April 2012 was not my favorite.
It all seems not so bad now that it’s over, but in the middle of it?
After the tonsils and adenoids came out, we had a good week plus and then there was bleeding. Lots and lots of bleeding. Clots in the sink kind of bleeding. Did I mention that Macy was the only one home with him at the time? Before you start judging my parenting, don’t worry…I’ve already beat myself up over it. Repeatedly. I was close by and was home within 2 minutes (during which time she had already gotten him started gargling ice water) and we were on the phone with a nurse at the doctor’s office within 6 minutes and out the door to the hospital shortly thereafter.
And then, because I clearly have issues, I couldn’t sleep that night. I was certain Keller was going to choke to death on his own blood, so I had to go in and check on him every 5 minutes.
The next day is when things got really awesome.
Water started pouring in my family room window. Whilst I was cleaning up that flood, one of my children (hint: Bennett) flooded an upstairs bathroom. And another one of my children (hint: Campbell) gave his brother a swirly, making a lesser flood in a 2nd bathroom. At one point I cried so hard that I had to puke in the sink. (Not my finest moment, for sure.) During the puking, Keller came in and told me he was bleeding again. The adrenaline stopped the gagging and I ran to get ice. Only some left a barstool pulled out.
And that toe is broken.
And then Macy got shingles. She’s 11, not 80!
There were a couple of days where the pain was so bad that she couldn’t even put on a hoodie, so that was fun.
Did I mention that washer broke during all of this? And six people make A LOT of dirty laundry. We were getting by with a much smaller washer in the basement and doing twice as many loads…until I broke my toe and couldn’t navigate 2 flights of stairs and Macy could no longer haul baskets up and down.
But then…THEN, in the middle of all that, I got to be a part of SNAP! (which I have not yet posted about because it was such a blur and I don’t even know where to start). I was surrounded by 325 INSANELY talented women. I got to work to the point of delirious hugging with some of my very best friends. I got toes so swollen that my shoes didn’t fit for 3 or 4 days. I got to reconnect with people who inspire me and make me want to be better…to DO more.
(necklace available here)
I was reminded to choose joy.
So, now I’m laughing…crying gives me a headache.
wow, just wow!
oh, and welcome May!!
So sorry that you had such a rough month Miss Char! Here’s hoping that May 2012 is MUCH nicer to you!
WOW! Yeah I would be glad April is over too. I am glad you had SNAP! to recharge you. I had shingles in my 20s and it was a spot the size of a quarter and I though I would die if someone blew on it. They gave me narcotics for the pain (not that I took them, as they make me crazy). So I feel for Macy. I also broke my big toe in my 20s so I feel your pain as well. BUT I did spread out my pain over a few years. You should be good to go with smooth sailing for a good long while. I think you have had your share of “Stuff” to deal with.
Very pretty necklace too!
((((((Miss Char)))))))
Holy crap. That’s a bad one.
Happy MAY Day!!
Oh my goodness, Char! First let me take a moment to send you some (((((virtual hugs))))). You are not a bad mom, if anything you are an awesome mom because your daughter handled that quickly and for that, you should be proud of the responsible young lady you have turned her into! I have not been brave enough yet to leave my 11 year old daughter and 7 year old son home alone. Nope.
When my daughter had her tonsils and aednoids out a few years ago, I remember it was probably one of the worst weeks of my life. It was so much misery for her and I felt guilty that we had the surgery even though the doctors knew it was for the best. And shingles? Yikes! I hope she has healed, that is no fun at all.
I hope that May is brighter for you, hun!
girl – you’ve had a month. Best happiness and health to you in MAY!!! “May the Fourth” be with you!
EEK! I sure hope your May is better
I had shingles when I was pg with #3 and I can’t describe the pain. I couldn’t take anything because of being pg so it was that much worse. I hope it passes quickly for her.
Wow. That sounds like a real picnic. EnJOY May.
It always pours. I certainly hope that no one tells you God doesn’t give you more than you can handle because it simply isn’t true and you can punch them in the throat!! Here’s to a very uneventful, happy May.
I was nearly puking with worry reading all that! What a shocking lot of horribleness. I hope May brings you joy! Happy May Day!
Sheesh, girl! They say things come in threes, so since yours came in like 20, you should be good for a while. Right? Here’s to a better month!
Wow that is quite the run! I hope May treats you so much better
Thank you for making my semi-crappy week look like the best week ever!
OMG I am not going to moan any more when I’ve had a bad week…… Linda
This is a great giveaway. So sorry you had a horrid April. Yaeat yourself to a spa day!
I love you Char!!! I love that you choose laughter over anger and complaining. I love that you spread joy to others. And I am glad (for you) that April is done
You are amazing!!!
that’s one crazy month!!! Hello MAY!
As they say in the South, “Lord have mercy, girl, Bless your heart!” You have really been run through the ringer! Let’s just assume you have had your share of bad luck for the whole year and it is UP HILL from here!
*hugs (but not too close so I don’t step on the broken toe… )
Oh my goodness Char! Would you take offense if I copy this post and refer back to it when I think I am having a bad day? I’m sorry that was not very nice. I am so glad April 2012 is over for you… hope May is much better!
Wow I thought things were crazy around here! Not even close to your April! I am glad you survived.
You know how much I love you…..right? And how much I adore your children? And how….as the receipient of that hug….well….I’m kinda glad April made you delirious in a small way. But I think we’re BOTH glad it’s over. And now we can fly to Melmac for some well deserved rest.
Good riddance April. Mine was not fab either but you for sure win the Suckiest Month of 2012 (thus far) award.
BUT one bright spot was FINALLY freaking meeting you. I knew I should’ve tried to hug you during your state of delirium.
So that I have it in print for the world to see- I call a do over. And I’m holding you to it. Hugs included.
Oh Char, I had no idea your month was so horrible. I’m also glad it’s over for you, and hope May brings better things. I can only imagine the sheer quantities of Diet Coke you had to drink to get through all of that. I hope you’ve treated yourself to some alone time with a treat and an extra large, extra cold Diet Coke.
Shit happens. Usually in really, really big piles. Here’s hoping May is a kinder, gentler month around your house!
Wow, what a month! Here’s hoping May goes much, much better for you! And just think Mother’s Day is this month… You might send the hubs this link along with something awesome you want for your Mother’s Day gift… Just sayin…
I liked that you were delirious enough to let me hug you multiple times! The next time I come to Utah it is just to hang out with you and sleep in Macy’s bed.
My day was not very positive but after reading your blog, I laughed and decided it just wasn’t that bad! Thanks for making me smile.
LOL. I had a December, January and February like that last year. It’s amazing what we can live through.
At any given point on any given day, even one of those things could of sent me over the edge! A little crying was certainly in order.
What a whirlwind of a month! The barrage of highs and lows and chaos and stress can knock us to our knees sometimes. Looks like God perfectly placed SNAP in your life – it was the bright spot that you needed to see – proof that there is light, and joy, at the end of the tunnel. Glad you are choosing joy (don’t we all just love Ashley?) and laughter – it truly is the best medicine for my soul.
Char I just wanted to say you are awesome!
Wow! Bless you — for getting through the month with a smile for May and for sharing (reminding me I’m not the ony one). April was a tough one for me, too. Thanks. Gladl you are choosing joy and looking forward to May. It should be wonderful to and for you!!
Well sh*t! I’m glad April’s over, I’m glad you got to experience SPARK, and I hope everyone’s feeling better soon (if they aren’t already)!
This was the first time I’ve seen your blog. Ruffle butt onesie tute drew me in. Your latest post just made me LOL, thank you!! Too funny. Glad April is over for you & May has to be smooth sailing. . . . right?!! Thanks for that tutorial, exactly what I needed
Didn’t mean to… but I had to laugh while reading this. I thought I was the only mom with a little black rain cloud over my head sometimes! But there are only two of us.
Sorry your April was so horrible. The good news is that it’s over!
Oh, Char, what an awful month for the three of you! Poor Macy has it really rough with shingles; I feel so sorry for her. My son came down with it on his first day of class at UF and had to take all his classes via computer until he could stand to put a shirt on. It took 3 weeks. I’m going to get the vaccine to prevent it, because I refuse to be subjected to the possibility of that horrible condition.
And poor little Keller. I hope he heals fast! I’m glad that SNAP brought you some fun for the month. You’ve had your April showers of tears, so hopefully May will bring flowers of joy.
I had a similar month – different things – the flu, lice, etc., etc. I thought how could this get any worse. Then I found out my college roommate’s soon-to-be thirteen year old daughter was in an at-home accident and died. And that’s when my whole view shifted. I realized it could be worse. Your month still sounds like no fun and I’m also glad April is over.
Holy crap batman. I think wonder woman might have lost it with all that going on. I think you deserve a vacation.
Well raise your red solo cup to a better time and less mishaps. Hope all is going and doing well today.
Sorry that so much *bad* and not much *good* happened in April. I had shingles too — and I was told it was due to all the stress in my life (I’m my mom’s caregiver). Hope things are better in your house now and continue to improve.