Tutorials Page
I got an email last week alerting me to the fact that it is GONE-zo. It was a linky and I apparently did not renew my subscription (didn’t get an email alerting me that it was about to run out, so…). It’s gone for reals. I’m exploring other options (leave a comment if you’ve got a suggestion) and will let you know when that page is back up and functional. In the mean time, many of my tutorials/projects can be found on my Crap I’ve Made pinboard over on Pinterest. You can browse and click through to the pages even if you don’t have a Pinterest account.
Google Friend Connect
Google Friend Connect is going away as of March 1st for all non Blogger blogs. I’m not sure what this means exactly. Will it just mean that new people can’t “follow”? Will you quit getting blog updates completely if that’s the way you’ve subscribed? I do know this: I am not a Blogger blog. So, if you’ve followed or subscribed solely through GFC, you’ll need to subscribe another way.
You can find my RSS feed here.
You can have new posts emailed to you by going here.
Or, you can sit and and reload my page obsessively.
I recently used this tutorial to make a thumbnail page for all of my scrapbooking layouts. It creates a table, and it took some time, but it worked very well.
Good Luck getting it fixed!
I”m not on Blogger anymore. Bummer.
This above tutorial will work for any blog that allows you to edit your html. You might have to reformat it a little to fit your page, but the basics will work fine!
I’m scared to mess with crap on WP. Maybe I can pay someone…
I follow via fb so I won’t miss new posts. I’m sad/annoyed to see gfc go away.
Bummed!! I did have one of your tutorials set as a favorite, the scissors, and when I went to my favorites it did direct me to you tutorial from April, so maybe they are not really GONE… just out there somewhere waiting for you to find them?
I’ll be one of those who stalks and waits for a new post.
Oh No!!!
Do you save your blog posts off and on? Blogger has a spot in settings to save your posts and templates?!?!?!
If you used Linky Tools for your Tutorials page, you can renew your subscription and all your linkies should still be there. I had the same experience (sub ran out, no email alert (*grrr*), had a reader tell me) and renewed and everything went live again.
All of this is foriegn to me. I only have e-mail.
Thanks for the heads up. My blog is on blogger, but I follow yours using Bloglovin’. Which I love.
I re-did my tutorials page recently and actually did a tutorial on it (weird, yes!). If you’re interested here’s the link:
Google +? No idea! Sorry!
I will look for you on pinterest
Google likes to give and then take away
I know of at least 4 of their services they’ve done this with. You can recommend people follow you on bloglovin.com
I CAN follow you via gfc.. but I don’t >.< I just never thought of it lol I don't even use the rss… I just bookmarked you and stuck the link in a folder marked 'blogs' and every couple days or so I'll scroll through and visit them