marry you. And in a way, he might be not wrong.
I heart you BIG TIME! And you did an amazing job on your panel. It was fun and still informative. Out of 10….I love you a 6.
Char~ Maybe we should all make matching bags for the next girls night out!
i am DYING about that chanel bag joke, bah ha hah!! WHY didn't we get a table pic?! we had the FUNNIEST table, hands down!!
SO fun meeting you…c estates in slc is on for next year, good thing my in-laws live there! (:
Who is that creepy bug eyed lady in your room shot? Classic picture of freak faced me. Thanks for letting me bunk with you guys. The laughing actually counter acted all the mini eggs we ate. Loved your panel. You are wise beneath your years.
UGH, Utah??? How am I supposed to get up there?! Boohoo!
Classic Char. You do know that your quote about competition was the most tweeted sentence at the entire conference, right? Wisdom. Sheer wisdom.
I knew I liked you.
just posted about our fun: not the most exciting post but here it is anyway (:
It was the best panel of crap ever. I had a blast finally meeting you and listening to your pearls of wisdom.