Rejected Valentines

(for good reason)





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  1. Oh my gosh, you are killing me!! SO funny! Milli Vanilli is my favorite.

  2. Those are epic! And I will be very sad knowing that they were in the reject pile and not coming to my mailbox.

  3. Rejected?
    How ruuuuude! :)

  4. Dying over here!!! Dying!!

  5. um, i would love to get one of those! what a laugh. esp. joey and peewee – my kids would actually get those!

  6. Haha! I think I am enjoying this a little bit too much! Best Valentine’s ever!

  7. Oh my gosh Char! I love the rejects. Especially Peewee. I am totally using him this year. haha

  8. LOVE the Uncle Joey. Seriously. Do you need my address?

  9. OMG! Absolutely HI-LAR-IOUS!!! LMBO!

  10. har har har!! rolling on the floor, holding my sides, etc, etc!! Thanks for the great pick-me-up!

  11. Dude. I worry about you sometimes…Then again, you did give me a good giggle.


  12. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are hysterical! The bad part is that I just had to explain who all of these poeple were to my 13-year old daughter, but OH SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the huge laugh! Made my day!!!!


    P.S. Have I told you that yo stole my blog title? I am known for using the word crap – A LOT. I love your title!!!!

  13. Priceless.

  14. don’t lie! i know you’re sending the peewee one to your mother.

  15. The funny thing is that these were *rejected* but I honestly remember getting/sending valentines that were cornier than this!

  16. Ummmmmmmmmmm…..

    Richard? Where is Richard?

  17. Joey Gladstone?! Send that one to me!

  18. Actually, the Mr. Rogers one is pretty

  19. Dolores McCune says:

    Could these be downloadable, please?

  20. Wow, we were just watching a Milli Vanilli video and my 4yo started dancing, too funny.

  21. Shirley Lupton says:

    Oh how funny but I could send these. Ha Ha

  22. Ha! When you want to send the very best…Happy Valentines!

  23. Really funny !!! I have some friends I would like to send those to. BTW, I want my 8 yr old daughter to make and give bookmarks for/with her vanlentines this year but can’t come up with a good valentiney saying. Everything I have is suggestive… valentine, could I have your (page) number, your place or mine, I marked the spot. Don’t think the teacher or mom’s would like it. Any ideas?

  24. Thanks for the laugh. Those are a riot!

  25. Those rule!! I love them so much it is not right! Luv your website too! So much good stuff!

    My husband and I went as Milli Vanilli one Halloween and did the “Girl You Know It’s True” dance all night…. good stuff….

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