Before we get to the giveaway, here’s this month’s Silhouette promotion:
A CAMEO + your choice of rolling tote (pink or teal) = $309.99
GO HERE and use code “CRAP” to take advantage of the savings ($60!).
Already have a CAMEO but you NEED to get your hands on the tote?
You can do that here with code “CRAP” as well…takes the price down to $54.99.
Promo runs through May 31st.
I got the pink one and it’s delightful!
Your CAMEO fits right in the bottom
and your laptop goes right up top (in lots of padding so it’s super safe).
(No, I did not get a Mac so please don’t email me asking me questions about how to do stuff on it. The Mac is BC’s. My computer is red and it was ugly in the pictures with the pink bag. He he he. )
There’s also tons of adjustable storage up top.
Nice, right?
Want to win one along with a CAMEO to put inside?
(I know you do!)
One lucky Crap I’ve Made reader will win her (or his) very own Silhouette CAMEO™ + rolling tote
Leave a comment on this post.
Follow the Silhouette blog. Come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST (on the blog, not on Facebook or in response to your email subscription) saying that you did.
Follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST saying that you did.
***3 possible entries per person***
Giveaway is open to US residents age 18 and over only and closes Tuesday, May 29th at noon MST. Winner will be chosen at random using a WordPress Plugin (And The Winner Is…) and notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
Be sure to check back because I’ll be updating this post with other giveaways in blog land as I come across them!
Tote only:
Oh my gosh I totally am dying for one!
Please oh please let it be me!!! These bags are BEEEAAAUUUUTiful!!!
I have been eye-ing up a silhouette for a couple years but can’t justify the purchase while I am in school right now. Would love to win this!
Oh man, I ‘d so love to win this!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I want to win one of these sooooo bad!! I will keep trying!
I would love to win one! I have a ton of things I want to try with it.
I would love to win this! Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway!
I would love to win this! The bags are sooooo pretty!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Oh, the things you can do with this thing (or so I hear). I would love one!
um wow that bag is really cute. I mean the cameo is amazing too but the bag is so so cute!
Oh my Char, this is quite the lovely giveaway! I have been wanting a Cameo since they came out and a Silhouette before that and don’t have either
Thanks for the chance to win both this gorgeous tote and a Cameo to put inside of it! It looks like it has tons of storage -love that!
Oh what an awesome giveaway
Thank you for the chance to win
Ummmm. Of COURSE I want to win!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog
Pick me! Pick me! I would love a Silhouette.
Iv been wanting one for SO long! Hope I win!
I follow them on Pinterest
AND, I also follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I am following Silhouette on Pintrest. If you don’t hear from me in a week, that is where I will be!
I already follower Silhouette’s blog by email and blogger even though I can’t fit any of their machines in my budget – a girl can dream right? Thanks for the extra chance to win!
And I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow the Silhouette blog via RSS.
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow the Silhouette blog
Wonderful give away!
I am going to try again. Maybe one day I will win one of your giveaways…..le sigh
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I’d love to win!
I have been wanting one for years and always try and enter to win one!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I am following Silhouette’s blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Would love to win one and play with it with my daughter this summer!
I am following Silhouette’s blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Following blog. I am desperate.
I follow Silhouette by email
I follow the Silhouette blog
I would love one of these! Thanks!
thanks so much. I am destined to win one of these times, right??!!?! Thanks for the chance!
Those bags are awesome
I would LOVE one!
Ah! I would totally love to win!!!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I so want to win one!
I followed Silhouette on Pinterest too.
And pinterest bc surely my chances are higher?
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest as well
I follow the Sihouette blog. Thanks!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Pick me! Pick me! LOL I would love a Silhouette!
I NEED this!!!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Following on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette on Pintrest
I’m turning in all my good karma hoping to win this one!
Oh, I want a Cameo SO bad…and that blue case, SWOON! I’m a teensy bit obsessed with that color right now…
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a cameo!!!!
Following the blog!!! Yay!!
I would love to have one of these! I’ve been trying to be more creative and this would help!
I follow the Silhouette blog on my google reader
PICK ME!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Of course I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. It should be required by law.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
This would be awesome! Love the bag too.
I would love a Cameo (and I think it’s hilarious you “admitted” to using the hub’s laptop to make the picture look better)!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would love to win this! What a great bag!
I follow Silhouette america on Pintrest!
Yeppers I stalk silhouette’s blog like a criminal.
I follow them on Pinterest
I also follow their blog.
Thanks Char!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest (cause I NEED more reasons to spend more time there apparently…)
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would be ecstatic!
I would love to win a Silhouette!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest,
I would love to win the Silhouette Cameo!!
I follow silhouette
It’s my birthday today, so I think that should mean that I automatically win, right??
I feel lucky!
Id love to win- pick me!!
Following the Silhouette blog
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow the Silhouette Blog.
I keep on wishingggg…
I am following Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow Silhouette on Pinterst.
I love the pink bag!! It’s so cute! I can think of so many things I want to do with a cameo and the cute bag would just be the icing on the cake!
I follow Sillhouette on Pinterest as well!
That bag is super cute and such a great idea! I would love to have my very own Cameo!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I having been following silhouette on Pintrest!
Following the Silhoutte blog now!
What an amazing giveaway. My fingers are crossed!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest and drool and ogle over all the cool things I could possibly be making if I had one!
I have been wanting one for so long!
I would love to win this!
I follow on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog
LOVE the teal one!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow Sihouette’s blog!
Man ohh man I just drool over those things! Would love to have one!
Mine and my three kids will have our fingers and toes crossed that we get this!
Thanks so much for the giveaway. Have a great rest of the week.
I follow Silhouette’s FB page!
Following on Pinterest, too!
Love the Cameo!
Following on Pinterest!
Would love to win this, thank you for the opportunity!
Love your blog & ideas.
Another amazing giveaway and the color of the bag is to die for! Thank you.
I want to win this because I NEED IT!!!
Follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Holy Canoli! I absolutely LOVE to win this giveaway! AMAZING!!!
also follow Silhouettes blog
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I would LOVE to win a Silhouette Cameo!
I would love one of these!! oh the things I could do!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
This would be such a treat!!
I’m already a follower of the Silhouette blog thru Google Reader. Would love to win this duo! Thanks for the giveaway. twelve30(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow the silhouette blog!
I am following Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow silhouette on pinterest!
Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
I am following Silhouette on Pinterest
Pick me please please please! I’m at my wits end with my Cricut. I want to switch so so bad.
I’m a follower of your blog thru Google Reader. Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway. twelve30(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to win one
oohh… so pretty. Who wouldn’t want one!?
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
I now follow the Silhouette blog and am a fan on FB!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Thank you so much for the giveaway……. The bag for the cameo is so adorable! LOVE IT!
Thanks for the chance to win! *fingers crossed*
Ohhhh, the things I’d make….
Would love to win a Cameo. Have a ton of vinyl ideas running around in my head. Thanks!
I follow the Silhouette Blog via Google Reader.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Thanks!
I love this rolling tote! It’s awesome!
I would LOVE to win….I would give it to my mother, because she loves making cards and it would be so awesome to give her something back that is not something she already has but more than that something that she would definitely use…
I follow the Silhouette blog by RSS. Thanks!
I follow the Silhouette Blog
YAY Fun giveaway!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest now!
I followed Silhouette on Pinterest
Love the Silhouette Pinterest ideas and would love to have one of my own to use on all those lovely ideas. Love your blog
I subscribed to the Silhouette blog
What an awesome giveaway!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I already follow Silhuette on Pinterest…
Simple I want to get rid of all things Provocraft and their restrictions and open up my creative side to allow me to design anything I want when I want and not dictated by a company. I heard the Silhouette was the best cutter in the market and it would be great if I could replace my Cricut with it. Thank you for your consideration.
Great Giveaway !! Would love to win one and make some beautiful crafts/home decor and gift some of them too.Thanks !
I would love to start new projects using a Silhouette!
I also follow Silhouette’s Blog…
I follow Silhouette Blog !!
I would love to win this!!!!
It’s kind of unreasonable how badly I want one of these. =)
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Maybe this will be my lucky entry!
I want one so badly! I have so many projects in mind!
I follow silhouette on pinterets.
I follow the silhouette blog in google reader
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I love the rolling tote!! (oh… and the AWESOME thing inside it!)
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I was drooling over this yesterday, so many ways to create with one machine. Someone will be very lucky indeed.
This is really nice. I am wishing me luck.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
And I follow Silhouette on Pinterest – which just makes the longing all the worse…
thanks for the chance to win!!!
I keep entering these giveaways and you keep choosing the wrong name.
Crossing my fingers and toes! I laughed at you swapping laptops for the picture because that’s just what I would do. Thanks!
I follow Silhouette’s blog =]
i follow the Silhouette blog!
love the pink tote!!
i follow Silhouette on pinterest!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest =]
i already follow silhouette on Facebook
i mean blog!
Please pick me! i need one!
I would love to win!
i meant i already follow silhouette’s blog!
i already follow silhouette on pinterest!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity! I’ve wanted a CAMEO for a long time now, it would be nice not to have to cut stuff out with scissors or an exacto knife!
I follow Silhouette’s blog via RSS
I have had the Silhouette on my wish list for so long that I am having to dust it! I finally started a ‘savings for Silhouette’ jar that I keep in the kitchen for loose change. I would love to have one of the machines to make diecuts for scrapbooking and card making.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog with my email of [email protected].
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest under the name of pamspradlin
I hope I win!
I’ve had a cricut for 4 years and it’s getting SO old and worn. I’ve used it to death and have been considering replacement with silhouette…would love to win, thanks for the chance! the bag!!! And Yeah the cameo isn’t too bad either
I follow on Pinterest!
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
I follow silhouette on pinterest!
I would LOVE one of these totes!! I found you blog when a fellow photog shared it on Facebook.
I follow the silhouette blog!
I dont want this bag… I NEED this bag…
ha ha
I would love this!!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. They have some great ideas!
This would be so fun! I love those totes-sooo cute. Thanks for the chance!
I follow silhouette on pinterest
Oh, what I would give to have one of those totes!
I NEED one of these. Desparately.
I’d love to be the winner of this great machine!!
I follow Sillhouette on Pinterest!
I really REALLLLLYYYYY want one of these!
Yeah! This is a great giveaway and I hope I win!
I follow their blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I’d love to be the winner of this great machine!!!
I, for one, think you should get a mac. : ) They rock!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I’m following the blog!
Super cute and functional! LOVE!
I had no idea they had a case! I would love to win both! I’d get the pink one!
I want this so bad!!!!
This would be a dream to win. Fingers crossed. Love the bags too!
I love, love, love that bag. Not only is it well designed, but it’s a favorite color of mine….so it’s meant to be right? Right?!
Thanks for the chance!
I follow Silhouettes blog
Love the bags! I’d love to win
I follow Silhouette on PInterest
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the silhouette blog
I want to win this so so bad
THIS is awesome. Who doesn’t love special cases — especially a rolly bag? I have my fingers crossed!
Wow, love the bag! It would make it super simple to share with my sisters!
I follow the silhouette blog
Love this bag! Its adorable. hope i win them.
I follow them on Pinterest.
I Follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow their blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I am a follower!
I’d love to win this! I want to try cutting fabric!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the SIlhouette blog!
This is such an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow the silhouette blog
I would love to have one of these.
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I’ve been trying to win one of these suckers for what feels like forever!
I follow the Silhouette blog as well!
My wife has been wanting this forever. Would love to surprise her!
Ohh how I would love to win a Cameo. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!
Melisa Alzammar
Oh man this would be perfect!
I already follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Melisa Alzammar
I follow silhouettes blog.
Man would I love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow the silhouette blog
follow the silhouette blog
follow silhouette on pintrest
I’m a new follower of the Silhouette blog too.
Melisa Alzammar
I follow silhouette on pinterest
Awesome bag!!! Crossing my fingers!!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
would love to win one of these and the tote is nice too
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow silhouettes blog
I follow silhouette on pinterest
sharon dot gullikson at gmail dot com
I wanted to leave my email so you can tell me I’ve won!!
I don’t have an embossing/die cutting machine so I’ve missed out on SO much! Thanks.
I want one of these so badly! And the tote is just the best. I love it!
So cool to see this giveaway!! Been wanting one of these forever.
I follow the silhouette blog via email.
I love giveways! And that bag… to die for!
I’m a follower of the Silhouette blog!
**Not entering for the giveaway! Just had to confirm how awesome this bag is! I’ve had it since March and am IN LOVE! I have the pink one too! It’s adorable! =) **
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I’ve been begging for one, but haven’t gotten it yet! Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest
I follow Sillhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette blog in my google feed
I would LOVE to get my hands on one of these beauties!
Following Silhouette’s blog
WOW!! Great Giveaway!! I would LOVE to win a Cameo and carrier!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win this! I have wanted one of these for so long, but it is sadly not in our budget!
Also following Silhouette on Pinterest
Yea! fun giveaway!!!
Thanks so much!
I am already a follower of the Silhouette blog!
I am in love with their new bags!! I’ve been dying to get a silhouette since they came out and am crossing my fingers that I’ll finally get lucky this time
Thanks for the oppurtunity!!!
I already follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I have been DYING to get my hands on one of these, unfortunately its not in the budget : /. Can’t tell you how grateful I am just for the chance!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!!
I also follow them on their fabulous blog too
I follow the Silhouette blog! Love their shape of the week!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest too!
I Follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win one! I sold my cricut at Christmas and was planning to buy me one and then life got in the way and the money was used for bills instead.
I Follow the Silhouette blog!
A dream come true………….
Fingers crossed! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I am following Silhouette on Pintrest!
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow the Silhouette Blog.
WOW!!! I would LOVE to win this fantastic giveaway.This would be a dream come true. Thanks for the chance to win one!
I want this cameo so bad! My daughter’s 4th birthday is coming up and this would be awesome!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the Sillhouette blog on my google reader!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
Yes please!!!!
Love your blog and would love to win!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would LOVE a Cameo/tote bundle! I can travel and craft in style!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Would love to win this!
Followed on Pinterest!
I’m loving the teal bag!
I would love to win!!!!
would be great to win this
My daycare crafts would be 100x better with this!
I love the bag and would love a Cameo. I could do so much crafting with it. I would love to make banners, cards and vinyl decor.
I would LOVE to win this Silhouette combo!!
So many fun things I could do with a Cameo – fingers crossed over here!!
Fingers crossed!
I would love to win this. I’d help me get a head start on organizing my house.
I’d love to win!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow the Silhouette Blog!
I already follow the Silhouette Blog….
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I already follow Silhouette on Pinterest
How exciting! These look like so much fun. Thanks for the chance!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Crossing all of my fingers and toes!
I am already a follower of the Silhouette blog!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I have been following Silhouette on Pinterest for quite a while now. Thanks again!
I follow silhouette’s pinterest boards.
I follow on pinterest!
Wow, it is fab looking!
thanks for the chance to win.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
thanks for the chance to win
i want one SO bad!!
i follow silhouette’s blog
I would really love to win this so I could use it for scrapbooking and my prek class!
i follow silhouette on pinterest
i follow the blog
love it on pinterest too
I need, ok,ok, i WANT that silhouette!
I would love to win one of these! Thank you for the chance.
I follow silhouette on pinterest!
I Follow the Silhouette blog.
I would love to win this for my wife. She’d be so excited!
I follow the silhouette blog!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I followed the blog
Would love to win this =)
Follow Silhouette’s blog via Goodle Reader
Fun! The bag is adorable and clever too.
Follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Oh, I am liking the blue bag. Already follow their blog but will go to pinterest now.
I am do excited about this! The silhouette is an amazing machine capable of so many veto stilt projects! It would a dream come true to own one! And the case is so cute!!! xD good luck to everyone!
Follow Silhouette’s blog via Goodle Reader
Your give-aways keep getting better! Hope I win!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I love it!
I would love to win this! I can’t even begin to think of where I’d start on all the Silhouette projects I have pinned!
I’d really love to win one of these babies!
I hope I win. It would be so much fun to make home dec and crafty things with it.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Great giveaway!
So awesome! Fingers, toes, legs, arms, hairs (everything) crossed!
I am following the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Fingers crossed again!
Follow their blog via google
Follow on pinterest!
Follow on pinterest.
Can’t tell you how long I have wanted one of these!!! And for free?? Yes please!!
What a great giveaway! Thank you!
I would LOVE a cameo and bag, WOW! I have a Silhouette, but would be so excited to get the newer product. Then I would give my Silhouette to a friend who loves to borrow it, but can’t afford her own!
And i follow the silhouette blog!
I’m following Silhouette on Pinterest!
Already follow the Silhouette blog
I follow the Silhouette blog.
Already a pinterest follower….
I am now a follower on Pinterest!
Pick me pick me!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest
I all ready follow the blog and also follow on Pinterest…I got the Silhouette for Christmas and tote it around in a grocery bag…what a disgrace…it needs to be in a cute bag!!
I follow silhouette on pinterest! somedays I feel like I follow to much
We’re broke and starving grad students and there’s just no way we can justify the expense of one of these, even though I’m DYING for one!! And I’m pretty sure that bag is a must-have for me as well because I have small children with very curious hands… So neat!
This would be perfect for me and my family…I would love to win it!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette Blog!
Such a fun giveaway! I can just see me rolling that cute bag to my next crafting party!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
What a great giveaway! I have wanted a Cameo for so long!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest and LOVE it!
I followed Silhouette on Pinterest!
Fingers crossed I win! Thanks for the giveaway!
Following silhouette blog.
Following them on pinterest!
oh man, SO COOL
I follow the Silhouette blog!
and their pinterest board!
Would love to win
I’m crossing my fingers I get one!
I follow the Silhouette blog
Liked Silhouette facebook page and signed up for their emailed newsletter!
Wow Wow wow!! yes I want to win!!!
I follow on Pin
I Twitter too to win!!
I Follow on Facebook
Thank you for another great giveaway!!!
Hooray! Thanks for the chance to win!
nd (dot) farrell (at) yahoo (dot) com
I’d love one!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Last one – just followed all of Silhouette’s Pinterest boards, wahoo!!
I love the pink bag you chose! What a great way to transport your Cameo! I have a similar rolling bag for my sewing machine and it is so awesome!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
nd (dot) farrell (at) yahoo (dot) com
Me Me Me please
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
nd (dot) farrell (at) yahoo (dot) com
so awesome would love to win this thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Everything is better with a bag to with it! Woo Hooooo!!
I follower the silhouette blog. thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I follow the Silhouette blog
i follow silhouette on pinterest thanks for the extra chance.
[email protected]
Love the tote! Would love to win this, thanks for the chance!
I already follow Silhouette on FB
I already follow Silhouette on pinterest.
I follow silhouette on Pinterest Too
I follow the Silhouette blog. TSM!
YaY for silhouette giveaway!!!
I would love to win a Cameo!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I have so much organizing to do I really hope to win!!
I follow the Silhouette blog already!
I also follow Silhouette on Pinterest!!
Following Silhouette’s blog
Following Silhouette on Pinterest
HOORAY! This is an awesome giveaway!
Oh man, I would love to win. I have so many crafts, saying, lettering i want to do. thanks for the opportunity
I would love to win this! The bag is darling!
Following Silhouette on Pinterest
Following Silhouette’s blog
Oh how I’d love to win one!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
I would love love love to have this!!!!
I follow the Silhouette Blog!!
Remember how I was supposed to win the last Cameo, but Campbell distracted you when you picked the winner and you read the wrong name? Don’t do that again, because I freakin’ want this thing!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest!
And I follow Silhouette on PInterest
Blog follower, yo.
I’d love to have one of these babies!
I am wanting to start an etsy shop and this would really help everything be more professional
I Follow the Silhouette blog
I Follow Silhouette on Pinterest
What an outstanding giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I would love to win!
I follow silhouette on pinterest.
I love the Cameo – and the bag is awesome!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog by RSS.
Thanks for the chance to win!! This would be the best “baby shower gift” I get if I win
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog by RSS
Woohoo! page finally loaded! *blows on dice and rolls them* come on, baby! momma needs a cameo!
i get teh silhouette blog in my email.
and i follow them on pinterest! in the vain hopes that one day i will have my very own cameo and can use all the wonderful ideas!
I would love to win this and finally be able to made all the great stuff I keep seeing!
Dying to win this! So fabulous!
May the odds be ever in MY favor!! (for once
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
Also, following silhouette’s blog!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I love the pink rolling tote! Would love to own this piece of crafty goodness!
I’ve been eyeing a Cameo for a while and would LOVE to win!
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE a Cameo!!!!
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
and following on pinterest!
I do follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
and I follow the Silhouette blog, too!
I love when you have a Silhouette giveaway! Its like my birthday every time!
Oh, please pick me! It would be soooo much fun!
Winning a Silhouette Cameo would be completely life changing for me! I’m a first time stay at home mom who refuses to buy anything (anything!) home decor because I feel like I can make it myself at a much cheaper cost with proper planning, some time, and an awesome cutter like Cameo. The walls to my poor baby’s nursery are still bare and is definitely screaming “pretty me up please”. Needless to say, its the least frequented in room in the house other than my baby sleeping in it. A cutter like Cameo has been on my mother’s day, birthday, Valentines, Christmas, “buy-me-this-if-you-want-to-be-forgiven” list for over a year now. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have the Cameo
I follow Silhouette on pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I would LOVE to win! Fingers crossed:)
I would love to win a Silhouette Cameo!! I’ve been at a deadstop as far as crafting and I have so many ideas running through my head…this would help me get back into the groove of things!! I’d love to empty my brain and get back on the crafty train
Thanks for the chance
I love that tote and the Cameo of course
I follow the Silhouette blog
I’m a follower of the Silhouette Blog! I’ve been stalking that site for months getting ideas and such…and I don’t even own a Silhouette…..yet
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Nina J
I follow the pins of Silhouette on Pinterest!
Awesome! And cute too!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I would love to win!!
I also followed their blog
I also followed their pinterest
This would be awesome to win
What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!
I follow the Silhouette Blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I will one this time!
follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Follow Silhouette Blog
My ideas are endless with what I could do with this! Of course, I need to win one first. Pick me!
I have been dying to get the Cameo! I love your tutorials and I can’t wait until I can actually make them.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog
Oh I am so wishing I had one of these great tools!!
I Follow Silhouettes Blog
I also follow Silhouette on Pinterst
Love this giveaway and totally want to win it!
I would love to win a Silhouette Cameo!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
Would love the chance to win. Thanks!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win!
I follow silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I really need to win one of these because I have five kids and after piano, dance, tumbling, voice lessons, football camp, sewing camp, science camp, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and everything else, I’m way too poor to buy one!
I follow the blog!
I’m a pinterest follower!
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Oh my goodness – that tote is AWESOME!
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
I am a follower on both sites!!! Hope I win!
Oh I would LOVE to win one of these cute machines. I could make my new house SOO cute!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Draw my name please!
I follow Silhouette’s Blog!!
Well, I just think it’d be amazing if I could win one of these!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win one of these, because it will be ages before I can afford one! But I have so many projects planned for when I finally have it. Thanks for the opportunity!
Already following the Silhouette blog!
I really want a Cameo! Thank you for the opportunity to win one!
And definitely already following Silhouette on Pinterest. So many great ideas!
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I have been wanting one of these SO. BAD! I have a million ideas for ways to make my life better with one!!!!
I am following Silhouette’s blog!!!
I would love love love love love to win this!!! Oh the things I would create!
Aaaaaand now I follow them on Pinterest!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Love their boards!
I love scrapbooking and crafting..especially painting walls and with this i will finally be able to get those complicated stencils i’ve been wanting to try for so long.Its out of my buying range and i would absolutely love to win this.Fingers crossed! =)
I want a Cameo, please!
I would absolutely love to win this giveaway!!!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win a CAMEO! It’s so versatile and the ability to cut a 12″ X 12″ page, plus the adjustable blade, and the pause button are features that make it stand out over the original Silhouette. Fingers crossed…
And, I follow the Silhouette blog (via Google Reader). Sadly, I don’t have time for the wonder of Pinterest
What a great giveaway! Already making a list of summer projects!
I follow the silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would LOVE to win the Cameo and tote!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I am following silhouette’s blog by GFC:aiasma and RSS
I would super love to have a Silhouette! Love your cute blog! : )
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pintrest! : )
I follow the blog!!!
I am following silhouette on pinterest =)
Oh how I would love to win one of these babies!
I follow the silhouette blog
I would love to win!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterst
My original Silhouette has given me years of reliable use, but if I won a Cameo I’d gladly donate the original to my kids’ school! : )
This would be awesome to win!!
I follow silhouette on Pinterest!
If I won I’d just drag that cute bag behind me – probably through Hobby Lobby just to flaunt it!
Now following the Silhouette Blog!
Wow, great giveaway!!
Following all of Silhouette’s Pinterest Boards : )
I keep throwing my name in the hat for these
I follow them on pinterest
And I follow the blog
I would love to win! Thanks!
I follow silhoutte on pinterest
I would LOVE to win this! cross my fingers**
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest!
Thanks for the great give a way!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
I would love to have a cameo!!
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Please please choose me!
I hope I win it!!!! Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I have wanted one since the Cameo version came out. Trying to save up enough to get it but would be so excited to win one. I like both the tote colors.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Lots of fun ideas there
I follow the Silhouette Blog
I would love to win!
That case is awesome!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow silhouettes blog
I follow silhoutte’s blog
I follow silhoutte on Pinterest
And last I want to win a Silhoutte! There is so much to do with one!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
SO excited at the chance to hopefully win a Cameo!! Thank you for the opportunity
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
If I won, I might be the happiest girl this side of the Mississippi!!!! My mind has been turning and twisting thinking of the possibilities made joyfully and ease-fully (!) possible with this marvelous little number! Next up: Convince the hubbs! I shall resume laundry landslide now. Thank you for the giveaway!
I follow Sillhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Sillhouette’s blog.
I would love to have one of these to use with vinyl cut outs.
I follow Silhouette’s blog with google.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I think I NEED a Silhouette. =)
And I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. =)
AND I follow Sihouette’s blog (via email)
I so want one of these
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I have been drooling over this cameo forever! My husband is a firefighter and I would love to be able to make some custom thank you gifts for our local men in uniform. They really work hard, so they deserve every thank you they get! I think it would mean the world to be able to give back with something I won. It would just make winning all that much sweeter!
I’m also following Silhouette America’s Pinterest
I’d love to win this, thank you for the giveaway!
I would love one of these!
I HAVE to have a cameo!!! I have been waiting too long!! Thanks for the chance to win
I follow Silhouette on pinterest, and thanks for reminding me I haven’t been there for a few days to see whats happening!
I follow their blog!
I follow
I follow on pinterest!
I would LOVE to win this
I also follow Silhouette on Facebook, thank you again for the giveaway!
This bag looks amazing! and I’ve wanted a cameo forever!!!!
I follow the silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on facebook!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. There are such great ideas there
I also follow the Silhouette blog each day.
Oh, how I would love to win this!! I can think of so many uses for my classroom!
Following Silhouette on Pinterest!
I really love the Silhouette Cameo and would love to win one. Thank you Char and Silhouette!
Following Silhouette’s blog via email!
I would love to win.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I never win anything but fingers crossed–I so want a Cameo!
I so want to win this
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow silhouette on pinterest
My birthday is next week! This would be an awesome gift! Happy birthday to me!
I follow Silhouette on FB
I follow the Silhouette on Pinterest.
I would faint if I won!
and here’s my comment!
AND…. I follow the Silhouette Bloggy Blog!
Would love to win. Thanks for hosting!
Following the Silhouette blog.
Following Silhouette on Pinterest.
This is such an awesome giveaway.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
What’s that you say?? I am the winner of this wonderful CAMEO!!! Why thank you!!! Guess that means noone else needs to comment
Thank you for your wonderful NON-crappy blog about crap! Love it!
Winner winner chicken dinner! Please pick me!
OHHHHHHHH! Please pick me! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win! THANKS for the chance:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
I follow the Silhouette blog using Shrook! THANKS for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
I follow on Pinterest! THANKS for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
I would truly love to win this! We have too many other expenses right now (5 kiddos) to justify purchasing something like this. I have wanted one for years now though. Thanks for the chance!
I’d love to win this!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to have Silhouette Cameo! I’d love to use it for labeling and crafting!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I’d love to win this!!
I would love to win a Cameo! Thanks!
I’ve been wanting a Silhouette forever, and I LOVE the bags!!
I’m following Silhouette on Pinterest
I’m following Silhouette’s blog
um, yes please! looks so awesome!
I KNOW in my soul I am MEANT to have this Silhouette!
I don’t want a silhouette… i NEED one. I gave a gazillion ideas floating around in my head of what to make with the cameo and wanna get started asap! Thanks for the giveaway, i hope i win
p.s LOVE your blog!
I follow silhouette on PINTEREST!!… my newest addiction
follow the great and mighty Silhouette on FB!
i follow silhouette’s blog! yoo-hoo
follow the one and only Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win! Thank you so much for the giveaway!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow silhouette on pintrest
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I would love to win!!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Thank you for a great giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog via e-mail.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest as Tanya (Tanya Rubezhov)
I have so many projects I really want to make, if only I had a silhouette
I follow silhouette on pinterest
Would love to win this prize!!!
I follow the silhouette blog
Entry #2-followed them on Pinterest!
I would LOVE to win this, moving into our house i have so many projects to do!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest!!
I follow Silhouette blog!
Silhouette Cameo and tote? Yes, please!
Love your FB posts, but this giveaway takes the cake! Fingers crossed!
Follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Here’s my page:
I follow the Silhouette blog.
That is a gorgeous tote! I guess even a Silhouette needs to be able to accessorize, right? What is a girl & her die-cutter without a great bag to go with?
Thanks for hosting this amazing giveawya!
I follow the Silhouette blog (Andrea Kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest (Andrea Kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Thank you for the chance to win.
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow silhouette on Pinterest
What a super duper giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner!
I would love to win a cameo and new tote! It would make creating and crafting a real possibility. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
i have wanted one for years. absolutely fantastic!
following the blog. been saving up fre shapes of the week.
following on pinterest too!
Wow… what a giveaway. thanks for the opportunity to win one!
I am a blog subscriber through google reader.
those tote colors are so beautiful!
i follow silhouette on pintrest!
Best giveaway ever!!!! Be blessed, Kathy
I’m a follower of your blog! Love getting your posts in my email!
I have been wanting a Cameo since they came out, but I haven’t been able to justify buying one. Thanks for the opportunity
I do follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
And I do follow Silhouette’s blog!
I just followed Silhouette on Pinterest!! And hope to get some crafting done!
Ahhh! Great giveaway!
I just followed the Silhouette blog.
I am now following Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
What an awesome giveaway. I have some bare walls that are just calling for some vinyl art!
CRAP!!!!! I want this!
I’m following the Silhouette’s Pinterest feed and Blog! Pick Me! Woohoo!
Please pick me!!!! Please!!!
I am following on facebook!
Love it…It’s perfect!
I’d LOVE to win this!!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I would love to win a silhouette and tote!!!! pick me. pick me. pick me.
i didn’t even know about the silhouette blog! FUN. i am now a follower.
and i am following silhouette on pinterest!!!
I think it’s time to upgrade from the SD to the Cameo! Hope I win!
I’m following the blog.
Oh, the bag is so cute. This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win a Cameo!
I’m following on Pinterest!
Wow this would be an awesome win
pick me!! Hehe
I follow shilouette on pinterest already!!
I follow Silhouettes blog via email!
I would LOVE to win
I follow Silhouette’s blog via email
I would be over the moon if I won this!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I would love to win this! I want to reorganize my pantry and craft room, and this would be great for making labels!!!
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow silhouette blog via email.
I follow the Silhouette blog via email.
Pick me! I am dreaming of a Silhouette of my very own!
I follow Silhouette’s blog via emails!
please please please!!!!!!!!
i follow silhouette’s blog!!!
i follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I would love love love to win one of these and that blue bag is adorable!!
I’m thinking of all the crap I could make with that thing. It would create a crap making monster.
I subscribe to Silhouettes Blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I am LOVIN’ the pink tote!!! I have 4 boys (including the hubs) in my house, so I needed to get SOME girly in when I can!!!
I follow Silhouette’s blog!! (GREAT ideas on there-even without the Cameo!)
I’ve always wanted one of these!! Would so love to win!
I follow the Silhouette Pinterest!! Love seeing what people can do with their Cameo!
I follow the silhouette blog via e-mail
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!!
I follow the silhouette blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I want to add upcycled bibs to my baby line. Having a Camo would make my life so much easier! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Thanks!
I follow SIlhouette’s blog
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this giveaway UGH please me!!!!!!!!
Follow Silhouette on Pinterest!!!!!!!
Follow Silhouette on their blog!
oh i NEED one of this! Thanks for the chance!
follow silhouette on pinterest
would love the teal bag!
follow silhouette’s blog
follow the silhouette blog
follow silhouette on pinterest
I’d love a cameo!
I would so love to win one of these
I follow silhouette on pinterest.
What an awesome give away…. you rock!
I already follow Silhoouette on Pinterest.
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow the silhouette blog
great giveaway!
i follow silhouette on pinterest
i follow silhouette’s blog
So, um, it’s my birthday in 2 weeks…..
This would be so great to win! Hope I’m lucky today!!
I Follow the Silhouette blog
I Follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow on Pinterest!
I really hope I am the winner of this handy little device. I’ve been researching these and believe it would help with a lot of projects I have in mind.
Yay, I think I figured out how to follow!
I love your blog! I hope to win!!
Who wouldn’t want to win! I do! Badly!
Oh boy.. here goes. I’m following every blog, I’ve liked every page, and I’ve pinned …and i’m still pinning!
AND.. my fingers are crossed SO very tight ..hoping that i’m the lucky girl that is chosen to give this baby a home!
I am now following on pinterest.
I want one!
I am following Silhouette on Pinterest
Ooh Oh pick me!!! Trying to start up a new business and I can really ake great use of this machine. Thanks
I am now following the silouette blog.
What a fantastic giveaway! Please pick me!
Love the bags! What a great idea! Thanks!
I also follow Silhouette on Pinterest! Thanks again!
I would love to have a Cameo. And the bag is precious!
I subscribe to the Silhouette Blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. I would love to be able to do all the cool things they have on there.
That is fantastic.
What a great giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
i follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win! Thanks, [email protected]
I would love to win and make some labels.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Would love this. I’m sure I’d use it nearly everyday.
I follow silhouette on pinterest.
I follow silhouette’s blog.
I followed on Pintrest.
Would love to win one of these, it’s all the rage these days!!
I followed Silhouette’s blog.
I’m going to retire soon and boy could I have fun with a cameo! You wouldn’t want me to be bored would you?
Already follow the Silhouette blog! Hoping to win the Cameo…
Would absolutely turn inside out if I won this……. My husband will have to peel it out of my hands.
A Silhouette and a pretty pink bag to keep it in. Who could ask for anything more?! What a dream give away!!
I follow the Silhouette blog by email.
i SERIOUSLY want/need one of this sooooooooo bad…please pick me!!!!
I follow Silhouette on Pintrest.
would love to win!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Following Silhouette on Pinterest now…Cameo!!!
Omg!!! The CAMEO is amazing, so many things I could do with it, and the rolling tote is super cute and adorable. I’m crossing my fingers!
I Follow the Silhouette blog.
I really like the silhouette blog. So many ideas! I’m hooked now
So… I’m following the blog and Silhouette on Pinterest. I would love to win this contest
Yes, please! and thank you!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest – linhcl
I would love, love, love a Cameo.
One day I hope to win one of your fantabulous giveaways my friend. One day.
And since I am cool like that, I already follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
And their bloggy too!
i follow on pinterest
I follow the blog.
I would love this!
I follow the blog
I follow on pinterest.
I have been wanting one of these machines for so long! thanks for the great giveaway
I follow silhouette blog
I also follow silhouette on pinterest:)
What a great giveaway. The bags look great. This would be amazing to win. I have a huge list of things to make.
I follow the Silhouette Blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow silhouette on pinterest
Oh please help my creative expression develop further with the help of a great machine like the Silhouette!
I would love to win one of these babies!
I follow Silhouette on FB. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!!!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the Silhouette blog to get frequent project ideas.
I would love to win this!!!!!! I love the Silhouette products they are awesome!!!
I am a follower of this blog.
I am a follower of the silhouette blog.
I follow silhouette on pinterest.
i would LOVE one of these!!
I follow the blog.
i followed the blog!
i followed silhouette on pinterest!
Pinterest is great for inspiration.
The Cameo has been on my wishlist for months! Really excited about the print & cut feature.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I want it!
Love your site. It would be so, so great to win this. Been wantin’ one for a while
i want to win one!!! :)))
ii follow the silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on pinterest!
already follow on Pinterest – that’s why I know I need one! hah – thanks so much for the great giveaway.
i follow silhouette on pinterest.
Now subscribe to Silhouettes blog; via RSS. Thanks again.
Love the Silhouette!
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. I’d love to win one!
Following the Silhouette blog. Thanks.
I follow the Silhouette Blog via email.
Amy J
And I would luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv to win one of these awesome machines! Thanks for the chance.
Amy J
I want one of these so bad so that I could be in the new age era that everyone has started to be in. I have heard so much about these and want one so that I can try it out for my self. I love the bag in teal..please please please
I am a folllower of silhouettes blog too
I follow silhouettes pintrest page
Oh please please pleeeeaassssee pick me! I am dying to have a Silhouette Cameo!
I follow Sillhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
I would love to win a silhouette cameo
I follow silhouette on pinterest.
Yes, please!
I follow the silhouette blog
I really really want them both!!
Following on pinterest
And on following silhouette blog
Love your blog and love the silhouette cameo!
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I could really use one of these!
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Thanks so much for the chance to win a Cameo… it’s my dream machine!
I follow Silhouette On Pinterest!
I follow the Silhouette blog
How perfect for taking along with me on the four hour drive to craft with my mom and sister!
I totally want one! I love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sooo want a Silhouette!
Looks awesome!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette Blog
I would LOVE to win one!
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I am so excited!! This bag is so cute!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette’s blog too!
Prettu please? I’m like Pavlov’s dogs every time I see a Silhouette!!
LOVE Silhouette! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest now! Yippee!!
I still follow the Silhouette blog!
The Silhouette can make so many cute things!!!
I started following the Silhouette blog!
I started following Silhouette on Pinterest!
What a great giveaway!!
I’d start a blog if I won this– awesome!
I want to win this so bad…seriously all the possibilities with the amazing machine have me giddy! I wish it was in my budget to purchase but it’s not. All my friends own silhouettes and I have major “Cameo Envy”.
I already follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I’m following Silhouette’s blog
Already following Silhouette’s blog
I follow on Pinterest — the Silhouette is amazing.
Oh me me me me, I want a Silhouette!!
This is will be one… this will be the one… this will be the giveaway I win
(I’ll just keep telling myself this over and over)
Follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I would LOVE to win the Cameo! Thanks for the chance!
I won’t turn it down.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I would love a Cameo!
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I’m following the Silhouette blog and would love to win this crazy gizmo! I’ve just quit my job to be able to spend more time with my girls. We would have a blast with this!
Great giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette in Pinterest.
I’m following Sihouette on Pinterest…great stuff!
Would love to win this give-away! Your blog is fantastic!
I would so love to win this! I have the original Quickutz Silhouette and have been a huge fan. I just can’t justify buying the Cameo because there is nothing wrong with my Silhouette. But I have been dying to get my hands on the 12″ cutting surface! Not only that my birthday is days away and this would be the perfect gift!
I follow Silhouette’s blog by email
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. I am making one of the projects this weekend.
Amazing giveaway!
My kids and I are DYING for one of these!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Would love to win this! I’ve been researching die-cutting machines and the Silhouette Cameo is my number one choice!
I am a follower of the Silhouette blog.
I need this!!!
I follow Silhouette over on Pinterest.
I’ve wanted a Silhouette for a long time, so many things you can do!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Thank you so much for the chance to win!
Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I would love to win!
I Follow the Silhouette blog.
I Follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Love the Cameo. That blue bag is to die!
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to win!!!! Thanks for the chance!
I follow them on pinterest!
I follow sihouette’s blog…
I so want one of these!!!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I subscribe to the Silhouette blog.
I am a graphic design student and at this time I cut all of my designs with a x zacto knife, which is fun but very time consuming. I would love a Silhouette because I could create so much more. I would like to create mu own designs for t-shirts and would be able to do this with the Silhouette .
Thank you,
Lee Ann
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I want to win one of these so bad. I follow on pinterest.
Oh! Yes please, yes please!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest. Thank you!
I subscribe to Silhouette’s blog. Thank you!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest:)
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
Been dying for one of these, but the only way that ill be able to get one is if I win one so here is hoping:)
Oh how i want one!!!
I follow silhouette on pinterest!
I follow silhouette’s blog!
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. I would love to be the winner!
I am a follower of the Silhouette blog.
Following Silhouette on Pinterest.
I love that teal tote! Nothing makes me happier about procrasting on craft projects like knowing that my tools will look cute sitting in the corner.
I am so wanting a Cameo!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
following the Silhouette blog
someluckydog at gmail dot com
following Silhouette on pinterest
someluckydog at gmail dot com
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Oh the things I could create with that sweet sweet machine!!
I follow the Silhouette blog via RSS feed.
great giveaway!
I now follow the Silhouette blog.
I now follow Silhouette on Pinterest:)
I would love to win the new Silhouette Cameo. My daughter and I always do crafts and have been using the Silhouette SD alot in her costume design lab class. The Cameo is something we have been trying to figure out how to get funds for it so that we can use it to cut items out and use them on costumes and decor for their plays. Thank you for the chance to win
I have been dreaming of a Cameo….I plan to use it for Project Life, some vinyl cut-outs and lots, lots more!
oh please oh please pick ME!!
I follow Silhouette’s blog on RSS.
I follow silhouette’s blog.
I follow silhouette on pinterest
And I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
P.S. You should use Rafflecopter! It would make your life easier, I promise :-p
Love your blog!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Thanks for the great giveqway. I would freak out if I won.
They did a great job on those bags! Thanks for the chance.
I never win this one – maybe lady luck is shining on me this time
I follow the silhouette blog
I want! I want!
Phenomenal giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
The bag is soooo cute! Would love to win.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
Oh I would love to win this!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
What a great giveaway!!! Thanks!
I would love to have the new Cameo. The possibilities are endless. In fact I’m going to a friends house next week so we can make some signs for our home decor. I love that they offer pink for the tote.
I follow the Silhouette blog and loving their free shape of the week, the plane.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I’ve found that I really could use one of these for making stencils to use in my crafts. I’m always needing new designs, and they’re hard to cut out with scissors. It would be so great to win this!!
Extra entry: I follow the Silhouette blog!
Extra entry: I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I really really want to win one of these, so I could create lots of awesome crafts
I follow Silhouettes blog
I also follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Keeping my fingers crossed! Would so love the Silhouette with one of those adorable pink totes!!! I would love to make some vinyl word creations!
I have been dreaming of owning a Cameo forever , but real life keeps getting in the way.
No “fun money” for toys yet……so I will keep trying to win one !
That aqua tote is my favorite color so it was meant to be MINE
I have been a follower of Silhouette on pinterest since the beginning.
My name is Missus Bee over there.
I follow the Silhouette blog on my google reader.
Beth R
WOW! What an awesome giveaway! I would LOVE to win one if these! I am still only using the Cricut but see so many cool things done with the S! Thanks for the chance!
booger1 at
I became a follower on Pintrest! Thanks again for this awesome opprotunity!
booger 1 at
I so want to win this: total house and wardrobe redo. Thanks for the chance.
I follow Silhouette on Pintrest.
I would love to win a Silhouette—all kinds of fun projects for the summer!
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
And I follow Silhouette on PInterest.
this would be awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for the chance to win!
Following Silhouette’s blog by email.
Like Silhouette on Pinterest. Leann Lindeman
I would love to win a cameo!!!
I like silhouette on FB.
Whoops. I follow on pinterest as well.
I follow the silhouette blog
I never win anything, I would probably die if that changed and I won this.
I would love love love to win a Cameo….so many fun project ideas I could accomplish!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog!
I really want to win! Pick me! Pick me!
I follow silhouette on Pinterest!
I subscribe to the silhouette blog.
What a great give-away! I could have so much with this! The possibilities are endless! Thanks for the give-away. kel_packham(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Following Silhouette’s blog! Thanks!
Following Sillohuette on Pintrest too! Thanks!
Who wouldn’t want one of these!
I follow the Silhouette blog!
Oh my gosh, this would be amazing!!!! I’ve wanted a Cameo for so long, but I REALLY want this bag!!! I think the design of it is genius! I have a permanent neck injury and can’t lift more than a few pounds. So having rollers is essential for me. I don’t take my current die cutting machine to crops with me, because I can’t lift and transport it. Winning this package would change my cropping life!! Haha! Okay…a little dramatic, but you get the picture?!?
I followe Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the Silhouette blog
Hello….I would love to win this…please oh please oh please!!
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I follow silhouettes blog
Thank you for hosting this giveaway, Char! I’d love to have a Cameo!
Thank you for a great giveaway opportunity! I would LOVE to win – of course!
I have followed the Silhouette blog for almost a year and a half! Nice projects and tutorials are there!
I follow the Silhouette Blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
That bag is so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
This is so cute. I’ve wanted one for so long. My Girl Scout Daisies would love it.
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I have been trying to win one of these for what seems like forever! lol I’m hoping this is my chance. Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I’m following Silhouette on Pinterest.
I would loooove to win this amazing machine and tote! That tote is so awesome! Loved your prop use of a Mac too! Hehe
The Silhouette has been on my scrappy wish list forever, hoping I can give one a home very soon! Thanks for the fun and very generous giveaway!
I’d love a Silhouette Cameo! It would totally help my desire to organize and decorate my house!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!!!
I follow the Silhouette blog!!!
I reeeeeely want to win a Cameo!!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Crossing my fingers!
I am following the silhouette blog
I am following silhouette on pinterest
I following the silhouette blog
This looks like an amazing machine. Thanks for the chance to win.
I following the silhouette on pinterest
Thanks for the chance to win A cameo
Awesome giveaway! I sooo want to a Silhouette….
I Follow Silhouette Blog
I Follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I heart the teal!!!
This company is so generous with all of the giveaways. Thanks for the chance!
I now follow them on pinterest! Why didn’t I think of that before?!!!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
Boy O boy, could I use one of these. So much storage and a place for your laptop, WOW! Someone was really paying attention. ;-> Thank you, Toni Anne
Oh how I’d love to win! Thanks for the chance!
Following the Silhouette blog!
Following Silhouette on Pinterest!
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to be able to do all the great crafts I see everyone doing with their Silhouette!
Following Silhouette on Pinterest.
Following the Silhouette blog.
That is a great looking tote!
I would LOVE to win the Silhouette Cameo and tote! Thanks for this!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the Silhouette Blog!
Oh, I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette’s blog!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I really want one of these!
Oh how great it would be to win!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
l follow Silhouette on pinterest!
I would love to win a Cameo for my crafty hubby!
I follow the Silhouette Blog
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Your blog inspires me so much and makes me laugh! Can’t beat that. Thanks for entering me!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
Hello, Oh another Silhouette Cameo giveaway! Yippee! I’ve been lusting after one of these for ages. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog via email and gfc. Thanks! trishden
Follow Silhouette America on Pinterest. Thanks! trishden
Me, Me pick me!
Pick me PIck me!!!! Please Pick me!
I have SO MANY uses for this tool……… would find a happy home here.
I following Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I would really really luv one of these! Thanks!
I follow shilouette blog!
I follow the silhouette blog!
I would love love love to win this! I have been trying to win one forever! (Not literally, of course). Also, the case is lovely!
Thank you for running this giveaway! I would love to win the cameo and the tote bag. Joanne
I’d love to have a cameo!
I follow the Silhouette Blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I would love to win one of these, they look amazing!
I follow silhouette on Pinterest
I really really need this…
I follow the Silhouette blog…
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
this is super cool. thanks for hosting
i follow the silhouette blog
I love this giveaway! And both the bags are totally adorable! I hope I win
I follow the silhouette blog!
I follow silhouette on pinterest!
I would love to win this bundle so I could take my crafting to the ultimate level! Mahalo for the opportunity to win.
Great giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love this tote!
I would LURVE to win this! Great giveaway!
I would love, love, love a Silhouette with tote!
I totally want it!!!
Ever since finding out about the Cameo I kick myslef for giving into the Cricut. This is so much better. Would love to win.
Would LOVE a Silhouette! Thanks for the great giveaway
I follow Silhouette on pinterest
I also follow the Silhouette blog
Thank you for the opportunity to win!! I would LOVE to have a Silhouette!!
I follow your blog now! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!!
I am following you on Pinterest! :o)
Wow, that bag is sooooo cute. Not to mention how great the cameo are.
Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to win one
I’ve subscribed to the Silhouette blog
Cute stuff!
Following Silhouette on Pinterest
Oh, man, I would LOVE to win this! What a fantastic giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog through Google Reader — so many terrific ideas!
I think we would ALL love one! Someday I’m just going to break down and buy it.
I already follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
I also follow Silhouette through Pinterest!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
These would definitely change my Silhouette- turn heads all over the place!!!!! I could post awesome stuff on Pinterest too.
I would love to win this! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I want to label all my things! ALL!
I follow silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the silhouette blog!
I NEED the Cameo and bag!!!!!!!!
I follow silhouette on Pinterest!
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow the Silhouette blog and on Pininterst.
I love the tote so cute!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Awesome giveaway! I’d love to win this!
And I follow on FB.
Wow! Yes I’d love one!
I’m also following silhouette on pinterest. (I’m not “robot” on there.)
And I’ve got an RSS subscription to silhouette’s feed through google reader. I just checked now and saw I had 21 things on it. The tandem bicycle pillowcases are cool!
Oh, how fun to have the CAMEO with the rolling tote! I’m following on Pinterest.
I would love to win this!!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest!
That bag is adorable! It would be perfect for me to take to my scrapbooking overnighter I’m going to.
I follow the Silhouette blog via email. Cute stuff.
I follow Silhouette on pinterest!
Pick me! Pick me!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I follow Silhouette’s blog.
HAving a silhouette would help make my crafting even easier. Adding more detail to my freezer paper stenciling, cutting vinyl, cutting fabric…the possibilities are endless!
I would LOVE to win! It would be so much fun!!
Great giveaway! I want!!!
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest.
I would love to win!
I follow the Sillhouette Blog via RSS feed!
I follow Sillhouette’s board on Pinterest: Trinity Whitley
I would LOVE to win this awesome machine! Thanks for a chance to win!!
I follow the Silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
Would love to check out the extra inches on on a Cameo! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win a silhouette cameo. I have so many ideas of projects to do with one of these!
I follow the silhouette blog
I follow Silhouette on Pinterest
I follow the SIlhouette Blog!
I would LOVE to win!
I follow silhouettes blog
I follow silhouette on pinterest
I would LOOOOOOVE to win!!
I follow Silhouette on pinterest!
I follow Silhouette’s blog
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I follow the SIlhouette Blog!
I follow SIlhouette on Pinterest!
I would love to have one of these!
I follow the Silhouette blog.
I love the things a Silhouette can do. I dream of owning one. This is an exciting giveaway, I hope I am lucky enough to win one! Thank you for the chance.
I’d need a Silhouette for creating stencils to use in crafts! It would be awesome to win one of these machines!! Thanks for the chance.