Glitter Ornaments

A few weeks ago I saw my friend Kristine McKay (of My Craft Channel fame) on Studio 5 (local morning show) doing a segment on glitter.  Macy’s been INSISTENT that our tree needs more white glitter, so the ornaments that Kristine made sounded like the perfect solution.  Plus, they were simple enough that I could make Macy make them herself.  Open-mouthed smile


Basically, you pour some floor cleaner in an ornament, swirl it around, dump out the excess, add glitter, and shake.

I love how they look like frosty snowballs and aren’t super in your face glittery.  If you want SUPER glittery, you can for sure achieve that with a different color of glitter.  Check out these over on Things That Sparkle!

You can watch Kristine’s segment here.

Have you made any ornaments this year?

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