Oh, hey!

So, I got a new computer at the very end of May.  My old one had served me well for many years of use and abuse so the blue screen of death was not a huge surprise.

And then, not 5 weeks later, the hard drive on the new computer crashed.  In fact, that last post up there took me about an hour to post, in 5 minute increments because that’s as long as the computer would stay on.

Of course we were out of town (making our annual pilgrimage to the biggest car show around to feed Macy’s addiction).


And then it took 3 days for someone to confirm that the hard drive was indeed dead.  And then it took 2 more days to get through to the general manager and persuade him that a replacement computer instead of 2-3 weeks for repairs was what was right.  And then another 1.5 hours at the store to actually make that happen.  That’s fun with 5 kids (because OF COURSE I had an extra one with me).

So, I’m back.

I emailed winners of the CAMEO, Lowe’s gift card, and Where Women Create magazine.  They’ve all responded and claimed their prizes.

In the mean time, I developed a little bit of an Instagram addiction.  If you’re on Instagram, look me up….“crapivemade”.

I (yes, I) built a headboard last week.  You’ll be hearing more about that soon.

There’s also some SERIOUS progress being made on the DIY Blogger house. I went over last night and took a bunch of pics.  The front door is TO DIE FOR.


So, what’s new with you?

How’s summer treating you?

Are you ready for 3 nights of football camp this week? Me either. Confused smile

Talk to you soon!

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  1. LOVE that door! Still trying to convince my husband to let me do it!

  2. Yea! Glad you’re “back”. Computer problems are no fun!

    I got to see the door (and more) today. I cannot WAIT to see how it all turns out!

  3. Welcome back!! Yay! I hate computer issues… we have plenty of them on a regular basis. They are like bad pennies around here.

  4. I made a note that should my computer suffer a fate like yours, I’m sending you to deal with the powers that be. I probably would of beat someone with the screen of death.


  5. Welcome back! LOVE the yellow door and HATE computer issues. We have been having more than our fair share lately as well. Here’s hoping your week will only get better!


  6. Hi – Can you tell me what color that house is painted? I love it and think it’s would look great on my house. Thanks!

  7. Samantha says:

    What are the paint colors for this door and house?! I’m absolutely in love!

    • Nicole Fitzgerald says:

      Did anyone ever post the house and door color? My house is this color and I’m getting a new door next week, would love to know the yellow color!

  8. What are the colors used in this picture?

  9. love the door color and the door!!! where is the door from and what is the paint color??

  10. Would also love to know the name of the color of the door. Does anyone really read this? Why post and not post color names? Weird.

  11. Anyone find out the color name for the door. I love it!

  12. Mark kenney says:

    I would like to know the colors in the picture?

  13. Can you please tell me the brand and color of this yellow for door?? I love it

  14. Diane guzman says:

    Why make a post without telling what the brand name of the paint is and the color..duh.. waste of my time on this site

  15. Found the colors here:
    Door: Butterfield
    Main: Riverway
    Accent: Escape Gray
    Trim: Snowbound


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