So, What Else Can This Thing Do?

In honor of today’s release of the Possibilities series from Lifestyle Crafts, I decided to test the limits of my Epic 6 and see what the “possibilities” with it really are.  You know I love the letterpress capabilities, but what else can I use this thing for?

First up, can it cut vinyl?

I used one of the nesting frames dyes and a piece of regular old black vinyl, face down.


It cut like a dream.  I added it to this dollar store soap dispenser


and then used a chalkboard marker to label it.

(Just call me captain obvious!)

Challenge #2, can it cut fabric?

I applied a fusible web to the backs of my fabrics first.

(I peeled off the paper before cutting.)

I cut 2 shapes using the nesting flowers set and then decided it needed a little something else.  I used one of the nesting stars and only cut part of it.


Then I trimmed off the sides.


Put it all together with a dollar store dish towel and here’s what I came up with:


Cute, right?


To celebrate the release of the new dies in preparation for CHA this week, you can get 20% off the new Possibilities line (or anything else) at Lifestyle Crafts using code “CRAP”.

***Lifestyle Crafts provided me with my Epic Combo and the dies.***

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  1. What cute projects! They would make a great “back to school” gift for a teacher.

    Ruthie :)

  2. …using code CRAP….hahahahahahahaha! That cracked me up! Cool too!

  3. Destiny says:

    I have a die cut machine and I feel like I never use it to its fullest advantage. Thank you for this idea and I hope to see more!

  4. Super cute! But I know have a few questions for you. How does this compare with a silhouette in cutting vinyl and fabric? There are so many neat tools out there that do basicaly the same job but each has a different advantage it seems. And before one invests that much money it would be nice to know which one is the best. So for someone who isn’t a big paper crafter, but does some, but more so would like to cut fabric and vinyl what in the world would you suggest?

  5. I prefer to call you Katherine Obvious.

  6. Dear Char.

    Can we please schedule a date? I would like to bring all of the craft machines currently stored in boxes over to your house so that you can teach me how to use them.

    The end.



  1. [...] 5. She’s talented and so smart (she knows math – ha).Check out her great ideas—- Chalkboard Soap Dispenser Project Have you seen Char’s Green Shutters?? I may come and steal them out of her house one of [...]

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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