Come say hello


I’m guest posting today over at Kristen Duke Photography as part of her Decorating with Portraits series.

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  1. Great post full of great ideas! Thank you :)

  2. Beautiful post Char!!! Thanks for the great ideas! And the celebration of your perfect family! (and, no, the autism doesnt define him or you :) )

  3. What a fantatic post. Sometimes it’s nice to hear that the people that inspire us have issues that they find difficult. Plus great idea about the clipboards and I really like the cheap IKEA frame idea too!

  4. Hi! So I hippity skipped over to check out your deco w/photos – luuuve it! I have to ask about the bottom pic with your piano- but I’m not asking about the piano – although I think it is freaking fabulous – I want to know about the mustard yellow dresser. I have an armoire that has the exact same color paint chip taped to it, and I can’t get up the nerve to do it. THoughts? Thanks! Love your site. You always make me happy!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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