Snappity Snap SNAP!

So, SNAP! is next week.  NEXT WEEK!!!

I know what you’re thinking… “I’m not going, so why do I care?”  Hold on, because I’m about to tell you.

1) If you live in Utah and you like to shop, you WILL NOT want to miss Queen Bee Market.


Some of my favorites are going to be there (hint: HoopLa) and I’m sure I’ll find some new favorites, too.

2) If you don’t live in Utah, but you still like awesome free stuff, some of the SNAP swag giveaways will be posted on Twitter and the SNAP blog.  These aren’t just fluff prizes either….no sir.  We’re talking a Silhouette CAMEO and a sewing machine.  AWESOME, right?

3) If you’re coming to SNAP, leave me a comment, will ya?  I need to know who to look out for!  Winking smile

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  1. I’ll be there!!

  2. I’ll be there and I can’t WAIT! I’ve been running around like a mad women getting ready for it! :)

    Newlyweds on a Budget

  3. Oh gosh I’m getting so excited! I’ll be there!!!

  4. I’ll be there! Hey that’s my machine! The winner is going to LOVE IT!
    Can’t wait to see you soon Char!

  5. I’ll be there! Can’t wait to see you again Char! That sewing machine is MINE.

  6. Hey- i’ll be there. I’ll be the one following you around.
    Thanks for the QBM shout out!
    Can’t wait to finally give you a big ol’ hug. And stuff pudding mix in your pockets.

    • Mique, if you REALLY love her you will bring her some eggs. Lots and lots of eggs!! And I hope you don’t mind if I squeeze myself right in the middle of that hug. The only thing Char loves MORE than hugs is big group hugs! ;D

      • I’ll add eggs to the list Lorie! Along with citrus baked goods. We need to get together before and work on a Jonas song for Char. Can’t wait for that group hug!!

  7. I’ll be there, looking forward to it :) I wonder if I won a fancy sewing machine, if it would magically teach me how to sew ;)

  8. I will see you there! I can’t wait… I’m getting anxious/nervous/excited!!

  9. You won’t need to look for me. I am not leaving your side! :P

  10. I’ll be there! I can’t wait! :)

  11. I’m coming too-woohoo! I worry that I’m missing something because everyone keeps talking about having so much to do before they’re ready to go. I have clothes, my little blog cards, and a camera (and it’s not even SLR!) So I should be good, right? There is of course the issue of making sure the house and my kids are ready before I take off for a whole weekend :)

  12. I’ll be there and I’m super excited!!!

  13. I am going and I’m psyyyyyyched! :-D

  14. Was supposed to be there but it’s my anniversary weekend ,and my first one every so I dont feel like I should bail on my husband to go to Snap. So bummed! That sewing machine is fantastic. If we dont go out of town for the wknd I will try to make it to the Queen Bee Market.

  15. I’ll be there!! Cannot wait for the fun, and would love to meet you!!

  16. We’ll be there and we’re SO excited! And I agree… Am I missing something? ;)

  17. I’m coming! And super excited!

  18. Oh, I’m on it like Blue Bonnet. I’m gonna be there!

  19. I’ll be there, and I’m so, so excited to meet everyone in for real life!!! That sewing machine is fabulicious! I want it so bad, I might even have to learn to sew. ;)

  20. This chick is going to be there. I am so excited and I better freaking win something cause that stuff rocks!

  21. I’m going to be there and can’t wait to attend my first conference!

  22. I’m going and can’t wait! It sounds like so much fun!

  23. Oh yes, CHAR! I will be there stalking you and every other “famous” blogger! This will be my 2nd blog conference. I have a feeling it will be even better than the first!!!!

  24. I’m only going if you agree to share a bed with me. So…..guess it’s up to you, sweets!

  25. I’ll have a booth at the Market! See you there :-)

  26. WOOOOOHOOOO! I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you and tell you how much I love the crap you make!!!

  27. I will be there! Can’t wait!

  28. Excellent article. I will be going through many of these issues
    as well..

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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