Back to School 2011-12




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  1. So cute! Loving Macy’s red Toms!!

  2. Love the Red Toms!!! My 6th grader HAD to have them too!!

  3. How do they not look more sleepy? I always looked so groggy in my first day of school pictures. Good luck to them (and you!) in the new school year!

  4. Dude. Macy’s tall.

    Love the pics. Keller’s smile always gets me.

  5. wow. so cute and they look genuinely excited for school. great pics!

  6. Adorable! Amazing how fast they grow up isn’t it?

  7. Cute kids, Char! You can’t have a 6th grader, though. That’s impossible!

  8. totally cute pics… they look very happy to pose!! School Rocks!!

  9. I love the garage door as a backdrop! I am sad to say that we were so rushed on the first day of school, that I didn’t get my standard “smile for the pic” shots. I got them walking to school though….a little action;)

  10. Adorable kids! Mine are the same age. Your daughter has beautiful hair!!

  11. Great pcs

  12. These pics are rgeat Char!!!

  13. er, great ;)

  14. Please tell me how you got the grade on the picture! Super cute!


  1. [...] Garage Door Showoff: I so wish we had a garage door to recreate this photo. I love the negative space to use for the lettering but also it would show off how much your child has grown over the years.  {Via Crap I’ve Made} [...]

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