eShakti: A review of something I actually paid for

The 6th graders at my kids’ school have a Valentine’s Day dance.  They’re expected to dress up, and somewhere in the communicating of this information, someone said that the girls needed to wear dresses.  Because sometimes 11 year olds aren’t rational, it is easier to just go with this as opposed to trying to explain that a skirt is probably just fine as well…or so you think.  Then you start shopping.  And shopping.  And shopping.  And pretty soon you’ve been to every store in 2 malls and discovered that Juniors dresses are shorter than kid sized ones (some bordering on obscene) and that even tiny women’s sizes are way too big in the bust for a 5’3” 98lb 11 year old (as well they should be).

Enter eShakti.

I’ve seen them reviewed around blog land (my friend and neighbor Tam at Sew Dang Cute reviewed them recently), and wanted to know if they lived up to the hype, especially if you were paying for the product instead of getting a freebie.

It should be noted that there’s a $20 off for new customers on the eShakti homepage and that customizations are normally $7.50, but those were free for first timers, too.  So, I paid about $40 for what would normally be $67.50-ish.

We settled on the ruffle front poplin dress in coral.  (Random weird thing alert:  Macy wanted the turquoise one, which she had seen a few days before.  It was not there they day we ordered.  It has been back since, but it’s MIA again today.)  We ordered a size zero (based on the sizing chart measurements) and then had sleeves added and the neckline raised.  We also entered a bra size for custom sizing in that area.

We ordered on a Sunday afternoon and the dress arrived on the Monday the next week, so about 8 days later.

The result?

(The actual dress color is probably a combination of the two, maybe closer to the one on the left…not my best true color photography, for sure.)

Long enough, high enough, and age/school appropriate.  Plus, pockets!

Would I order from them again?  Absolutely.  I see us becoming eShakti regulars.

What didn’t I love?  The “Live Chat” wasn’t live.  I got a response about 2 days later.  I did get a response, though.  Winking smile

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  1. Wow, she looks so incredibly adorable!! Definitely worth it – so classy, yet still stylish. That is a GREAT dress!!

  2. She looks adorable! Perfect dress for a 6th grade girl!

    I have the hardest time finding dresses that fit me. I appreciate your review. I have been considering ordering a dress from them and now I think I will!

  3. It’s just darling on her! I am looking right now at everything. My sister’s prom is coming up and we always have a hard time finding dresses for her – plus they are so darn expensive. This place looks amazing!

  4. That dress is adorable! I want one for me:)

  5. I love reading a “real” review! That dress is beautiful, your daughter looks just lovely, and kudos to you for making sure she had something she could feel pretty in while still looking age-appropriate and modest. She looks darling and the dress is just wonderful!

  6. I adore eShakti. I am a customer for life and I get so many compliments on my dress from there. So unique and yet so simple.

  7. totally darling and so glad to see something *appropriate* for girls that age. I love that color on her with her hair as well.

  8. Very adorable! I think that the pricing is great, even without the discount, for customization! I hope your daughter has a wonderful time at her dance!

  9. So, obviously YOU are very happy with the dress, but you didn’t tell us….. What does your daughter think?
    Her expression isn’t telling me much! I think she looks lovely. Very feminine and pretty with just enough frill for the little girl in her and enough simple elegance in the skirt for the lady she is becoming. Looks like a good choice from my perspective (Mom to a 13 year old and 18 year old).

    • She loves it, but hates having her mother take pictures of her for the blog. ;) Typical.

      • I hadn’t thought of her simply not wanting her photo taken!
        I hope she has an amazing time at the dance.
        I’m pretty sure that cooties wash off ;) , plus my daughter says there is something called a “cootie shot” to ward them off completely, but it involves being punched in the arm……

  10. Macy is just gorgeous, and so is her new dress! (Her Daddy had better start watching who’s at the door!) I think you both chose the perfect party dress! It’s sweet, swishy, and feminine!

  11. Tell her she looks very mature (in a good way) and very sophisticated.

  12. It’s so cute! Good choice and thanks for the review. I’ve seen their site and liked the concept, but haven’t ordered anything.

  13. Holy Crap that is a cute dress!!! And a cute girl. I wouldn’t be letting her go to a Valentine’s dance. ;D

  14. justjayma says:

    She looks very grown up! That dress is so classy–and I love the non conventional color. Way to go!

  15. You may have just changed my life. I’m short and curvy so nothing ever fits right and I end up spending tons of money on tailoring. This may be the answer to my prayers! Melodramatic yes, but still true.

  16. I have ordered a couple dresses from them and had adjustments made because I am a mom of four and bending over is a huge issue and every thing I have ordered has been great! I can’t say enough about them ESPECIALLY if you are looking for modest clothing. I think some of their items are a bit expensive, but if the alternative it spending good money on something I am not comfortable in and won’t wear much this is the clear winner!

  17. She is absolutely adorable in that dress! I love the color on her too.

  18. super sweet. our girls are SO close in age/size it’s crazy. mine hit the 100 a month or two ago, I think. any pointers on jeans? we are getting desperate.

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      Aeropostale is pretty much it for us because their 00s and 0s come in normal length and not just short.

  19. Good to know. I dread going through that with my daughter. I am still scarred by dress shopping for my 6th grade graduation dress. I was big but not big enough to shop in larger sizes but too big to fit in kids sizes. I ended up wearing something close to a mumu. So embarrassing!!!

  20. Looks darling! Wow. I’m glad to read a good review of this company. One of my friends custom ordered a dress from there and said it didn’t fit quite right. Maybe she just didn’t measure appropriately?

  21. She looks absolutely adorable and I LOVE that dress! I think I will head on over and look for my 3 girls as well. Heaven knows how hard it can be to find modest clothing!

  22. Thanks! I just looked at them recently for my daughter’s “Freshman Formal” that is coming up. She was looking at this same dress in the black. What drew me is that my daughters are very tall – my freshman is 6’2″, and I have 12 – almost 13 year-old that is 6’1″, about a size 2 and still growing. We can never find anything to fit her. Will definitely be trying them out.

  23. She looks darling! That dress is so cute! I want one in my size!

    Oh the sixth grade Valentine’s dance…it’s just the cutest!

  24. Your daughter is adorable and the dress fits just right! I totally understand your dilemma. My daughter is now almost 16 and is tall but thin. Most of the tops and dresses were too low cut or too big. We shopped at J.C. Penney a lot as their clothes are often more age appropriate than the Limited, or other fancy brand name stores. We still like them and she bought a darling dress just this past month for a New Years party. But this site is definitely on my list now that I know about it. Prom will come eventually, right?

  25. I love it for my 40 year old self!!! Maybe dont tell her that…..I know how that goes, I have a teen too!


  26. She looks fabulous! I hope she has a great time.

  27. Oh my gosh! Completely adorable – and pockets, too! It sounds like you’ve found the perfect dress shop.

    I was just wearing one of my favorite hippie skirts yesterday and wishing it had pockets. Pockets are awesome – especially for those of us who aren’t usually in skirts/dresses.

  28. Oh my goodness! I’ve never heard of this place, but I sooo want to try them! I have such a hard time, cause I have quite a small waist compared to my not-so-small hips. I’m definitely going to have to give these guys a try – so awesome to be able to customize! Thanks Char!

  29. Jessica Reurich says:

    This is sooo cute!!! Fantastic job picking this she looks so lovely!

  30. Oh. my. goodness! She looks beautiful, Char! Thanks for sharing!

  31. ADORABLE dress! Macy is a lucky girl to have such a pretty frock. I went to junior high dances in the ’80s, so I was never lucky enough to have something this gorgeous. :)

    And thanks for the review, too. I love your candor, and think I might see if eShakti has any lovely day dresses. Oh, how I yearn for a day dress! Thanks, Char!

  32. Macy looks so cute and certainly age appropriate. Great job!

  33. So cute! So did you get the standard v neck on the dress too then? I totally want that same dress for ME!

  34. HI! thanks for the website. I have a 12 year old (as of yesterday) who can’t find anything cute, modest, fashionable, and age approperate. spelling? So thank you thank you thank you. I for sure, will order from their site.

  35. Love that dress and your daughter is just beautiful in it. Job well done mom. Hope she has fun at the dance.

  36. luvglitztoo says:

    Absolutely gorgeous, both the dress and the Girly-Girl!!! Good Job not to cave to the low standards of dress styles of today Mom. You must be doing a good job since your daughter accepted your taste!!!

  37. Wow, what a gorgeous kid! And that dress is adorable!
    I think something needs to be done concerning clothing for girls. Designers need to be given tighter, ‘age appropriate’ boundaries to work within. Young teens and pre teens will rebel against whatever clothing restrictions their parents place on them… it’s just a fact of life and has been happening for decades. Remember leaving the house wearing parent approved clothing, then hiking that skirt a wee bit higher, or tying that shirt up to look ‘cooler’ and to draw attention to the boobs that only you knew were there? lol There’s only so much that can be done, but putting a stop to magazines, tv shows, and even catalogs showing these young girls dressed in clothing that is far too old for them would go along way to help. Young girls need to be shown that there’s a different between looking good and stylish, and dressing like a skank.

  38. Shirley Lupton says:

    If you paid $200.00 you couldn’t have found anything as perfect as this dress.

  39. Wow Thank you!!! As a mom of a 93 pound 5’1″ 11 year old who thinks she is suppose to dress like ANTModel – I am so glad you talked about this site!!

  40. She looks lovely! I wish this had been around when I was younger

  41. She looks great! The dress is darling too.

  42. Wow! She looks fabulous. I love every detail of that dress! What a great mom you are!

  43. I am a middle school teacher – your daughter is BEAUTIFUL and the dress is darling! I wish the girls at our middle school would see how adorable you can look without your hiney hanging out! Good job, mom!

  44. What a cute dress! Thanks for letting us know about the site. I dread shopping for dresses, I swear they do not make many dresses or skirts to choose from these days.

  45. What a perfect and fun dress! :)

  46. Love the color of both and your model delightful

  47. She looks just like YOU! <3

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