
BC took the 3 oldest kids to my parents’ house at Bear Lake on Sunday. That
left me and Bennett and a HUGE list of projects to get done without “helpers”. Since Sunday I…
Decoupaged a letter C
Got completely caught up on laundry, even got it all put away
Had the floors measured for hard woods
Went to Ikea without anyone fighting and bought a blanket chest
Sewed straps on a swimsuit for a neighbor
Cleaned Macy’s room
Cleaned the boys’ room
Sanded the piano
Had breakfast with a friend
Assembled the blanket chest
Cleaned out and organized the linen closet (with baskets!)
Painted the bathroom
Removed all out of season/wrong sized clothing from all 3 boys’ closets
Cleaned the grout in my kitchen dining area (thanks for your help, Nat!)
Cleaned Bennett’s room
Took 3 garbage bags full of crap to D.I.
Went to Back to School night
Had dinner with friends
Cleaned my room
Changed out the light fixture in the powder room
Cleaned and polished about half my kitchen cabinets (so close!)
Cleaned the playroom
Cleaned my sewing room
just this afternoon
Painted the piano.
Don’t look too closely. It still needs major touching up, but I FREAKING LOVE it.

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  1. It looks amazing! I love that color. Makes me wish we hadn't given our piano away when we moved 3000 miles cross country!

  2. Rosie and Derek says:

    WOW, you are wonder woman!
    And I love the piano, it looks fantastic! I would never dare to paint mine, but it looks SO great.

  3. Kristine Robinson says:

    Wow! What do you charge? Can you come do my house? I am feeling very cluttered! The piano looks great. So does the bathroom! So glad you got everything done. Now you need a vacation! (Minus kids). I have to say, I am VERY GLAD Keller is coming home. We have missed him!

  4. Flockhart Family says:

    You seriously are super mom. I only have 1 and I never get that much accomplished. Piano so cute!

  5. Our Family says:

    ok, you make me tired….a barely can get anything done with only one child at anytime!

  6. I also freaking love it!! Jade's room is a perfect match. Just in case you were looking to give it away. Think about it.

  7. Embellished Bayou says:

    The piano looks fab even in its unfinished state, love it!!

  8. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    You go girl!! I love, love, love the piano!!

  9. Isn't it amazing how much our children suck out of us?? Look how much you got done without them! LOL YOU ROCK!!

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Just realized that i was still signed in on my mom's account!!! So the Margie comment is really from me! LOL

  11. You are super woman! Sounds like you had a good week. The piano looks AWESOME! Good job. I bet it looks so good with your new couch and will look beautiful with the hard wood floors.

  12. You're amazing!! I should at least be getting 1/2 that stuff done w/my mere 2 kids, right? Oh, the shame.

  13. It's gorgeous! I love the color your chose and your adventurousness!

  14. brett and stacey says:

    the piano looks AWESOME!! i think i will paint ours too, when we get one!

  15. The Constant Gardener says:

    I can't wait to see the piano when it's all incorporated into the room!

    Seriously, how do you do it!? Do you sleep!?

  16. That is so dang cute! I really want to come see it in person. I love, love love the bathroom too. I am so glad you could squeeze me in for breakfast. It was great to see you as always. xoxox

  17. So are you changing your colors over to blue? I love that shade. Looks great.

  18. Brag brag brag I'm so awesome look what I can do. Haha! I was kind of horrified at the thought of you painting your piano, but it looks killer!

  19. Small fry & Co. says:

    I love the piano too. Love love the color. And your list of accomplishments is fantastic. Isn't it amazing what a woman can do when she has a bit of extra time. Good for you.

  20. Small fry & Co. says:

    I love the piano too. Love love the color. And your list of accomplishments is fantastic. Isn't it amazing what a woman can do when she has a bit of extra time. Good for you.

  21. icandy... says:

    I LOVE the blue piano it looks fantastic~ I literally laughed out loud when I saw the title of your blog!! Also, the minty-fresh laundry… really funny! You seem like soooo much fun!

    Happy day!
    Christina :)

  22. Amie Kirk says:

    I love your blog! SO many great ideas!! You inspired me to start my very own crafting blog, I hope you will check it out,

  23. That piano is AWeSoMe!! Love It!!

  24. Joni Walton says:

    Only you could get away with sanding down a piano and making it look that good. You suck.

  25. Abby's Mom says:

    Which color did you end up going with and what finish did you get your paint in? Looks amazing!!

  26. heatherbailey says:

    Fun! We're going to paint our piano too — once I choose a color. I'm glad to see someone else is crazy like that.

  27. Hi – just discovered your blog and may I admire your gusto & bravery and go-for-it-ness at tackling painting a piano?! I bought a little empty sewing machine cabinet for $5 at a yard sale in June and I'm practically getting the vapors every time I think about spray painting that sucker. I don't want to mess up. I don't want to mess up a stupid $5 yard sale find. Dumb, eh? You inspire! Thanks for sharing your colorful, entertaining & informative blog!

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