You’re ALL winners

(OK, only 2 of you are actual winners)

The winner of the $50 gift certificate to The Ribbon Retreat is…


#169, aka Cherie, who said:

I would spend my 50 on the flowers and ribbon. everything is great.

And, the winner of the Kelly Moore Bag is…


#652, aka Connie/The Colvards, who said:

I follow on Facebook.

Remember, you can still get $15 0ff any bag using code “CRAP”.

And, I still haven’t heard from the Shabby Apple winner, so if you’re name is Annie, you should probably check out this post.

Shoot me an email to [email protected] to claim your prize!

Thanks for playing along and HUGE thanks to Kelly Moore and The Ribbon Retreat for the awesome giveaways whilst I was off speaking at Creative Estates!

I’ll be back with something I actually made tomorrow.

Open-mouthed smile


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  1. Dang it! ;)

  2. Housewife In Training says:

    Check out my blog, you've been awarded!

    Patty from Housewife In Training

  3. Michell @Girl in Air says:

    I have no idea why I stop by to see if I won and I didn't even enter!! It could happen right??

    Congrats to the winners!

  4. Sims Family says:

    Hey Char! Since Annie hasn't responded you can just give me the dress. lol (Not like I didn't win enough at Creative Estates!) :)


  5. Annie @ Crafty Mommy says:

    What — Annie who???

  6. Oh my goodness… how did I miss this! I would have loved this.

  7. Darn! I'm the wrong Annie! LOL ;-)

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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