Happy Easter


I hope it was fabulous, however you chose to celebrate.

(And no I didn’t have another kid, I just borrowed one to dress in matchy clothes.)

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  1. Twins Squared says:

    So cute! Happy Easter!

  2. The Miller Five says:

    How cute! Happy Easter!

  3. Super Cute Pics!!!
    Happy Easter!

  4. so cute! love the outfits :)

  5. Melanie@Crafty Cupboard says:

    Fun colors :) My girls ended up staying home with fevers and runs today. Go figure, right? Where'd you get those argyle sweaters? I love em.

  6. Happy Easter to y'all too!! She's a little cutie, I would of borrowed her too! :)

  7. Carla Hegeman Crim says:

    Beautiful kids!

  8. Oh, they are so cute!

  9. Mique (as in Mickey) says:

    I love that you made your niece match. Ha! They all look stinkin' cute. xo

  10. Very cute!

  11. Laura @ ON{thelaundry}LINE says:

    "i just borrowed one to dress in matchy clothes" LOL!!! I totally used to do that with my niece. She's the oldest of (now five then) four boys and until my second girl came along I used to buy matchy stuff for my daughter and niece.

  12. CUTE! And I think you should keep her! ;D

  13. Love matchy-matchy!! Very nice.

  14. I am in love with those sweet precious faces!

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