Guess what I’ve got!
A fat quarter bundle from the delightful Riley Blake Daisy Cottage line.
NOTE: This fabric is NOT laminated like the stuff I used for my shower curtain. This just regular old (fabulous) quilting cotton.
Leave a comment on this post (on the blog, not on Facebook or in response to your email subscription) telling me what you’d make with this bundle of awesome.
OPTIONAL ENTRIES (leave a separate comment for each one):
Follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
***3 possible entries per person***
Giveaway is open to US residents age 18 and over only and closes Saturday, March 31st at noon MST. Winner will be chosen at random using a WordPress Plugin (And The Winner Is…) and notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
This is comment number one… I love Riley Blake!!
I would use these lovely fabrics for a fund raiser quilting project.
Comment #2 Liked Riley Blake on FB
I would make a gorgeous quilt for the new little girl we’re expecting in July. Perfect color combination for what I had in mind
Comment #3 Following on Pinterest (which I am so excited about!)
I already like Riley Blake on Facebook. Such fabulous fabrics and projects!
I can make a bigger girl quilt for my daughter with these colors!
I’m now following Riley Blake on Pinterest (and every excited about it).
I’d make some girly baby quilts
Ooooh, I’d make a cute little ruffled apron for my little girl with some matching hot pads for her new play kitchen. Anything leftover would become sweet little softies for friends with new bebes.
I like riley blake on facebook!! And in general
Also, I follow Riley on Pinterest.
I would love this so so much. I’m having a baby girl in July and would love to use some of that adorable fabric to make a blanket for her!
I would love this cute fabrics bundle to make a big floor pillow for my daughters room!
I liked them on FB.
Oooooh, I’d make a diaper holder and wipes case.
that is such cute material i thinka baby blanket would be in order
I follow them on Pintrest.
I liked Riley Blake on facebook
i liked riley blake on fb:)
I started following Riley Blake on pinterest
#1 – I already like RB on FB – they’re my #1 sponsor for my line of children’s clothing that will be at Baltimore FashionWeek.
Quilted purses
I like Riley Blake on fb.
and following them on pinterest:)
I would want to make a chevron style quilt and alternate rows of prints with white rows. Ooooh I hope I win!! And I’m following Riley Blake on Facebook already
#2 – I follow them on Pinterest via 2ndstardesigns
Comment #1
Oh, there are so many things I would do with this gorgeous fabric!! I love to make snappy bags, kindle cases, little wallets, quilts, etc… So beautiful!!
#3 – and with this wonderful bundle … it would become part of something fantabulous!
I would love a Riley Blake Fat Quarter bundle! Thanks!
I would use this fat quarter bundle to make a quilt for my niece. I too like Riley Blake on Facebook and Pinterest.
I would make a turning 20 spring quilt with this. I have an itch to sew again and this would totally scratch it
; )
Comment #2
Love Riley Blake and definitely “liked” them on Facebook!!
I am a follower of Riley Blake on Facebook. Thank you!
I’d make a delightful quilt for myself – the fabrics look gorgeous!!
I would love to win so I could make either a way cute girly dress or a quilt!
I would love to use this fabric to make a disappearing nine-patch quilt for my niece. It’s so pretty!
Comment #3
I do follow Riley Blake on Pinterest and love all the wonderful things they pin!
I liked Riley Blake on Facebook!
I would make my granddaughters quilts. That fabric is gorgeous!
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest!
That fabric looks amazing! I would definitely use some of it in a baby quilt!
I just finished a charm pack quilt and would LOVE to do a fat quarter quilt! It was my first quilt ever and I gave to my best friend as abirthday gift! Now I need one for myself!
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
Thanks for a chance to win this awesome bundle of beautiful fabric!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I follow Riley Blake on facebook!
I like Riley Blake of Facebook.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest too! Love their lines of fabric
would love a chance to win this beautiful fabric. it make a great baby quilt
I like Riley Blake Designs on FB!
Okay I am getting old I thought this said to tell you what crap I have made and then relized it said would make. This would make a darling ruffled skirt for a special little girl….Could probably get two out of this bundle….
Oooh – I see quilt blocks with that lovely fabric!
I would use it to make a jean quilt. I like Riley Blake on fb and I follow them on Pinterest.
I follow Riley Blake on FB
I now follow Riley Blake Designs on pinterest!
I follow on Pinterest!
1. I would make appliques on some shirts and onesies for me and my daughter!!
2. Liked on FB @ amber Mashay Turnell
3. Following on Pinterest @ AmberTurnell
So many possibilities! I would probably be inspired to make an actual quilt.
Like Riley Blake on Facebook
and finally, I would use that fabric to make my (only) niece an adorable spring dress (or two!) and make a baby blanket to jinx my sister-in-law to have a baby girl! (She’s due in August). Love it!!
I like RB on FB.
I am expecting baby #2 (girl) soon, so she would get a cute dress and her big bro would get some matching ties!
Love the designs and color scheme! Looks perfect for the seasonal transitions!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Love this collection! Would probably make something like a strip skirt for my daughter since there are several of the prints in this collection she really likes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Comment #2
I would make pocket diapers and momma cloths!
I follow RB on Pinterest.
I think I’d make some sort of patchwork bag.
i follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I follow Riley Blake on facebook!
I also follow Riley Blake on pinterest! Thanks again!
This is comment #1 for the first entry. Super cute fabric! Thanks for the give away!
My daughter wants to do a quilt project she saw in a magazine for a YW project. This would be perfect!
I also Liked them on facebook for entry #2
Comment #3
I follows RB on Pinterest!
AND I followed them on pinterest for entry #3
<3 Love <3 Riley Blake! I would make baby bibs or wetbags with these
I have no idea what I’d make with this beautiful fabric until I open it open and stare it. Thanks for the chance!
I liked Riley Blake on Facebook!
I would make a quilt top – most likely. Gorgeous fabric!
I’ve been following Riley Blake on Facebook for awhile now! Thanks for the chance.
I also followed Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I love this! Would love to make matching quilts for our newly adopted baby girl and her birthmom!
I would LOVE to win these fabrics! I would make a long overdue quilt for my baby girl (3 next month!)!
I follow them on Pinterest. Love the ideas! thanks for the chance.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I already “like” Riley Blake on FB
I found this awesome pattern for making stuffed birds. I would love to use the mobile motor mechanism I got from a friend and use this amazing fabric to give my baby mobile a much needed facelift!
I’d make a million little things with it– appliques for shirts, fabric flower embellishments for everything :), “re-upholster” a bulletin board, cover storage boxes to look pretty etc. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would make a cute dress for my 17month old
I’m a pinterest follower!!!
So many things I could make… I’m on a little girls skirt kick right now, so maybe another adorable skirt? THANKS!
I follow riley Blake on pinterest!
And I like Riley Blake on Facebook! :o)
I would use this to make a quilt for my great niece, who will soon be a big sister!
I think I might make some cute summer twirly skirts for my 3 year old daughter?!!?!
I’d make a fun little quilt!
I like riley Blake on Facebook
I would make some skirts for my girls:)
I already like and follow Riley Blake and I love this fabric line! I am going to
make a Swoon Quilt for this and maybe a tote!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
so excited to be following on Pinterest now!
I already like Riley Blake on Facebook!
I love Riley Blake on FB.
And, I would love to use this fat quarter bundle to make a skirt for me and some skirts for my niece (who is 1). I have Lila Tueller’s Sophisticate skirt pattern (no. 22) and I would love to use these fabrics.
I would make a blanket for my daughter, and a possible baby blanket for the baby we’re having in Oct!!!
‘Liked” on face book as well,
I’d make a quilt for a quilt friend who just had surgery for breast cancer.
Those look like perfect colors for a baby girl’s room and quilt. Since I happen to be having a girl in July…. I think they should come my way! Beautiful fabric!!
I like Riley Blake on FB!!!
Oh the possibilities! I’d would like to make a blanket for my new baby girl. Or a dress. And maybe some doll clothes for my other girls.
I am following Riley Blake on pintrest too!!!
I do follow Riley Blake on Pinterest. In fact, I follow them more than anyone else! I also “like” them on Facebook.
I love this fabric line. My mom’s favorite color is pink and she would love the pink in this line along with the other colros. My mom is fighting breast cancer for the 3rd time, and now it has spread to abdomen. I take her to chemo each week, and it’s so hard to see her “zapped” from the treatments and lately she is so discouraged. I would love to make my mom a quilt to take with us to her treatments and to cuddle up with in her favorite chair. I know it would bring a smile to her face!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
My grandaughter and I make tents and play camping. I would make us floor pillow for it. And if enough a small one for each of us. We use tables and chairs for all we do for the tent.
Thanks for the chance to win
Wow what to make…this fabric is so pretty!
Probably a spring quilt to cheer up my livingroom…
I would make a cute little baby blanket and some flower hair bows!
Love the colors!
Followed on pinterest!
Following on Pinterest!
I would love to win some fabric! Those pinks and yellows are so lovely, and just want to be made into camera strap covers/etc…
thanks for offering a give away, just looking at the bundle makes me smile.
I follow Riley Blake on FB
I just followed on pinterest and saw a ton of cute new ideas. I’m really interested in the baby book pin.
I would make my first quilt:) for my daughters birthday in August!
And I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
They’re so beautiful I’d have to just admire them on my cutting table for a while. And then I’d get over myself and make a summer throw quilt that when seeing it casually draped over the chair in the family room, all of my friends would want one of their own. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I already follow Riley Blake on pinterest
I like Riley Blake on FaceBook.
I am already like Riley Blake on facebook
I follow Riley Blake on Facebook!
I follow on Pinterest (doesn’t everyone?)
i would probally hord my stash untill i find the perfect project for it
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
Beautiful colors! Thank you for a chance to win!
the possibilities are endless – the colors are great! Not sure if I’d make skirts for my girls or use it in a quilt…
i like riley bake on facebook
I like Riley Blake on facebook.
I would definitely use the pink fabric to make some fun stuff to donate for a friend’s breast cancer fundraiser in April. I would also use some of the fabric to applique something super cute for my 2 yr old baby girl Maddie. (:
I already like Riley Blake and follow on Pinterest! I’ll make a Swoon quilt and a tote with this if I win!
i follow riley bake on pinterest too
Um, yes please!
My 8 year old needs a new blanket to replace her baby one that’s now in shreds
I just followed Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I would make a sweet little lap quilt! Thanks for the giveaway.
I already stalk Riley Blake on Facebook
If I won this “bundle of awesome” I would make a quilt for my daughter’s 3rd birthday.
I am excited to be a new Riley Blake stalker on Pinterest!
I’m now following RB on Pinterest
Oh… the awesomeness of this bundle! oooooh…. I just discovered that I can make quilts after all these years of tole painting, stitchery and scrapbooking, etc… ect…. I am an OK quilt maker! I would love to piece this together to make an adorable quilt top! I just finished an adorable tshirt quilt and am ready for more fabric for a project…. Bring it on!
There are so many fabulous things I can see making with this fabric. But I believe it’s just what I need for a quilt for a friend who’s baby girl was just born still.
I would make a quilt with fabric. I hope I win
I would love to make a lap sized quilt for my daughter’s room. These colors would match it perfectly!
I like Riley Blake on FB.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I”m following Riley Blake on pinterest.
I already follow Riley Blake on facebook. Thanks for the giveaway:)
I like riley blake on facebook
I also follow Riley Blake’s boards on Pinterest. Love Riley Blake Fabric’s
I love this fabric bundle it is so cute, I would probably make a quilt out of it for a new baby girl that is coming in May. <3
Fabric bookmarks – some coffee cozies – some baby blocks for my friend’s new baby – I could keep going
Hot!… Found Riley Blake on Pinterest…. now a Follower/Stalker!
Liked Riley Blake on facebook!
following riley blake on pinterest!!
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest
Love Riley Blake! Follow on Facebook and Pinterest!!
I’d make a quilt for my niece with this bundle.!
I would make a purse with that fabulous fabric!
I follow Riley Blake on FB
I follow all Riley Blake Boards on Pinterest
Baby girl quilt, love Riley Blake fabrics!
What a beautiful stack of fabrics! I have 6 baby quilts on my to do list before the year runs out, so this would for sure make one of those!!
I like Riley Blake on fb
I would make an awesome mini quilt with these lovely fabrics!
This would be a lap quilt for me! Or the next baby girl that comes along.
I am a follower of Riley Blake on Facebook.
Ive been looking at swatches to make my first quilt on the sewing machine passed down to me by my grandmother and to redecorate my bedroom… Finally MOM gets something for herself! I’ve been prowling Pinterest and other sites/blogs and love the opportunity to win this as it’s in my color wheel!! Pick me, pick me!
#1 I would love to make sweet little dresses & play sets for my granddaughter with these!
With this bundle of awesome
I would love to make a quilt for myself!
I would use these to make a quilt for my soon-to-be-born niece!
I like Riley Blake on FB!!
#2 I like Riley Blake on FB.
#3 I’m following Riley Blake of Pinterest.
I’m a follower of Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest! Thanks for the chance to win!
Not sure what I would make, but this would make me insanely happy!
Oooh. Yummy. Please pick me! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would make some precious dresses for my baby girl for summer out if this adorable line. Oooooo I do hope I win!
I just discovered Rag Quilts, & I have a cousin that is soon to be expecting, so I think I would make her a Baby Rag Quilt, for her Baby Shower :)) Something practical, yet something they will both Love….
LOVE Riley Blake! I’d make a quilt for my granddaughter who will go to kindergarten next year.
I am already a liker of Riley Blake fabrics on fb. Love there stuff.
Beautiful. I would make little pouches to hold i pod touches and earphones and a kindle case for me!
Yes, like her on FB already
I would use this to make a fabulous quilted throw! Thank you!
I’d make a quilt.
Will follow Riley Blake on Pinterest now. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I am following Riley Blake Designs on FB!
I would make a twister quilt for my granddaughter
I also follow Riley Blake on pinterest. I love it when they repin my pins. Makes me feel famous or something.
I liked Riley Blake on FaceBook.
I follow Riley Blake on fb.
I love Riley Blake fabric! I’d start a quilt with it…I’d probably need another bundle, but totally worth it! My daughter needs a pretty quilt!
I like Riley Blake on facebook.
I would love to make another baby quilt. Love those little things!
I am now FOLLOWING Riley Blake on Pinterest!
Oh, wow! I think I’d have to turn those pretty colors into some pillows or an overnight bag.
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
I would love to win the awesome fabric from Riley Blake!
Love Riley Blke fabrics and designs. So would make a beautiful creation out of the bundle. My grandaughter is and would love to have a creation from it.
Love these colors and prints!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I like Riley Blake on Facebook
I’m following Riley Blake on FB
And I like you on Facebook.
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest.
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest too!
Would love to make a baby quilt with this for my best friend! Thanks for the giveaway!
And I follow you on Pinterest! (mrsschafer and CrafterBerly)
I liked Riley Blake on Facebook!
I’ve been LOVING Riley Blake for a while now. Also on FB and Pinterest. Great Giveaway!!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I would love to make a quilt for my Obaasan with this beautiful fabric!
What beautiful fabrics, I would love to win!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
Comment #Followed Riley Blake on pinterest.
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
Love Riley Blake! So many ideas for this fabric…twirl skirts for sure!
I would make matching quilts for my nieces.
Soooo pretty!
I love Riley Blake fabrics! Their prints and patterns are always some of my favorites!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
What pretty fabrics! I would make some throw pillow covers for my girls’ room for starters. I think they would make some pretty clutches too.
I “like” Riley Blake on facebook.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I like Riley Blake on facebook.
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest. =]
Comment #3 liked Riley Blake on facebook.
I want to start my first quilt ever!
Boy learning how to navigate. How to comment is a challenge for me. I think I do it all the way I should and I am back to do it again. I was just introduced to your page. I look at your free fabric and love the combination some of it looks like headbands for me. some a quilt, some some patterns I have collected on pintrest. But if I got the fabric in my hand my ideas might change. Some time it has a way of saying something else when you see it. Thank you
PANTS!!!!! I would make some pants aka Draws, they are my funky lil knicker shaped draw liners, I have a craft fair for stroke awareness n I recon they’d go down a treat….this awesome bundle would make a lot of draws mind due so I would probably whip up a tunic of two for my gorgeous toddler too. xXx
I would make dresses for my girls to match! Ack! I can’t handle the cuteness!
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I liked Riley Blake on Facebook.
A fun handbag, some cloth napkins, maybe an apron or some other household goodies.
i would made a darling dress with the quarters
Liked you on face book. will go back and see what I liked.
I would use some of it in the hexagon quilt I’m making, I have some patterns for baby shoes I’ve been wanting to try and also make pincushions. Oooh and I’d love to use it on some fabric bags : )
I would make a quilt.
I’d love to whip up a baby quilt for a niece. I still haven’t gotten around to making one for her yet.
I would use these to make a little quilt for my best friend because she spent 6 months making me a quilt for me wedding.
I would make dresdens
i follow riley blake on pintreat i love it
Now I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I would…give this to my sister so she could make something for me hehe. She’s just a way better crafter! Not gonna waste this awesome bundle!
I absolutely love the colors! I would make a little quilt for my daughter!
I liked them on Facebook.
I’m in utter ‘Like’ with Riley Blake
i like Riley Blake on facebook
I liked RIley Blake =]
went to pintrest like all the pins that looked like I would use. did not say liked will go back and check like also………………
I think I did it alll have a great day. Hope you achieve the goal you are working for…….
I follow them on Pinterest.
I’m a Riley Blake Pinterest follower
I like Riley Blake on fb!
Gorgeous!! Would love to make something with these!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
#1 – My daughter is expecting in September and I’m expecting in October, so I would make each of us an awesome diaper bag!
I like Riley Blake on facebook
I would make a Springy quilt for my office at work.
#2 I LIKE Riley Blake on fb
#3 I follow Riley blake on Pinterest
And I’m following her on pinterest, love the stuff she pins =]
Liked on Facebook.
Followed on Pinterest.
I want to make an apron
I would use it for quilts and purses!
I like RB on fb
I would make a quilt for my daughter.
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest
I have tons of ideas spinning through my head all of a sudden – a spring bunting, a quilt, hair clips, tea towel embellishments with matching pot holders, etc
Pinterest follower.
I love this fabric! I have my babies at home & I think it would make an adorable quilt of houses with pictures of my babies as some center blocks. Thank you for the giveaway!
I think I would make a quilt with that bundle of awesome! Or maybe try and make this dress for my daughter super-scrappy instead of following the pattern!
Liked on Facebook.
I love this fabric and already have a bit of it! I would make a lovely throw to use in my sun room to cuddle under on cool evenings!
I have liked riley blake on facebook
I like Riley Blake on Facebook!
Oooh, I love this fabric. I would make something cute for my girls land a handbag!
twins-squared (at) hotmail (dot) com
I follow RB on FB
I am now following Riley Blake on Pinterest
I follow riley blake on pinterest
I think I’d cut out alphabet letters/numbers for my nieces birthday or make a few funky girls skirts or pillow case shirts.
I’d make a little girl’s dress and pillow cases
I love Riley Blake material! Thinking of a nice picnic blanket!
Hmm. Touch decision. I think I’d make my girls a skirt and matching bags. Fun!
I love the name of your blog!
I’ve been following Riley Blake on Pinterest and on Facebook for a year now.
I started that when I started quilting.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I have a pattern for some purses that take fat quarters that I would love to make.. this fabric would be awesome for that…..
there is so much I want to do with this fat quarter bundle!!! Maybe try out a giant round floor pillow finally!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
Hard to say… Something cute for my little girl, or maybe something for me? Who knows!
Love Riley Blake! I would make a baby quilt for my arrival due in June. The nursery is orange/aqua/gray and I bet some of these fabrics would go perfectly!
I LIKE Riley Blake on Facebook….
Now following Riley Blake on Pinterest!
a quilt for my little girl!!!
I follow RB on facebook
and pinterest!
lovely bundle! make all sorts.. wallets, zipper pouches, piece together for little toddler skirts!
Loving Riley Blake on FB!!
I like Riley Blake on facebook!
I would make a gorgeous quilt for a very special friend, I am working my way through my friends this year and I have one in mind for whom this would be perfect! Thanks for an awesome giveaway
What beautiful fabric, It is time for me to make a ‘big girl’ quilt for my granddaughter. What fun this fabric would be as a starting point. Thanks for the chance to win.
A girly, girl quilt of course. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would make a quilt for my niece!
I would love to win this to make some fun dolls for my daughter.
I’d make some patchwork peasant dresses!
I “like” Riley Blake on Facebook.
I have keyboard in our living room. Covered up with some ugly purple fabric from Joanns that I bought in college to make into a skirt. ……. I would love some new fabric to replace this with a pretty quilt coverlet. Thanks for the chance to win.
I already like Riley Blake on FB!
I like Riley Blake on FB!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I would definitely make a quilt for my lovely granddaughter!
I am a follower of Riley Blake on Facebook
I would like to make some cute little skirts for my nieces.
I would love to make some new pillows for my couch!
I follow Riley Blake on FB….that’s how I found about you!
I’ve already liked Riley on facebook.
I like Riley Blake on FB!
I would make a quilt .. of course!! Most likely a sampler, so I could use up every bit.
I also follow Riley Blake on Pinterest……yay!!!!
I love this fabric line. Yummy! I would make a quilt and I’m sure my five daughters would fight over who gets it.
I LOVE following RIley Blake on Pintrest!
I like Riley Blake on fb.
Maybe I would finally get around to making my daughter a quilt with some of this cute fabric!
I would probably make some cute new spring clothes for my girls. Or some pillows. Maybe some slippers for me.
I follow on Pinterest!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I would definitely make a twin-sized quilt for my daughter’s future bed (she’s only 4.5 months at the moment).
Already like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I have seen the cutest skirt (fun) patterns I want to make with this line. Love the Riley Blake fabrics and line. Love her website too
Also following Riley Blake on Pinterest!
Wow I love the dots ones, probably put in frames with offset pictures, or some sort of ombre houndstooth quilt.
mmm…I think they’re would be enough for some bags and a baby quilt… I’d love to make this projects a reality! so crossing fingers. Thanks so much for sharing this giveaway!
Oooh! Well, I have a baby, so I’m thinking I could find *something* to do with it. A quilt, a tiered skirt…. I’ll have to think on this.
Oh I just love that collection! I can imagine a very lovely quilt for my daughter’s bed!
I really just want to do a patchwork quilt for summer fun. So I think I’d use this!!!
I already “like” Riley Blake on Facebook!!
Adorable baby things . . . ahh
I’d make some fabulous little bags, pouches, and purses with this gorgeous stack of fabric! THANKS for the chance!
I’m a long-time Riley Blake FB fan (Rebecca Marie)
I would make a quilt for my little girl due in June.
Oh, love the fabric! My girls would love new quilts to snuggle with.
Im thinking right now a quilt would be nice to make. Thank for the chance.
I like Riley Blake on FB
I would make a baby quilt.
I follow Riley Blake on Pintrest.
I like Riley Blake on facebook
I already follow Riley Blake on FB.
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I would make a quilt for me…finally. I LOVE those colors!
I already like Riley Blake on Facebook. Thanks!
I’d make that fancy lamp shade quilt that Lori has on her blog. Complete with all the embellishments!
I like Riley Blake via FB
I follow RIley Blake on Pinterest! So fun!
A quilt for my daughter’s new room!
I’m going to (try to) make my very first quilt!
I like Riley Blake on FB!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
Love Riley Blake on facebook.
I would LOVE to make a quilted wall-hanging for my new great-granddaughters.
I would make some bags and a rag doll with a matching quilt.
I have so many things I would like to do to this bundle. Mainly I would treat it nice, real nice
Love RIley Blake on pinterest!
Love it! I would make a quilt to use for lots of picnics in the yard this summer!
I would love to make my 7yo daughter a quilt for her bed using these – the colors are awesome!
I would make twirly skirts for my 3-year old who won’t wear anything but skirts right now, and probably some peasant tops to “match” too.
I follow Riley Blake on FB!
I like Riley Blake on FB!!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest, too. They have great boards.
I like Riley Blake on Facebook! Entry #2.
I am doing a sew along and it would be great to have these fabrics
I am ready to start on a new lap quilt, these colors would ROCK it! <3
I liked RB on Facebook
Pretty!! I am loving the pinks yellows and grey!!
following Riley on Pinterest, too
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest
I’d make something very pretty, for sure.
Just got a new Slice Fabrique and would use these to make an awesome quilt with lots of appliqué’s!
I follow Riley Blake on FB. Big
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
Follow Riley Blake on Pinerest too..
I like Riley Blake on Facebook!
I would make my first baby quilt with it
Nice! Would use it for tote bags and towel trim.
I am now following Riley Blake on pinterest
I “like” Riley Blake on Facebook
Would love this so much!
I like Riley Blake on fb!
I “like” Riley Blake on FB!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I hope I win! I love fabric!
I’d probably make a blanket for my daughter… super cute fabrics!
Judging by the fabulous colors, I would make a ton of monogram things for my niece and sisters. And I might even put together some cool wall art for my office (which has empty walls right now)
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I love the colors – would make a nice picnic quilt for this summer! thanks!
I have tons of projects in my head… with two little girls in my family I have a plenty of things to apply this stuff:) purses for my daughters are in the line.
I’m following you on Pinterest.
Liked you on FB long ago.
I would make a beautiful quilt for my granddaughter
I liked Riley Blake on Facebook!
Oh, sorry, i’m not a resident of US:(((((( but I have friends there< who'd send me this stack……. if it oculd work this way?!?
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I’m following Riley Blake on pinterest
I am now following Riley Blake on Pinterest! Woohoo.
I am hoping to make Reusable snack bags for all my nieces & nephews for our summer beach trip. The fat quarters would be perfect & oh so fabulous!
Those are so cute! I’d like to make lots of different things: a camera strap cover, a cute purse, a ruffled apron and a key fob are on the top of my list!
I’m not sure what I would make…a quilt, some baby stuff…but I know it would be beautiful with those designs!
I like Riley Blake on Facebook for a long time now.
I have a friend expecting twin girls in June… I’m sure they need ‘something’ new!!
I am following Riley Blake on Pinterest
I ‘Like’ Riley Blake on Facebook
I am already following Riley Blake on Facebook
this would make a fabulous quilt for one of the many baby girls that have been born in the past year between my family and friends.
I would make a patchwork circle sundress for my little girls!
I liked rb on fb.
I have Lori’s Dresden quilt pattern, and all I need now is this fabric to go with it.
I would make some cute dresses and skirts for my little girl and some fun buntings!
I am already friends and follower of Riley Blake on facebook
I follow them on pinterest too.
I would make something for my little girl.
I follow you. I would make a little quilt!
I follow riley blake on pinterest
like riley blake on face book!
A quilted bag
Looks like some fabulous fabric in there, I would love to win it!
I now follow Riley Blake Designs on FB.
I now follow Riley Blake Designs on Pinterest.
Oh my gosh! I also follow Bee in My Bonnet and adore Lori’ s fabric and patterns. I’m salivating! A lovely quilt for my precocious son to be 10 year old granddaughter,,,, love the chance! Thanks!
I love ( like! ) Riley Blake on Facebook,
i want to make scripture cases and skirts
riley blake fb fan
I would love to win these beautiful fabrics. My daughters and I have a small bow making business and these would be great for our bows.
I’d make something cute like a blanket if I won this bundle!
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest
I’d make some fun skirts for my daughter out of these. Love them!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I would use the bundle to make a spring like wreath for my front door. A nice patch work would look so clever.
I would totally use this for an online bee block something.
I like Riley Blake on facebook.
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I now follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I’d make more items for the children’s hospital – maybe some more crayon art folios or a banner to decorate the arm of the bed. (by the way, love the name of your blog!)
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
I follow Riley Blake on FB.
Wow… I think I’d start with some new placemats, then maybe a buffet runner?
Id make a beautiful quilt. Lovely fabric.
I would use to spruce up some decor in my girl’s bedroom!
I like them on FB!
I follow them on Pinterest.
I would make a quilt for my new niece Piper!
I already follow (like) Riley Blake on Facebook. Love their fabric! =-]
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest. =-]
I love Riley Blake fabric and would use the bundle to make some ruffled aprons and throw pillows. =-]
A baby quilt of some clothes would be fun.
I would make a twirly dress for my little daughter!
That fabric bundle looks yummy!
I would make another quilt with it.
I think I’d make a little quilt with these.
I’m following Riley on pinterest.
I love this line! I would make some skirts for my little girls.
I would make a cute little quilt to take to the lake for a picnic.
I liked Riley Blake on facebook
I am following Riley Blake on Pinterest. Thanks for the opp to win!!!
I would make Ruffle twirl skirts for my grand daughter. Some for a quilt for her bed.
Thank You for this opportunity. I love Fabric!!
I like Riley Blake on Facebook!!
Liked Riley Blake on face book. Sussanna @ [email protected]
I would make some sort of fabulous purse (maybe one with ruffles). I have several patterns to choose from – now I just need time and fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’ve got a new Grand baby coming and would love to use these for special! Sure hope I win!
Following Riley Blake too!
I love Riley Blake on FB!!
A Lovely quilt or patchwork bag!
Riley Blake fabrics are my favorite. Never saw one I didn’t like!
A new quilt for the family room and I just love the color story! Thank you for the chance to enter.
Riley Blake is one of my favorite designers. This fabric would probably become a quilt for the older lady next door that we all call “Grandma”. Love it!
I follow Riley Blake on Facebook
I love the pinks and oranges. I would make a kitchen set with placemats, potholders, appliance covers.
Love Riley Blake! Thanks for hosting this give away!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I just “liked” Riley Blake on Facebook.
I would love to make a skirt with that fabric, it is gorgeous!
my goodness! that is beautiful.. quilt for tv watching. definitely ! x
fb liked
I want to try to make my own flower-print scarf.
I would use this bundle to share time with my daughter this summer. She is in college and has had little time off since she left home three years ago, Since she will have time off this summer, I am planning to teach her to sew by making a quilt together for her hope chest. These fabrics are just her style and would be perfect for binding us together as we create for her future.
Well, a quilt!
and I follow RB on Pinterest too. CUTE stuff.
These colors would be so fun to make a blanket for my daughter!
I like Riley Blake on Facebook!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
Oh, I love that fabric! I just did my first ever quilt and this would make a beautiful second quilt!
I would make a new spring table runner!
Me! Me! Pick me! Pretty please with sugar on top!??
I now follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I LIKEd Riley Blake on Facebook!
We just found out today that we’re having a girl! I can picture those fabrics making a lovely girl (but not too girly) quilt!
Thanks for the chance to win such a gorgeous stack of fabric!
I already like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I love RB Designs!
If I won I would make a quilt for my daughter.
I LOVE this colour combination! just beautiful! i think i would make a nice beautiful quilt with it. what else?! and probably some mini/baby quilts to match…
So cute!! I would love to make a cute pink quilt for my baby girl. Pink is just so much fun after having three boys.
i followed Riley Blake on pinterest. i’m excited for these pins!
i liked Riley Blake on Facebook.
thanks for this giveaway! it’s incredible.
Such great colors. I love it.
oh this fabric would go towards sewing my girls summer wardrobe forsure
I follow riley blake on pinterest now
I like riley blake on facebook
These are super adorable prints, and this would be perfect for a baby girl blanket that I’ve been meaning to make for an expecting mother at my work!
Not sure what I’d make with this beautiful fabric but I think it would work itself into a scrappy lap quilt.
I already follow Riley Blake on Facebook.
And I am a follower on Pinterest!
I am following Riley Blake on Pinterest
I like Riley Blake on Facebook
I think I would make a new nap quilt – bigger than a lap quilt, but just right to snuggle under for a nap!
I would definitely make bibs for a precious little girl!
I would make a pennant banner and/or a small quilt for my brand-new niece, Ava.
I love love this fabric. My daughter loves to carry her school books in a bag instead of a backpack and she would just love a bag made with these fabrics.
I’d use this lovely fabric to make myself a quilt. A girl can never have too many quilts!
I’m not a typically a pink person, so pinks usually make it into projects for my niece, but with the grays, brown, and oranges I think I would have to make a quilt for myself with this bundle!
I like Riley Blake on FB…
And I’m following them on Pinterest.
Riley Blake, Riley Blake!! Some much fabric, so many patterns…what to do. what to do?? A million different ideas are floating in my head – oh dear, it must be time for bed!
Wow…I have to come up with one thing i would make? I can think of many. I know, I would love to make some patchwork pillows for my daughters room. Perfect colors.
I definately follow Riley Blake on Facebook. I have forever.
I would love to make a new summer bag with this cute bundle.
Oh, and I follow RB on pinterest, of course.
I am following you on Pinterest!
I think i would use those to make some cute throw pillows to match the new bedding i just got.
i am following riley blake on pinterest
i like riley blake on facebook
Now THAT is a beautiful bundle! What would I make? Something for me, that’s for sure. There isn’t much pink or frilly stuff happening in my house because of a major imbalance in estrogen vs testosterone. So this bundle would be perfect for making ME a quilt that is femininely delicious with lots of frills and fru fru. !!
thanks for the chance to win!!!
My 13 yr. old daughter is just getting interested in quilting. We just bought a pattern book of small projects great for a beginner. It’d be wonderful to have some beautiful fabrics to start some projects with her!
Love this bundle! I would probably make a big floor pillow for my daughter. maybe a tote bag. Thanks
Follow Riley Blake on FB. Thanks!
That fabric is beautiful! I would love to make a summer bag and dress for my 4 year old daughter
I like Riley Blake on FB.
I follow Riley Blake on pinterest.
Yes I would love the fat quarter bundle, thank you!! Um, I have sooo many baby gifts to make so this darling fabric would sure come in handy:)
I’m also a facebook fan!!
I would like to make burp cloths for my baby due in sept.
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I am a new pinterest follower
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nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
i would probably make some bean bags as gifts and also some napkins. :))))
i like riley blake on fb
i follow riley blake on pinterest
I’d make a baby quilt with these lovely fabrics.
I LIKE Riley Blake Designs on Facebook.
I would cut it up and sew it up and love it up!
And I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest – so much fun stuff there to dream of making.
ummm….I always need fabric!!!! But that? I would totally make a quilt for meeeeee! Since it wouldn’t work well for the boys! But, it would be nice for some charity quilts for some angel baby mommas I need to make too!!!!
I am in the progress of starting a quilt for my twins using all the special baby blankets and I would love to alternate the squares with a colorful fabric like this!
Already liked on FB and following on Pinterest..
I am just starting to learn how to sew so I would probably start with something small like a phone or ipod cover then move up from there. I just love all the color combinations of Riley Blake fabrics! Now on to FB to check out their page…..:)
Just “liked” them on FB!
Oh lordy I am in trouble… following them on Pinterest!
Hmmm. I think I would either have to make patchwork ruffly dresses for my daughter & my niece, or a quilt. That would be a tough decision!!
I’ve been a Riley Blake FB fan for a while – love the fabrics!
I would make some baby gifts…. of there are lots of fabulous things to make with this cute looking fabric!!!
And I have also been following Riley Blake on Pinterest
If only I had more time to sew!!
I would make a quilt….or maybe some doll clothes…..or a patchwork skirt…..or…..
I liked Riley Blake on FB!
I am the 6936th facebook liker of Riley Blake designs. Angela
I liked Riley Blake on pinterest!
Welllll…I think I’d make a quilt!
I am following Riley Blake on Pinterest, Angela
I would make a cute quilt of some sort.. thanks for the chance!!!
I liked Riley Blake on FB “Pamela Scott Ponder”
I am following Riley Blake on Pinterest now.. “Pamela Scott Ponder”
I would refashion some clothes that I have grown bored of.
Just getting into quilting. I love all the riley blake fabrics and i have a new grandbaby that I would love to make a quilt for.
I would use this for my first quilting project!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I Like Riley Blake on Facebook (andrea potter kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I follow Follow Riley Blake on Pinterest (Andrea Kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I’d make some cute bags and maybe a skirt.
I’ve been on a bag kick recently, so I think that’s what I’d do!
I like riley blake on fb:)
I recently saw a project I wanted to make at pellon for a picnic set and this would be perfect.
I like Riley Blake on Facebook
fb id: jenny crackedcorn
I Follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
That fabric is super cute. I would have my first attempt to make a quilt. I would start small and do a little lap quilt.
I like RB on facebook
I follow RB on pinterest.
I liked Riley Blake on Facebook!
I have been looking for fabric for my niece’s graduation quilt and these colors would be perfect! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I like Riley Blake Designs on Facebook:)
I think I’d make a quilt
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterst:)
I’d make some fabric covered accessories for my sewing room and use whatever is left for a cute bag!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
I like Riley Blake on facebook
someluckydog at gmail dot com
following Riley Blake on pinterest
someluckydog at gmail dot com
Followed on Pinterest. Liked on facebook.
As far as what I would make a baby quilt for my first baby girl, due in Aug!
I already like Riley Blake on facebook
I already follow Riley Blake on pinterest
I think my mom would love to have some placemats and tablerunners made from these fabrics. It seems to fit her color scheme perfectly
table runner and maybe trim some bath towels
holy crap that is a gorgeous bundle..If I won that I would make swoon blocks for a a nice cosy quilt,
thanks for the opportunity,cheers Vickie
I follow Riley Blake on Facebook.
I follow Riley Blake on Facebook.
I would make a quilt using the pattern Springfield Stars by Karen Montgomery out of it. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have this really cute pink quilt that I’m making. I’d use the yellows to make some curtains.
I’d love to make one of Amanda Murphy’s patterns out of that (like Garden Jewels). Thanks!
I have this great wallet pattern that I would use these fabrics for. Beautiful prints!
I liked Riley Blake on facebook. Another project I would do would be to make baby quilts with each color sets.
I am no following Riley Blake on Pinterest. Can wait to see her work!
My current favorite thing to make are hexies. I’m trying to get one or two flowers made a week. These would eventually turn into a quilt and a runner. These fabrics would make beautiful hexies! Be blessed, Kathy
I’m now following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I’ve Liked Riley Blake on Facebook!
I would make some little sundresses I just pinnned.
I liked Riley Blake on FB
Now following riley blake on pinterest
This fabric is too cute!
I would make some skirts for my little girls.
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
I would make a light weight summer quilt for those cooler nights. Love this fabric! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Oh fun! I have a baby girl and could make so many fun projects for her.
I would love this bundle of joy!
Ohh the colors are so perfect – I am planning to frame different fabrics in embroidery hoops and put them up in the nursery for the little girl I’m expecting!
I am following Riley Blake on Pintrest
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I would love to make a quilt for my daughter, something she can keep forever.
Post #2, following Riley Blake on Facebook,, I love their fabrics!!
I like Riley Blake on FB!
My sweet husband just surprised me with a serger yesterday, so I’d make some skirts for my girls with my new toy!
I’m following RB on pinterest!
I would make some nursery bedding for our babe to be
Waiting for an invite on Pintrest, guess I’m not in the loop. What a great place, Wow!
Would love to have this bundle, would make my 5 year old a patchwork twirly skirt!
I’d make a bunch of aprons and hostess gifts. So prettty!
I like Riley Blake on Facebook.
I follow RB on Pinterest.
Oh. That’s gorgeous! I think I’d make some strippy pillows and maybe a rwggedy quilt throw for my master bedroom. The colors are perfect!
lovely fabrics! I never knew about this line before….will search it out immediately!!
My favorite fabrics are always Riley Blake, so this is such a fabulous giveaway — thanks for the chance to win!! My girl is desperate for me to make her some new dresses, and some of these are perfect for me to make her a cute one!
Already a follower of Riley Blake on FB!
Already a follower on Pinterest!
Love Riley Blake fabric. Thanks!
Nice! I would make iPad cases for my daughters (lucky girls!)
Why do I try I never win!
I follow Riley Blake on FB!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
I’d make some banners, doll quilts, and bonnets for photo props!
I would give a chevron quilt a try. Btw…I just read your “about me” section….very funny.
I’ve never made a shower curtain before and I think this would be the perfect fabric for my new bathroom. I LOVE this fabric.
This fabric is adorable! I would use it to make the nursery bedding for my little girl who will be arriving in May.
I have a first Grandbaby being born in October. I’d love to win to make a baby quilt!
Beautiful Spring colours. I’d love to make a couple of cute purses.
I never win anything but if zi win this I will stitch up some beautiful grandbaby clothes
I love this fabric line! Lori’s quilts are so inspiring, and I’d love to quilt with this!
Gorgeous fabric! I would make a quilt for my granddaughter maybe with the Swoon pattern.
OMG! love, love these prints! I could just sit and look at them, because I know they will give me that happy feeling inside, ok I’m done …. any thing that’s made with these wonderful fabrics would be beautiful…….T;hank You Riley Blake!
I liked Riley Blake on facebook.
I adore Riley Blake Fabrics! One of my quilts is falling apart and this bundle would help me create the perfect replacement!
I’ve been following Riley Blake on Pinterest for a while now, love the ideas they pin!
Already “LIKE” Riley Blake on facebook! Love Riley Blake!
I would make some accessories for the kid’s kitchen… apron, hat, curtain…. many possibilities!
I’d make my daughter and niece some cute little pillows with pockets. Great fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would make a quilt, of course!! love this fabric!
I am a follower of Riley Blake on Pinterest
I am a follower of Riley Blake on Facebook
I would make a sweeeet baby quilt for my newest niece.
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest
I am following Riley Blake on Pinterest and wish that I would have found her before!!
I would love to use this to make a quilt for my daughters dorm room.
love this fabric!
liked riley blake on fb
ooh, I love this line! I’d use it to make a bunch of gifty items for friends and family. Maybe even a bag for me!
I would make a cute Patchwork skirt and matching appliqued shirt
I like Riley Blake on FB
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
i love Riley Blake fabrics and would love to welcome this bundle to my stash.
i follow Riley Blake onm FB
I think I would make a quilt for my granddaughter.
Oh, I would love some Riley Blake fabrics. I would make a summer dress for my niece.
I follow Riley Blake on FB
A quilted summer handbag for me and matching patchwork skirts for my two little girls and their new baby cousin! Now I’m publicly committed!
I’d make something nice for my niece probably, and then lots of nice things for me!
I would make a skirt for my daughter.
I love sets like that because the work of matching/coordinating fabrics is already done for me! I’d love to make some small bags or zippered pouches.
I like Riley Blake on FB!
I am on an owl-making kick – so I would make a couple of coordinating owls!
I follow RB on FB!
I recently started to follow RB on Pinterest – love the stuff they post!
I see a granny squares quilt in my future if I win this bundle. It would look great!
I am a new follower of Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I {Like} Riley Blake on Facebook. Actually, I {LOVE} Riley Blake!!
Summer dresses for my little girls! Thanks, [email protected]
I would make a quilt with these beautiful fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you on facebook.
I follow you on PInterest.
I think these would look great as a Swoon quilt!
I’ve liked Riley Blake on Facebook.
And I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
OMG – beautiful fabric – What I could do with those!!!!!
I’m doing the Craftsy Block-a-Month class trying to learn how to quilt. Once I get it figured out, this gorgeous bundle would be a great start on my first quilt.
I just liked Riley Blake on facebook. I would probably make a quilt for one of my little girls.
I would make a darling quilt for my new granddaughter, Isabell! Beautiful fabric for a beautiful girl! Thanks for the give-away!
Oh, I’m itching to make a baby quilt!!
Beautiful fabric. I am sure it would be made into something for my Granddaughter but right this second I”m not sure if it would be a quilt or blankets or maybe bibs and burp cloths. I might even make a cute little summer outfit for her.
I already like Riley Blake on facebook. I just love all their adorable fabrics.
I would make some ruffle butt onesies and onesies with appliques (sp?). I know a lot of people expecting babies!!!
I’ve been crushing on the Daisy Cottage designs since they came out, I would use them in a soft, squishy quilt, which I would cozy up under after a long day, drink cocoa, and watch old movies.
(a girl can dream, right?)
I would love to make some cute dresses for my baby!
I DO like Riley Blake on Facebook. Go me!
LOVE the giveaway! probably would make something for my girls… but not sure yet!!
I would LOVE to make a purse and a fabric notepad portfolio out of this bundle! GORGEOUS!!!
I “like” Rile Blake on FB! <3
After making three different shaped cat beds for my cats (really want to try a dresden plate round bed), I think I’d give in and get the Zakka Style book and make some of the smaller projects in it. Thank you for the giveaway!
I would make that quilt for my baby girls 3rd b-day!
So fun! I can think of a ton of cute things to make for the baby girl that is due in a few short weeks
I would love to use these for a fundraiser at our church!
This fabric would look beautiful in a summer quilt for my baby grandniece, perhaps with enough left over to make some baby accessories.
At first I was thinking a quilt, but I am seriously tempted to try making me a skirt!
I liked them on facebook already ^^
Following on pinterest!
I think I would make a turning twenty quilt.
Love the colors. A new quilt would be just right for the guest room.
My great grand daughter wants to learn to sew. I would let her pick some prints she likes and teach her to make a little quilt.
I already “liked” Riley Blake on FB.
I hope the computer will choose me….
LOVE LOVE Riley Blake !!! Oh the possibilities …….. let me win PLEASE
I believe I will attempt a doll quilt for my best girl!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I see clutches, handbags, hot/cold comfort eye pillows and neck wraps galore in that stack of awesome! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!!
I will make a fun market skirt from the fabric if I win, or perhaps a quilt for a niece in law. (No girls in my house to create for sadly, only boys for this mama.)
I am now following Riley Blake on Pinterest!!
Hard to say what kind of creativity a beautiful bundle of fabric like this might spark!
I would love to make a quilt for my baby “great grand daughter” who will be moving far away due to her daddy, who is in service. Love this fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I fell in love with this fabric the first time I saw it. I would love to make a quilt out of it. Thanks for the chance.
I also liked them on facebook!
I am also following them on pinterest.
My best friend just had a baby girl so I would love to make her some more baby gifts (burp cloths, bibs, blankies, etc).
I like Riley Blake on FB
I have liked Riley Blake on FB for a while now!
What would I make with this bundle? I would squirrel it away until one of my children announces that a granddaughter is on the way! Then look out world!
A quilt for my youngest…. that I might on occasion steal for myself.
I would LOVE to get these fat quarters to design some t-shirt appliques for my 2 sweet little girls!
I followed riley blake on pinterest
I liked Riley Blake on facebook.
I love this fabric so much!! So excited! I would make a little girl quilt. I even know the exact pattern!
[email protected]
I Like Riley Blake on Facebook: Michelle Riebeek
[email protected]
I Follow Riley Blake on Pinterest: michelleriebeek
I am redoing a pop up camper and would love to make some cute pillows !
I’d love to use these to make a quilt for a new baby in the family. Thank you for the opportunity!
I would make a quilt for Siblings Together.
I would make a few baby blankets – I have a lot of pregnant friends right now!
I love to make purses and will use this awesome material for the patchwork for my summer designs. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh, pick me please!
Oh I love making things with fat quarters! My latest obsession is fat quarter backpacks for the kids.
What gorgeous fabric! A patchwork quilt coming up….hope to win.
If I won this bundle of fabric I would make a table cloth for my backyard picnic table and pillows and placemats to match!
I like Riley Blake on FB – and I would use that fabric to make a lovely quilt!
I have a Swoon quilt planned!
I’m taking an online quilting class. This would definitely help me practice my quilting skills. I’d definitely put it to good use!
I’d make a patchwork flowing tunic… kind of indie rock style… I need something cute and a little different to wear for my band’s next gig!
I have 4 girlies in my house, the possibilities are endless with and ENTIRE fat quarter bundle! It might turn into a quilt around here through!
That is indeed a bundle of awesome. I would make a quilt with it.
I like RIley Blake on FB.
My BFF was diagnosed with cancer a month and a half ago. I want to do something special for her. Those colors are perfect!
And I follow Riley Blake on pinterest.
Love all of Lori Holt’s fabric. Thank you for the chance to win this lovely bundle.
I ‘liked’ Riley Blake on Facebook.
I’d make a blanket. Or frame some. Or pillows?
I liked you on facebook
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I would make a quilt, one of Lori’s patterns, some lined travel bags, and a table topper
I would stare at it until something jumped out at me, but with Riley Blake it doesn’t take long to figure it out.
Beautiful!! Perhaps a fat quarter quilt?!
I love riley blake fabrics. I would make some baby quilts for my new nieces (twins)
Let’s be honest…I’d stash it for awhile. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’d make a patch skirt for my two girls
Well, something awesome obviously. A cute dress for my 2 yr old or maybe a baby blanket for my new one coming this summer.
I like Riley Blake on Pinterest and FB!! Love their fun desings!! Thanks for the offer!
I’d love to do a wall hanging with these!
I just love these fabrics. I think I might make a pinwheel quilt!
I followed riley blake on pinterest
I liked Riley Blake on facebook.
I don’t even know what I’d make, but the fabric is beautiful!
Love the yellow, I would make a spring inspired Log Cabin quilt
I’m making 5 Turning Twenty quilts this summer for my kids. My three oldest girls will be helping…they are taking their first quilting class. Contests are fun…Thanks!
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I would hoard them for a little while (go on, you know you would, too!) and then make some cute little bags and change purses.
With 6 kids under 12 (5 of them girls!), this would be ideal to make them all some lovely wee things!
I think I would make a quilt!
I am a fan of Riley Blake on Facebook.
I am now following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
Oh. My. Gosh!! I am in the process of re-doing my little girls room and this would make the cutest quilt for her bed!! TOO CUTE!!
I think I would make skirts for my girls.
I already like on FB!
I follow on pinterest!
oh, pretty fabric! definitely a quilt project!
I would love to make a quilt with these beautiful fabrics!!! I LOVE RILEY BLAKE!!!!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I follow Riley Blake on FB too
Oh my, that is gorgeous fabric!! I love fat quarters for so many projects. I just might have to make a quilt if I win.
I think I would just have to try making an adorable quilt
What cute fabrics! I think I’d make a quilt for my god-daughter & I know she’d love it
I like Riley Blake Designs on FB
I LOVE the Daisy Cottage line. My daughter-in-law and I have used it to decorate the new baby girl’s room. I would use the FQ bundle to make a quilt for the little one. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Baby blanket for my baby girl!
I would make a patchwork circle skirt for my daughter!
Would love to make a new quilt!! Love Riley Blake
I would make a quilt with this beautiful fabric!
I like Riley Blake on FB.
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
I can see some pillowcases or maybe a super cute skirt for my daughter.
I like rileyblake on facebook
I also follow Riley Blake on pinterest
Oohhh! I’d love to make some baby goodies with these pretties! My best friend and I just had babies 4 and 6 weeks ago, and I’m finally getting back into my sewing room!
I like RB on FB!
I follow RB on Pinterest!
I’d made a quilted laptop cover!
Wow! I don’t what I would “attempt” to make with these as I am a beginner. Maybe a simple skirt for one of my girls or perhaps some with straight lines.
OMG, what a cool stack of FABRIC!! I would definitely make a puff quilt and hopefully with a little extra fabric leftover, make some tissue covers for my BFF’s church bazaar!! thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!!
What beautiful fabric. I’d love to make a scrappy quilt with it! Thanks for the chance to win it!
Those fabrics are begging to be made into a maverick star quilt with a grey background. I love them — so gorgeous. I love pink and orange together!
I “liked” Riley Blake on Facebook.
I’ve been wanting to make a new quilt – I love the colors!
I like Riley Blake on FB!
I follow Riley Blake on Pinterest
It looks like it would make some cute easter dresses for my grandbabies.
I Follow Riley Blake on Pinterest.
The first thing I thought of when I saw that stack of pretty prints was “baby quilt!”… Love that palette!
…and I am now following Riley Blake on Pinterest!
I’d love to make my first ever quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!
Perfect color combinations for a summer dress for my princess
Pretty ! A quilt, or pillows.
Fat quarter bags!! They make awesome gifts
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Comment #1
Comment #2 – I liked Riley Blake on FB
Comment #3 – I am following on Pinterest
Have a couple aprons I really need some cute fabric to make! Thanks for the giveaway!
i’d make a quilt for my daughter’s big girl bed!
i like riley blake on FB.
and i am following riley blake on pinterest.
It seems a lot of my friends are pregnant so I would make a baby quilt.
I follow in PInterest!
Love that fabric! It would definitely go into a quilt if I were to win it – thanks for the chance!
I’m following Riley Blake on Pinterest.
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I would love to make some pillows for my family room. I love Riley Blake fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.
Such great fabrics! I’ve been in a wallet making mood so these would be great
Would love to make a dress for my daughter!
If I won this wonderful bundle of fabric I would start my second(ever) quilt and I would definitely make a big one! I’m sure it would take me months to finish too
Phooey! I didn’t see the contest ended yesterday…