Nursery Window Treatments, Part 1

If you’re a professional drapery sew-er, you probably shouldn’t read this post.

Neighbor Jami presented me with a sketch of what she had in mind for her nursery window treatment.  (The valance will be in another post, which will also show the complete window treatment installation.  For now, you get my lovely helpers holding things up.)


The main panel is the measurement of the window, plus the depth of the board we’ll be mounting it to at the top.  I didn’t include seam allowances because I was adding ruffles to the edges to make up the difference.  If you’re not adding ruffles, add seam allowances.  I was working with a wide (60”) window and typical cotton fabric (45”), so I needed to seam the fabric.

I added strips of a contrasting fabric for a little visual interest.


I ruffled strips for the edges (3” strips pressed in half) using my ruffler foot and then basted them along the edges.

The back is a piece of a cheap-o white sheet cut the same size as the main panel.  I sandwiched the pieces together, right sides facing, and sewed both sides, leaving the top and bottom open.

Next I turned it right side out and marked where the contrasting stripes were on the back of the curtain.  I made a small button hole towards the bottom (about 2” up) on the backing fabric in the middle of where the stripes lined up.

Turn it back inside out and sew the bottom seam closed.

Turn it right side out and press.

Next I sewed along both sides of the contrasting stripes to form 2 casings.

Then I got a couple of these:


I think they’re called cord stops or toggles or something.  You can find them in the notions section of the fabric store.

I threaded a piece of cotton cording (with a knot at the end) through them and then through the buttonholes on the curtain backing and up through the casings.


I pulled it taught-ish (i.e. not so tight it puckers) and then stitched the cording down so it wouldn’t move along the top edge of the curtain.

Why?  So Jami can do this to let some more light in during the day:


(I swear to you it’s cuter with the valance, this post would have just been so long I’d have gotten kicked out of blogging if I’d put it all together.)

Stay tuned for the valance and the installation!
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  1. I love the cord toggles – I have made roman shades, but sometimes all that cording makes me nervous. Choking and such. Plus it keeps it all hidden on the back side. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife says:

    Cute!!! Can't wait for more pics.

  3. crystal b. says:

    super clever to use toggles to keep the cord gathered to the size you want it. I usually had sew those little brass rings, and pull the cords through that, and then tack it into place. You way is much easier!!

    Thanks for sharing a great tip.

  4. carlisle clan conversation... says:

    I love these curtains and the color combo! Great job Char and CUTE helpers!

  5. That is darling! I love different window treatments. I ended up making a huge panel for my daughter's bedroom and i just pull it to the side each morning and close it up for naptime. Much easier than pulling 2 panels together to block out the sun. I can't wait to see your finished product!!

  6. mom24boys says:

    I love this. I am sharing it on my blog. I will be waiting for the finished photos. I think I will do them for my kitchen.

  7. The curtains are so cute…and those black toggley things…BRILLIANT!

  8. This nursery just get's cuter and cuter with everything you guys add to it! I think I have nursery envy and I don't even have a girl! Hope that when it comes time to get my little guy set up in his nursery I can come up with something half as cute! Love the curtain!

  9. perfect timing for this post. i am making a similarly shaped curtain for my daughter's room and wasn't sure how to do the strings to raise and lower it. the toggles are perfect!!!

  10. heather {WhipperBerry} says:

    fabulous my dear!


  11. Kristina says:

    Oh my gosh, this is perfect! My husband and I have had a sheet of blackout material tacked over our AZ bedroom window with PUSH PINS for almost a year now! We decided to finally invest in curtains, but a rod that sticks out a few inches from the wall will hold the blackout material too far from the window and let in too much light and heat. I was thinking Roman shade, but now I can do this and it will be way easier! (Sorry, I know that was wordy. :)) Thanks so much for a GREAT idea!

  12. I can't wait to see them hanging in my window! Wow, I am a lucky girl to have you as a pal! Thanks again for making my nursery so cute! You are wonderful and amazing!

  13. lori mulhern says:

    Oh please can you tell me who makes the yellow main fabric? I love your combination and NEED to have it!! Great job…you just inspired a living room and dining room re-do in my house. My hubs isn't so happy, but I will be :)
    [email protected]

  14. Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous says:

    Way to go Char! Looks great! Big Thumbs up :)
    happy crafting!

  15. kiki comin says:

    char, i love it. and love that you are showing it just like that. I can't wait to see it up! you are amazing.:)

  16. I stummbled across your creations and I love, love, love them! Do you sell or make any of these items for us less talented/creative people?

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