Are you familiar with GroopDealz?

If you’ve been around a while, I’m sure you are.  We’ve done some giveaways for them before.  If not, here’s the short version:

GroopDealz is an online deals boutique that offers the greatest variety of on trend jewelry, accessories, home decor, party trends, children’s goods and so much more all at a fraction of the retail price!

Every day GroopDealz features a variety of fabulous limited finds that have been hand picked for a unique shopping experience! Be sure to come and see what deals are waiting for you today and sign up for their daily alerts so you never miss out on a great buy!

GroopDealz is also all about the giveaways.  I’m pretty sure you’ll want to head over there RIGHT NOW to sign up for the latest giveaway (hint: A CAMERA)!


***This post is sponsored by GroopDealz***

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  1. Where women create would be excellent, I have been a long time reader of their other publications.

  2. Char… it’s been too many days. I miss you. Come back!
    I hope you’re doing something fabulous and relaxing while away from blogland!

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