

This guy turned 3 yesterday.

We went to TWO train museums to celebrate.


Pretty sure it was the best day of his life.

I don’t think it was the best day of this guy’s life, though:


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  1. erinantonelli says:

    Happy belated birthday Bennett! Are you planning to have more children?

  2. Marianne, aka Ranger Anna says:

    My youngest is 18, and he'll still do anything to go to see trains of any size! Sweet.

  3. Michell @ Girl In Air says:

    So SWEET!!!

  4. where oh where are these museums? i want to go to there!

  5. Bennett, I just want to squeeeeeze you! Char, you make the cutest kids. :)

  6. Happy Birthday Bennett!

  7. Happy Birthday Bennett!

  8. {april kennedy} says:

    Since you have crap in your blog name I'm pretty sure it will be ok for me to say this….'that is the most freakin' adorable little boy'! Happy 3rd little guy.

    My baby will be 9 in a couple of months. I WANT him three again.

  9. haha so cute! my littlest is a train aficionado as well. awesomeness

  10. He is too cute! Happy Birthday to your little man :)

  11. Twins Squared says:

    Sooooo Cute! Happy Birthday!

  12. What a handsome little man! How time flies!

  13. kierste @ brown paper packages says:

    Happy Birthday Bennett!!

  14. He is so cute! I just love little guys!

  15. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    Ooh! That last picture is not such a cheerful one….

    Happy birthday, cute boy! My sister lives next to a train museum in Farmington. I've never been there, but think the miniture train ride is adorable.

  16. June Houck says:

    He is so precious! What an awesome birthday :)

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