
Happy birthday to my sweet, sassy, brilliant, beautiful, hilarious Macy.


What would I do without you?

Probably lose my mind, that’s what.

(Bennett ran to find her at a school assembly)


(She’s the unofficial family/blog photographer.  I think she “gets” shooting in manual more than I do.)

God knew I needed you, even if I didn’t think I was ready to be a mom yet.

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  1. Man, that last line made me tear up so hard.
    Happy birthday, Macy!

  2. Happy birthday, Macy! Char…I had not realized you are blessed to have so many brilliant, interesting, funny Geminis around you! :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Macy!

  4. She’s an adorable mini you!!
    Happy Birthday to Macy, even though she has no idea who the heck I am!

  5. Macy really IS the best. I need one of her around here! Happy Birthday, Macy!

  6. Today is mydaughters bithday too! Happy day to ur family

  7. Happy birthday for your beautiful girl!

  8. Wow, she looks just like you! Have fun celebrating her birthday!

  9. Aww…that last line was so sweet. Happy Birthday Macy!

  10. What a nice tribute to your daughter. Sounds like you’ve got a good one! Have fun celebrating!

  11. My eldest turned eleven yesterday! I can hardly believe it! We celebrated by going to the Biltmore House in North Carolina. It was wonderful, and quiete the grown up choice for a b-day celebration:)! Happy birthday to yours!

  12. Oh, she is such a beautiful young lady!! Happy Birthday!!!

  13. Can you send her to Tx to teach me a few things. I’d also like to borrow a girl for a bit to hang out in my studio with and giggle! She seems like the perfect fit!

  14. Lovin’ that last line…I can identify. Happy birthday to Macy! :)

  15. Yay for eleven! Ps-my 18 mo is named macy. :)

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