You guys remember Pick Your Plum, right?
I introduced them as a sponsor a few months back?
If that’s still not ringing a bell, here’s the lowdown…
Pick Your Plum offers a different crafting supply type deal (at an INSANE price) every morning at 7:00 MST. I’m a little bit addicted, and most days I’m not even awake before they’re sold out (my PayPal balance is thankful). Let’s discuss a few of the things I’ve personally purchased: outdoor vinyl ($1 per sheet), heat transfer material (50% off), and most recently personalized name stamps for the kiddos ($6.50 each…and when you name your kids weird crap like I do, you know how expensive custom personalization can be).
(I heard a rumor that today’s deal is related to this picture ^)
I’m still kind of mad I missed the day they had jumbo ric rac. I LOVE ric rac. If these have already been featured, I’m mad about that, too:
And do you have any idea how hard these cupcake pop things are to find?
Not on Pick Your Plum, baby.
So, why am I talking about Pick Your Plum again?
Because they have a $75 crafting supply kit (full of ribbon, Mod Podge, paint brushes, wrought iron, ric rac, buttons…all sorts of goodies for a crafting goddess) for one lucky Crap I’ve Made reader, that’s why.
Awesome right?
TO ENTER (leave a separate comment ON THIS POST for each entry):
Like Pick Your Plum on Facebook
Sign up to receive the Pick Your Plum Email
Confess what you’ve already caved and bought from Pick Your Plum
***GIveaway closes Sunday night at 10 pm MST***
I signed up to receive the email-I can’t believe I didn’t know about this sooner!
I like them on FB!
And I’m actually buying the ribbon that’s on sale today! That much ribbon for only $4?? How could you pass that up?
I bought the stamp, I LOVE it! And I caught the vinyl deal. I LOVE the deals they have! I didn’t make the ric-rac one, which I am ALSO miffed about! I LOVE them.
…I also already get the email.
I get the Pick Your Plum e-mails
already like them on FB
Receive their email every morning
Facebook friended them !
I liked on FB!
I receive their emails!
I love my Pick Your Plum emails! (my checkbook however, does not!)
I wait (im)patiently every morning for their email …
I liked Pick Your Plum on fb — But I wish I could LOVE them!
…and I have “gotten it before my neighbor” several times. I love their great bargains and low shipping!
I have bought so many things already… but just yesterday I bought 27y of elastic for $10… with shipping! TWENTY SEVEN YARDS! WOOOO HOOOOO!
My favorite thing that I’ve “picked” are the address stamps. Had to pull over on the side of the highway and complete my order on my iPhone but there was NO WAY I was missing that plum!
I already like them on FB.
I already get their daily email.
I haven’t bought anything yet, because their things always go so fast! I’m too slow!
I like them on facebook!
I “like” them on facebook.
I also signed up to receive their e-mails!
I already receive the daily deal in my inbox!
I have bought the personalized stamp, hair clips, and wrought iron stars. I love this site!
I like them on fbook! I also stalk the daily deal!
I LIKE them on facebook! Can’t wait to check them out more!
LIked on Facebook
I get their emails!
I could not pass up getting the address circle stamp!!
I like Pick Your Plum on FB.
I get the emails too!
I can’t believe I didn’t know about this! I signed up!
I’ve bought lots of stuff already but my fav item was the elastic in a whole array of colors.
I like them on FB.
I’ve already signed up to get their emails!
I bought a bunch of elastic and some hair pins from them already… can’t wait to see what else they come up with!
Liked them on FB.
I recieve their emails!
I like Pick Your Plum on facebook
I like them on FB
Like them, receive the e-mails and ordered the personalized stamps for my kiddos and sister, I also ordered a “whatever” stamp just for fun. Totally bummed to have missed the address stamps, but I think they have been hinting that it might come around again! I will be on the look out!
I recently bought the earring kits, colored 5/8ths elastic BUT my order for the personalized stamps didn’t go through because of somethign wrong with the website!! next time, NEXT TIME!!!
I signed up for pick your plum emails
I liked them on fb!
I have purchased so many items from Pick Your Plum…. I just love it!!
I liked them on facebook!
Ive actually bought from them before, it was a set of metal rings with flowers that need to be attached. So cute! Love them.
I already get the emails
I receive the emails! (look forward to it every morning!)
liked them on FB
I get their emails
I bought the “No Soliciting” vinyl, which I think is what was featured when you first told us about it?? And some ric rac and probably something else I’m forgetting.
I signed up to receive their emails
Oh I’ve never heard of them before!!! I’ve signed up for their emails!!
I liked Pick Your Plum on Facebook (Andi Bauer Trautman)
I already get the e-mails.
I’ve bought something almost everyday this week. These fun craft items will be used as Christmas gifts for my crafty granddaughters. =D
I signed up for the emails!
And I liked them on facebook!
I also have liked them on facebook and get the emails. Might as way say so. =D
I like them on FB!
I love pick your plum! I have purchased some cute flower hair clips and some vinyl.
I receive the pick your plum e-mails.
I get their emails.
I’ve already purchased some of their vintage hair clips and yards and yards of ribbon. They just feed my addicton!
I like PYP on facebook
Pick Your Plum rules!! I’m a big fan. I have purchased the ric rac, some tags, and two stamps!!
I get the PYP emails
I’ve bought fold over elastic, buttons & vinyl for my Silhouette. I have to stop myself regularly from buying the daily deal!!
Liked on Facebook
Awesome giveaway!! I like Pick Your Plum on facebook.
I receive the Pick Your Plum emails.
Signed up for emails
I am an email subscriber, thanks for sharing!
Caved and bought the ribbon. How pretty is that? Going to be some cute headbands for my girls.
I totally caved and bought the vintage hairpins. My daughter loves hair pins and anything crafty. This is going to be a perfect craft for her that she can actually use!
And a new Facebook Fan!
I Love “Pick Your Plum!” it’s the first thing I look at to make sure I won’t miss a great deal! I became a follower since you mentioned it before!!
I have liked on facebook and I receive their email newsletters… Thanks for this opportunity!!
I have bought the push up popsicle thingo, okay three of them, and I totally missed out on the custom stamps, but the next time those come around, my Christmas list will get those for sure!
I am signed up for the newsletter.
I liked Pick your Plum on Facebook.
I’ve liked them on Facebook
I signed up for the email
I like Pick Your Plum on fb
I already like them on Facebook.
I signed up for their email.
And I signed up to recieve their e-mails
I also already get their emails.
I just bought some little flower earrings from their site the other day
I like them on Facebook!!
I already subscribe to their email daily!
Ohhhhh I want to win!!! I recently purchased the kids name stamps. Can’t wait to get them!
I like Pick Your Plum on FB!
I already get their emails!
Oh..My..Gawd…This could get addictive very quickly. I just signed up for their emails
Oohh and I just “liked” them on facebook too.
I bought some vinyl sheets a while back, and some stamps with my kids’ name on it!! (Oh, and the stamps with the name and address HAVE already been featured…. I was too late that day and I was super mad
I’m signed up for their emails.
I can’t remember what I’ve gotten from them. I think it was them I got the squeegies from and dry erase vinyl decals.
I like Pick Your Plumb on Facebook!!
i love surprises…and everything is so inexpensive! This is a great giveaway.
I get their emails too!
I receive Pick Your Plum e-mails.
I liked Pick Your Plum on Facebook. (I really want to win this one!)
I liked them on Facebook.
I signed up for the email! I wish I had known about this site much sooner, I love a great deal!
I like pick your plum on FB
I subscrible to pick you plum email
the vinyl is AWESOME for the cricut!
I “liked” them on facebook back when they first became one of your sponsors…and I also already get the e-mail. A few of my purchases…..I also got the $1 vinyl sheets….I got the name and address stamps…it came in the mail just last week and it is adorable!! I missed out on the jello-shot thingies and was SO disappointed! I would LOVE to win the craft supply kit!! My kids go back to school on Monday and I am looking forward to getting crafty without interruption!!
I signed up for the e-mail when you first mentioned them–love it!
I get the email, I signed up the first time you mentioned them
I love all the different kinds of materials they offer – I haven’t pounced yet, but I’m sure I will.
I liked them on Facebook. How cute is that banner?!
Would have TOTALLY bought those cupcake/pop thingies! How did I miss that?
I receive the Pick Your Plum email and would love to win!!!
I am signed up to receive emails.
What a fun site! The project potential is incredible!
I bought hair clips that you glue the colored flowers on. I also bought a variety of colored elastic. I tried to buy the ribbon with the dispense box, but they were sold out really fast.
I “liked” them on Facebook
I already like them on Facebook!!
Liked them on FACEBOOK!
I get their emails!!
i like pick your plum on fb
christy y. m.
I have liked pick your plum on facebook for a while now.
I’m also on their mailing list, but to be honest, every time I’ve really wanted something from them, they’ve been sold out. But they do have some of the cutest supplies!
I also already receive the emails. And have bought tons of ribbon and colored elastic:)
I already get the emails!
I also like them on FB!
I signed up for their email. This could be dangerous.
I just bought the ribbon deal…..this is definitely dangerous!
I’m signed up for their emails!
I LOVE Pick Your Plum! I signed up for their newsletter in their first week of business…and I look forward to getting it everyday! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I liked Pick Your Plum on Facebook the minute I heard about them a few months back. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
I bought some wrought iron stars from them. Super bummed when I missed the antique keys.
I already like Pick Your Plum on facebook!
I get their e-mails!
So far, I’ve only bought one of their grosgrain ribbon packs…crafting time has been hard to find recently.
But crafting supplies are always awesome!!
I signed up for the emails a couple weeks ago. They are awesome.
i like pick your plum on facebook!
i receive pick your plum emails!
I like Pick Your Plum on facebook!
i haven’t been able to buy any of the things i really wanted yet because they’re always gone before im even up! and I dont sleep in that late! lol
Also because shipping to canada can get expensive sometimes…but i am moving to the US in a couple weeks and will be picking all the plums i want then!
Signed up for their email/newsletter
I “like”d them on fb!
i’ve bought more than my fair share of ribbon! love this site!
already subscribed to their e-mail- one of my first things to check each morning!
Liked them on facebook…wish i could love them instead! But liking will do =]
I always read their email first thing in the morning.
After reading this giveaway i checked out their site and i have already caved for some of their adorable ribbons. =]
I like Pick Your Plum on Facebook.
I receive the PYP email.
I haven’t splurged yet. I get on there too late I think because things are usually sold out. I guess I need to check it earlier!
I have signed up for their emails…and i am so looking foreward to them =]
I receive their emails.
I like them on Facebook.
I have purchased vinyl from them for a dollar! I love Pick Your Plum!
I am already signed up for their newsletter
I am a fan on facebook too
I have already purchased ribbon, vinyl and elastic
They are addicting!!
I like them on FB
I already signed up to receive their emails
Oh, and I haven’t bought anything yet… but I do love ribbon and ric rac!!!
Just liked them on Facebook!
Signed up for the email list!
I’m a fan of on facebook. =]
Thanks for the chance to win! searchingoutsimple at comcast dot net
I fb like PYP!
I am signed up with pick your plum’s e-mail. =]
Thanks for the chance to win! searchingoutsimple at comcast dot net
and I get the emails!
I have purchased vinyl from and missed out on a few other deals I wanted to get.
Thanks for the chance to win! searchingoutsimple at comcast dot net
I get their emails!
I liked them on facebook!
I like them on FB!
I get the emails!
My paypal balance is sad because I buy too much stuff…. and, most of the time, they send a piece of laffy taffy in the box! AWESOME!
Pick your Plum arrives in my email inbox all the time. I’ve not yet caved, but boy would I like to
I receive the pick your plum email
I like them on FB.
I receive their email.
I haven’t caved yet but those rose earrings a few days back were seriously calling my name!
I signed up to receive their emails. Thanks!
I liked Pick your plum on Facebook!
I signed up for the emails!
I liked Pick Your Plum on Facebook! Looking forward to getting some good deals
I haven’t bought anything from Pick Your Plum yet (because I have never heard of them), but boy, do they have some CUTE stuff!!!
I signed up to receive the Pick Your Plum emails!
Liked PYP on FB
I signed up for PYP emails!
i “like” pick your plum on facebook!
i have already purchased from them. got those cute personalized name stamps for each of my kiddos! wont they be happy when they find them in their stockings!!
Ooh I get their emails!
And – I’ve purchased 2 Plums! The Custom round name stamps, and some dry erase decals. I’m kicking myself for not getting some of the pushpops.
Oh, yes… I’ve purchased quite a bit from Pick Your Plum! That includes yesterday’s elastic and today’s ribbon… oh, and a personalized stamp from last week… and, well, I could go on and on… I LOVE Pick Your Plum!
I receive my daily e-mails from Pick Your Plum; I’m not sure what I’m going to do in two weeks when I’m back to teaching… I don’t think it would be professional of me to stop my class to check out the day’s deal… hmmmmmmm!
I “like” Pick Your Plum on Facebook. They’re so welcoming; feel free to comment on their wall, they’ll comment, or ‘like’, right back!
I am PYP FB fan
I get their emails
I have already bought from them, (more than once) LOL!
i receive their email every morning and i love checking to see what great deal they have each day
I get their emails, liked them and havent bought anything from them yet. The ribbon looks awesome though!
I love the address stamp! Couldn’t pass it up!
I liked them on facebook. I can’t wait until they start shipping to Hawaii!!!
I’m a LIKER on FB!
I love Pick Your Plum! I like them on facebook, too!
I am signed up to get the emails!
I bought the cupcake shooters. So fun!
Signed up for the email – thanks for sharing this company with me!
I like them on facebook
I’m on their email list
Haven’t had a chance to purchase anything yet, usually it’s sold out by the time I get a chance to check the site.
I like on Facebook
I signed up for their newsletter
I liked PYP on FB
I receive theirvemails and love them
I just liked PYP on facebook.
i like them on fb.
i receive their emails.
I have been signed up for their daily email for 3 months
just signed up for PYP emails.
I have an addiction to PYP also. I have already bought:
The monogram stamp, endless hair pins, antiqued paper clips, chalkboard vinyl, dry erase vinyl, huge clothes pins, swirly vinyl, ummm, I know there are dozens of others but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
I like them on facebook!
I look forward to their emails everyday!!
I haven’t purchased anything yet, usually they are sold out before I get to it, but I wish I could have bought a ton of things I’ve seen!!
I caved the first time you posted about them and have bought several more things from them all because of YOU!
I like them on facebook
Their emails are the first thing I look for when I open up my email account.
already signed up to receive emails. thanks for the chance to win.
gave in and got some vinyl words. love their deals. thanks for the chance to win
I just barely missed the name stamps a couple days ago. And I love that lucite cupcake shotglass thingy you’ve got posted above. I will be now adding Pick Your Plum to my daily addictions…
Signed up for the email updates!
And liked them on facebook!
Loved them, I mean Liked them on FB
This is my first time to the site, but I’m excited to see what else they have to offer! I’m sure I’ll be a big spender before long.
I liked them on Facebook
Signed up for their email too. Woot!
I like PYP on Facebook
I am signed up for their email
I haven’t caved yet, but I really wanted the antique keys! Unfortunately, I was a little too slow on that deal!
I like Pick Your Plum on FB!!!
I receive the Pick Your Plum e-mails.
Liked on Facebook
I haven’t bought anything from Pick Your Plum, but it is in my bookmarks and I always drool over what they have to offer. Sadly, most of the stuff I love is gone before I get the chance. Now that I’m not on the west coast and 3 hours behind, maybe I can beat the crowd!
The few times I was actually going to cave and buy something they were already sold out {I’m Pacific Time
} I was planning on getting the “Five Sets of Blooming Flower Earrings”, but boy those went fast!!
Wow, didn’t know about this website until now! Definitely liked on FB and signed up for their emails – yay! Can’t wait to score my first deal!
I get their emails!
I like PYP on fb
Like Pick Your Plum on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm
I’m signed up to receive the Pick Your Plum Email. Look forward to it every day!
I have bought several things, my favorite are the flower bobby pins. I would have bought more fun things but they tend to be sold out before I get up.
(I like to sleep in over the summer, maybe when school is back in i won’t miss so many)
I liked them on facebook!
signed up for their email!
I’ve made a few purchases….ric rak, bias tape?, and some chalkboard stuff. I REALLY wanted that stamp you pictured, but I was too slow
I haven’t bought anything from them because I didn’t know about them!
I like on FB
I haven’t bought anything from them yet. Emphasis on yet.
I’ve subscribed to their email.
I liked them on FB
I subscribed to their email
This is the first time i’ve heard of Pick Your Plum, but I’m excited to snag some great deals!
I like PYP on Facebook
I signed up for PYP’s email
I have been getting the emails for quite a while now!
I like them on facebook.
I have bought a few things from them (but can’t remember exactly which items came from their site). I really wanted the name stamps but had already spent too much money on other items and had to pass (very sad about that). Hopefully they will have vinyl again b/c I just got my silhouette in the mail and need some supplies!
I need to get one of those address stamps!
I have been a fan of PYP on FB for a while!
I get their emails also- but the stuff I want is usually sold out by the time I get up! =(
I bought some blank wood blocks- which I just used to make our Disney Vacation Countdown Blocks!
I liked them on FB!
I signed up for their emails.
I like them on FB
I receive their emails
I got the dry erase vinyl. LOOOOOVE it!
I’m on the PYP list!
I like PYP on FB!
I also got the iron-on vinyl, the name stamps (because my kids will never find their names on personalized stuff either!) and some bobby pin blanks! Sooo fun!
OMG! I just got the ribbon today. I missed the stamps and the cupcake pops too! I did get the clakboard viynl. I found them thanks to you , and get alerst every morning of new stuff. Thank you! Thank you! They shipped my orders in no time. What a great site:)
I signed up for their emails…I see myself getting highly addicted to this…maybe it will make me get out of bed earlier, too!
I recieve their daily emails.
I may or may not have already bought a TON of things from them
I like them on FB!
I receive the email news
I have bought chalkboard vinyl…lots of chalkboard vinyl!
I follow on FB!
I signed up for the emails! I love knowing what they have first!!
i liked them on FB and got a sweet printable banner for free! love them already : )
and i also signed up for emails – yay! thanks !
I LOVED Pick Your Plum on FB!!
I registered for the emails on the Pick Your Plum website!!
I caved….I already ordered the grosgrain ribbon for $4. Hopefully I’ll use it soon so I can’t’ be yelled at for buying more crap I don’t need. lol
I like Pick your Plum on Facebook!!
I signed up for the emailat Pick Your PLum. I also missed out on the giant Ric-Rack. I love ric-rack too, Lately I have been using it for gift ribbon.
I get emails from Pick you Plum!
I bought the chalkboard vinyl sheets from Pick Your Plum. I am using them to cover clipboards, so I can label each clipboard’s purpose. I’m hoping to corral all the school newsletters, info and reciepts from 3 diffferent school. I will post on my blog as soon as the organization is complete and beautiful.
I LIKE Pick Your PLum on Facebook. I also like the personalized address stamps!
I already like PYP on Facebook.
I receive PYP’s emails. LOVE!
I bought ribbon, but missed out on the iron handles (2x) and the ric rack. I guess I need to be a better morning person, darnit!
Thanks to you, I am already hopelessly addicted to Pick Your Plumb!
And I lalready like them on facebook
And I already get their e-mails! ;O)
Liked on facebook
i like pick your plum on facebook
i now also get the email
I “Like” PYP.
I get PYP emails.
I have purchased, more than once, from PYP!
I already like Pick Your Plum on Facebook!
I liked them on facebook a long time ago
I get an email every morning from Pick Your Plum!
I signed up for the email when the first started
I have purchased bias tape/binding, dry erase sheets, and chalk board sheets!!! I love the deals!!!
I liked Pick Your Plum in FB
I already receive PYP emails
Thank you so much for bringing this site to my attention. I didn’t know anything about them. I love the pictures of the stamps! Will be getting me some of them.
Sadly us Aussies can’t partake. But I love those cupcake thingies…
I liked them on FB!
I signed up for the email!
I already liked Pick your Plum.
I already recieve their email.
I am confessing that I have bought flower bobby pins and some metal stands from them.
Can’t wait to get the name stamps. I can never find things that spell McKenzie this way.
I liked Pick Your Plum on fb!
I signed up for their emails
The flower earrings came today and I ordered the ribbon. =D
Woohoo! Love this giveaway.
I liked their FB page a while ago.
I already receive their emails too!
Sometimes I’m late to the deals (West Coast) but I did manage to snag a few batches of rick rack a couple of weeks ago. Love that. Thanks Char!!
I have liked them on FB, receive their daily e-mails and have purchase flower hair pin kits and sot elastic to make headbands. They are cool!
I like them on FB
I like Pick your Plum on facebook
I get Pick your Plum emails
I’m on their email list!
Like you, most of the time I’m still asleep when they sell out of their deal, but I have gotten some polka-dot ribbon, some of the fold over elastic for hairbands, and the vinyl chalkboard paper.
I like pick your plum on fb
I like Pick Your Plum on Facebook
I like Pick Your Plum on FB
I signed up for their e-mail alerts
I’ve signed up for Pick Your Plum’s emails
I have yet to buy anything, but the ribbon is cooooool.
Confession? I’ve already bought some ribbon, some wood blanks for signs and some metal flowers.
I like Pick Your Plum on fb
I get Pick your Plum e-mails
I love their deals. I’ve bought ribbon, hair pins, the customized stamps, and so much more!
I signed up to receive their emails
I like them on facebook
I like PYP on FB
I already subscribe to PYP email.
I receive their emails
I have bought Metal boards, ribbon, and buttons from them
I like them on face book
I liked them on fb.
I signed up to receive emails!
I like them on facebook!
I’ve already signed up for their emails!
I like them on FB!
I liked them on facebook!
I already get their emails
I have bought some chalkboard vinyl and can’t wait to use it
I like them on Facebook!
You’d better believe I have already purchased the bias tape AND the name stamps!!! Woo hoo!
I liked them on Facebook. My husband and our bank account will not like that ;-).
I liked them on facebook! Yay!!!
I also signed up for the email, because I think there is still space in one drawer in my craft room to hoard more craft supplies…
I liked Pick Your Plum on Facebook–would have LOVEd them if it was an option
I signed up for Pick Your Plum’s daily emails. It’s so convenient that they will email you for the days you forget to go by & check out the deals!
I signed up for their emails
I like them on facebook
I’m probably going to cave and buy today’s grosgrain ribbon deal. Thanks for introducing me to this great site!
I love pick your plum! I bought vinyl from them…the other stuff I wanted was already sold out…how early do I need to get on there???
I’ve heard about pick your plum, but hadn’t yet checked them out… until now! I signed up with them earlier today, so I get their emails now!
I am on their email list! {which doesn’t seem to help, cuz I still miss the awesomist deals!}
That seems so cool
I follow them on facebook!
Signed up for email.
I agree- when your kid has an unusal name its great to something personalized for them. I love the stamps.
What the heck, where have I been? How come I didn’t know about this great “Plummie” shop? Well now I do and just you dare try and keep me away! I am following them on facebook now!
I signed up for Pick Your Plum’s emails. I don’t want to miss one more thing!
My comment here.
LIKED on Facebook.
signed up for email on PYP.
I haven’t bought anything from them yet, but am going to check out those daily deals
I am signed up for the email!!
i like them on FB
I have bought way too much on this site- personalized stamps,the cake pops, hairpins, bookmarks, vinyl decals… that $75 would help my addiction be a little more affordable!!!
I liked PYP on FB
I have signed up to receive their emails
aaaand I love the stuff they sell. My favorite things have probably been the address and name stamps. And the holiday decor. Hope I win!
I’ve signed up to received the emails…. this could be dangerous!
I signed up on FB – can’t believe I didn’t know about them before!
I like them on Facebook.
I am signed up for their e-mail. I have been getting their e-mails since you recommended them!
I haven’t bought anything yet, but man have I been tempted. OR what I really wanted was already sold out!
Ohhh…. a new site!! Thanks for the heads up. Can’t believe I have never heard of them!!
I liked them on FB
and I am now signed up for a daily email! Thanks! (Can’t say my husband will be as excited… bahaha…)
I like Pick a Plumb on FB!
I signed up for Pick Your Plumb email (dangerous)
I am lusting after the ribbons deal, but can’t afford to buy right now…. winning would fix that!
I like PYP on FB!
I’ve been getting PYP emails for a while now!!
I bought some of their vinyl sheets and rolls of ribbon. LOVE the low prices!
i love to make crap too…with red plum
I signed up for the Pick Your Plum emails!
I “liked” it on FB!
I signed up for PYP emails!!!
I “like” PYP on FB
I have sign up for the Pick Your Plum Email
I haven’t caved yet… mostly because I am to slow to get all the cute crafty stuff. I really wanted the iron hangers but like I said… to slow =(
Yay!! I love pick your plum, I’m a facebook follower
I also signed up to receive their emails
I like them on facebook!
I signed up to get their emails!
new fb fan!
already receive their emails and love them!
i’ve already purchased vinyl decals.
I like them on FB
I haven’t bought anything yet, but they have LOTS of awesome things!!
I like them on FB!
Following them on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!
Signed up for the email!
I signed up for Pick Your Plum E-mail (under a different e-mail….that e-mail is hts9(at)cdc(dot)gov.
I already receive their daily e-mail.
I like them on facebook.
I purchased the wash/dry/press laundry vinyl cutouts awhile back. Now to make something with them so I can display it in my laundry room!
I signed up for the email
thanks for sharing!
What a great idea!!!
Liked PYP on FB!!!
Signed up for PYP’s mailing list!!!
I receive there emails. THanks!
I really wanted to buy the wooden blocks but I was too late.
Alrready “like” them and get their emails. Pick you Plum is awesome!
I like Pick Your Plum on FB.
I have already signed up to receive the pick your plum email. I bought the 6×6 scrapbook paper from them.
I liked them on fb
I haven’t caved and bought anything yet, but man is it hard!!!
I liked pick your plum on facebook.
I signed up to receive the pick your plum email.
I’m signed up for their email!
I like them on Facebook!
I forgot to mention that I also bought the hair pins. =D
I like them on FB
of course I recieve their Emails. It’s a must
I bought the elastic for your hair. Missed the bias tape and the keys!
I liked them on FB already
I’m a FB fan!
I like PYP on FB!
I get PYP e-mails.
I receive their emails too!
I signed up for their emails.
I signed up to receive their emails.
I liked them on facebook!
I have not heard of them until your post, so I haven’t bought anything either, but I am going to be checking back to find something great to buy!!
I liked them on FB
I signed up for e-mails.
I didn’t know about them, I have added their page to my favorites. I will be checking it out daily. =)
Liked them on FB. Glad I saw this post as I never knew about them. I’ll have to check out more of their stuff.
I like them on FB!
I like PYP on Facebook.
I’ve been signed up for PYP emails from the beginning. I love them!
So far I have only purchased chalkboard labels because I was approaching a BIG move and didn’t want to order anything else until after we were settled in our new place. But we are now so I know I’ll be ordering a lot more!
I signed up for emails.
And I like them on Facebook.
I like them on facebook…
And I get their e-mails. Love it!
I have liked them on FB
I get their emails!
I bought the button hair clips! Love them!
I signed up to receive the emails from Pick Your Plum!
I like Pick Your Plum on FB!!
I have already purchased lots of items from Pick Your Plum…ribbon, vinyl, ric rac, wooden tags..etc. I am addicted!!!
I bought ribbon and an awesome name & address stamp from the pic. I was totally tempted on those push pops, but held back. I would Love love love to win this giveaway
I just signed up for their e-mail list and like them on FB. This looks like an interesting idea. I hope I can get some cool stuff.
I bought the vinyl flags
Facebook like…check!
Email signup…check!
Wow!!! I can’t believe I haven’t heard of them before.
I liked them on FB.
I signed up for their emails.
Just now finding ot about them. Yes, I’ve been living under a rock!
I subscribe to their newsletter.
I like them on facebook.
I caved and bought something though I missed out on the stamps I would have loved those.
So it’s YOUR fault.
I already get the Pick Your Plum daily email, though I’ve not caved and purchased yet. Did you know I have a weakness for ribbon? Sigh.
I get their emails!
I like them on Facebook!
I alreadly liked Pick your Plum on FB! Susan
I already receive the email from Pick your Plum!
I like them on Facebook. Thank you!
I signed up for their emails! Thanks for reminding me.
I signed up for their emails! Thank you!
I haven’t purchased yet but have wanted to several times! Susan
I liked them on FB as Brandy A
I signed up for emails under my stitchblade email
I’m liking this giveaway! (and liking you on facebook!)
I like Pick Your Plum on Facebook: Michelle Hudak
I get the Pick your Plum emails
ooh, i get their emails and have bought too many things to remember.
i also like them on facebook. thanks.
I LOVE Pick Your Plum! I receive their emails and like them on Facebook. I just bought the wooden finials and have soooooo many ideas to use them…. can’t wait! I would LOVE to win this super deluxe crafting smorgasbord!!! I am giddy just thinking about it!
I love PYP! I purchased four of their five things this week!
I liked PYP on Facebook!
… and I signed up for their mailing list.
I signed up to receive their e-mails!
I like Pick Your Plum on Facebook!
I receive daily emails from Pick Your Plum!
I’ve already purchased two table runners from Pick Your Plum and I really have a hard time not buying what they offer almost daily
I ‘liked’ the on FB
I already receive their emails
I’ve purchased some cabochon flowers to put on bobby pins…super cute. And i also purchased a wall vinyl ‘a few of my favorite things’
signed up for the email alerts!
I’m a fan of PYP on FB
I get the PYP emails every day.
I purchased 5 sets of the outdoor vinyl, super great bargain with cheap shipping…love it!
Oh my! What a great site…I now get their emails.
I also like Pick Your Plum on Facebook!
Cool stuff!
And I liked them on Facebook.
Signed up for email!
“Liked” on FB!
I *like* Pick Your Plum on Facebook!
I like them on Facebook!
…and…I’ve been signed up for the daily e-mail ever since I read about it here!
…and…I have a drawerful of ribbon and metal stars and craft squeegees and…I can’t even remember what else I’ve bought from PYP…I’ve used a lot of what I’ve bought, too. And I think I still have a few Laffy Taffys in the fridge still, because in this heat I put them in there after I open the package & then I forget about them!
I am on their email list!
I have made *mutiple* purchases from Pick Your Plum!
Ok, so that ribbon is amazing! What a great deal!! I am so in love with those iron handles though. I have so many ideas for those!!
I Like Pick Your Plum on fb!
I signed up for Pick Your Plum’s emails! Yay!
I really like Pick Your Plum on facebook!
I already get the emails, and have loved the things I’ve already ordered!
What a neat website. I like them on FB…
I signed up for the emails!
I liked them on Facebook!
I shall never admit to any purchases i may or may not have made
I like Pick Your Plum on FB!
I subscribed for their email!
I haven’t bought anything yet (I’m new to PYP) but I’m very excited to see what they have in store for me! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I like them on fb!
Signed up for the emails!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
Oh dear! Let’s see I have been able to get ribbon, elastic, keys! I always miss really really good ones!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I just “Liked” them on facebook.
I am already signed up for their email and have been too slow to respond to their great deals. I am sad that I have missed some really great things so far.
I already get their emails.
The mailman just brought my package with different colored elastics. They are so pretty and I can’t wait to use them!
Like on facebook – thanks for the give away.
Signed up the for the e-mail too!
I like P Y P on Facebook
I get P Y P emails everyday!
I wanted to order the Jumbo Rick-Rack the other day, but got distracted and missed it!!!BOO-HOO!!
I liked Pick Your Plum on facebook
I get Pick Your Plum emails
I like PYP on FB!
I get the PYP emails on FB!
I have tried to buy several things, but they are usually sold out before I can get them. But I did score some bobby pins with resin flowers to be glued on and I love them
Thanks for the great giveaway.
I have been receiving the email updates ( and love them!)
I like on facebook…
I have not bought anything….. YET!!!
I recieve their emails
and I’ve bought elastic, knobs / metal flowers
I love my address stamp! I have also gotten ribbon, stretch elastic, vinyl, heat transfer and outdoor, metal stars, and ric rak. My husband thinks I have a problem!
I like Pick your Plum on facebook.
I get the pick your plum email! Love it!
i can’t believe i’ve never heard of them! just “liked” them and signed up for their emails… hubby’s not going to be happy about this! LOL
I adore Pick your Plum! I have to hold myself back, otherwise, I’d end up going broke! My favorite purchases has been the ric rac and the flower hair barrettes – both of which will be used for gifts for my nieces – and an extra for me!
I receive their email. Most fun thing I open each day!
I also like them on FB.
Very Cool! I’ve been meaning to sign up for a while now… So i finally did.
And I liked them on FB
I get their newsletter.
I liked them on FB!
Getting their newsletter!
I also gave my kids strange names so I am all for inexpensive customizing. Hope to win!
I like them of facebook!
I get their newsletter.
I haven’t bought anything from them…yet. I’m excited to though!
Liked on Facebook! I am addicted to that site!
Signed up!
I get their emails and I love it!
Cool!!! Thanks for letting me know about this! I’m all over it!
I’m now a FB liker! (Not to be confused with a liger.)
Signed up for the emails! So excited!
I liked PYP on FB.
I subscribe to their daily emails.
I get their email – and it is so hard to resist all of the great things they have. In fact, often I just don’t!
Signed up for their e-mails!!
Liked them on facebook
I cannot beliee that I did not know about this. I L-O-V-E that place. Thank you
Liked them on facebook
Just signed up to get the email
I signed up when you posted about it and love it! What a fun surprise each morning.
Let’s see…I bought the chalkboard labels, picture puzzles, decals, wood block recipe holder thingies, etc.
I’ve really collected quite a bundle of stuff to put in Christmas bags!
Join up, girls! : )
I like PYP on Facebook. Even though I never win these things I have to try!
I get the e-mail from Pick Your Plum every day!
Things I’ve gotten from Pick Your Plum: 10 magnetic boards; a huge box of wooden blocks; a personalized stamp. I, too, missed out on the jumbo rickrack. What fun to see what they have every day! And most days I want it! Anne, yourmainestamper
I’m subscribed to their e-mail!
I “like” them on facebook!
I haven’t got anything yet, but i’m still kicking myself for not getting the personalised address stamp thing.
This is the first I’ve heard of Pick Your Plum! I liked them on facebook right away!
And I also signed up for their email newsletter!
well, i am a bit behind. this is the first i am hearing of pick your plum and it seems i missed out on A LOT! i am not fully signed up…email, FB, you, them, etc. hopefully i’ll get in on a good deal. or maybe i can get caught up by winning this treat! thanks!
I get the e-mails!
Not only do I ‘like’ PickYourPlum on Facebook…I LOVE them!
I haven been getting the e-mail every day for 2 months now! LOVE PYP!
I bought one of those personalized address stamps! It is AWESOME by the way. I also bought ric rac! LOVE IT! I bought cute little hair pins that you can glue things on (like beautiful plastic flowers) and I have bought scrapbook paper and countless other things. (I just remembered and had to mention, Dry Erase Vinyl – LOVE)
Please choose me. I LOVE PYP!!!!!!
I subscribe to Pick your Plum’s newsletter!
I ‘like’ Pick Your Plum on FB!
liked you on fb
signed up for the email
the vinyl!!!!
I got the vinyl
Thanks for the intro to this great site!
Liked them on facebook!
I love these guys, Finally got to buy some ric rack from them…b/c they now ship to Canada…yeah!!!
Sorry, I liked them on FB and I was already a subscriber!