Just came over from Today's Creative Blog! You CRACK me up. Just snarfed coffee (I shouldn't be drinking this late), reading about the pomegranates in your drink and the minty laundry! Your daughter is a doll – and how many kids that age would trick their Mom into glasses????? Thanks for sharing!
Found you through Todays Creative Blog. Lov'ye. Really adore your washer jewelry, I am so gonna steal that idea from you. So you can expect a link to you sometime soon.
I just stumbled upon TCB for the first time and there you were. They had nothing but great things to say about you, so I HAD to check out your blog! I have the feeling I'll be up all night, trying to read every single post until I can't keep my eyes open anymore… Oh well!
You seem like such a sweetheart, reading all of these wonderful blogs makes me want to be a young mother again. You are all so creative, friendly and supportive of each other. What a blessing. I wish I was your neighbor I'd join your sewing class. I'm a mom of 3, ages 28, 27 and 24 Turning 50 on Friday, I found your blog from Today's creative blog. Keep on inspiring, having the ability to make people laugh out loud when they're not even in the room with you is a wonderful gift. Debbie S. (blogless)
Headed over here from Kim's TCB! As I am sure you have discovered, not only do your ratings skyrocket when Kim features you, but also, good things happen. Kim's a real live horseshoe!!
Love your posts, but I really could have missed seeing that photo of what someone left on your doorstep and not lost any sleep over it! hah!! Love your sense of humour…it makes for a great blog!
Hey, I'm back! Do you have a gadget for followers so I can follow you. Am I missing it? I keep looking, but I can't find it. Let me know! Blessings, Traci
I am CRACKING UP! I just found your blog from Mod Podge Rocks and laughed out loud at the title of your blog. Love it! I look forward to reading through your posts!
Thought I would let you know… I just found your blog tonight and think it's the greatest. I read through the whole thing and laughed out loud more times that I can count. My husband now thinks I am so annoying, and didn't get why the poop on the porch was funny. Anyway, love it! You're hilarious and crafty, the best combination.
I just spent the last hour neglecting my child while I went through all your posts… okay not word for word, but I am envious of many of your creations… namely your craft room and beautiful iwouldneverspendthetimeotpaintit piano. Truly it is amazing, and I will be coming back, well as often as you post!
Oh man! I needed a good laugh and found a whole mess of them on your blog! Your blog is such a joy to read. I just found it after seeing the feature on Today's Creative Blog. I laughed so hard at your hot dog on plate and poopy panties post, I literally had to get up and leave my computer to gather myself! hahaha Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more in the future.
Hi! I've just come over from Today's Creative Blog! And you are now on my bloglines list LOVE your blog and your sense of humour See you again soon joanne xx
Feel free to link to or feature (no more than one image, please) any tutorials on this site, as long as credit is given. Tutorials are for personal (non-commercial) use only. For more information, see the details of my copyright way down at the bottom of the page!
Just saw your feature over at Todays Creative Blog! Love your blog! Cant wait to start browsing!
Char, you are going to be famous!!!!!
Just came over from Today's Creative Blog! You CRACK me up. Just snarfed coffee (I shouldn't be drinking this late), reading about the pomegranates in your drink and the minty laundry!
Your daughter is a doll – and how many kids that age would trick their Mom into glasses?????
Thanks for sharing!
Found you through Todays Creative Blog. Lov'ye. Really adore your washer jewelry, I am so gonna steal that idea from you. So you can expect a link to you sometime soon.
You shouldn't be surprised! You're so creative and you have the fun personality to go with it!
TCB shares the best blogs! I am so glad to have found you (esp. since my boys get into fights like yours
Congrats on the feature. You have some fun ideas, I'm sure I'll be stealing some soon. I just love LDS Mom blogs and the title of yours cracks me up!
Dude! You're famous! I'm glad others are learning to appreciate you and your humor like I do!
P.S. Just for a second I thought the title of your post was "Freaking Flathead". Not sure why.
I saw you over on TCB. You are hilarious and I think we'll be great friends.
Hi Char! I'm visiting from Today's Creative Blog. Glad I did! Your blog is fabulous
I'll be back.
Awesome!! You totally deserve it!!
I just stumbled upon TCB for the first time and there you were. They had nothing but great things to say about you, so I HAD to check out your blog! I have the feeling I'll be up all night, trying to read every single post until I can't keep my eyes open anymore… Oh well!
You're PRICELESS…love a blogger who can make me laugh while at the same time posting useful crafty ideas:)
so deserved!
I have TCB on my bloglines and I was so excited to see you on there. She gets you DEAD ON Char! Woot!
Your stuff is freaking awesome!
Do you have an Etsy shop??? I would buy just about anything you make!
I came over here from TCB, and love it. So glad you were found and featured! I look forward to getting to know you better.
and to think I knew you back when.
congrats, hot stuff!
You seem like such a sweetheart, reading all of these wonderful blogs makes me want to be a young mother again. You are all so creative, friendly and supportive of each other. What a blessing. I wish I was your neighbor I'd join your sewing class. I'm a mom of 3, ages 28, 27 and 24 Turning 50 on Friday, I found your blog from Today's creative blog. Keep on inspiring, having the ability to make people laugh out loud when they're not even in the room with you is a wonderful gift.
Debbie S. (blogless)
Headed over here from Kim's TCB! As I am sure you have discovered, not only do your ratings skyrocket when Kim features you, but also, good things happen. Kim's a real live horseshoe!!
Love your posts, but I really could have missed seeing that photo of what someone left on your doorstep and not lost any sleep over it! hah!! Love your sense of humour…it makes for a great blog!
Visiting your blog from TCB. Great stuff!
Wow, I'm impressed! Can I say that I knew you when?
Hey, I'm back! Do you have a gadget for followers so I can follow you. Am I missing it? I keep looking, but I can't find it. Let me know!
wow, I am so proud of my readers….they are leaving you so many great comments! They are the best aren't they?
I came over from Creative Blog.. oh my gosh.. this is offically my favorite blog ever.. I love how real you are..
I have a 6 year old and a 14 month old.. I feel your pain.. lol
Did they say you have 14 kids? I could have sworn that I read that!
Just found your blog on today's creative blog! I'm loving your blog already! Okay the light fixture make-over is pure genious! I can't wait to try it!
It's nice to meet you! I just came over from Today's Creative Blog. Gonna snoop around!!
Just stopping over from TCB. LOVE your piano, and all these neat and crafty projects. You've inspired me to get off my rump and do a few of my own!
(And just so you know . . . you should do stand up comedy. What a RIOT!)
Aren't you just the cat's meow! Found you on both sites today. I'm hooked and inspired. Kudos.
I feel so privileged to know you! But seriously…you are AMAZING!!!
I found you through todays creative blogs and I love your blog! So real, so cool, such great "crap" :>) I'll be back.
stoping over from TCB. I loove your blog! I'm officially a new follower!
omigosh, I just discovered your blog, I'm sooooo cracking up! (shared you on my facebook fan page too!) Keep on writing girl!
i love the name of your blog…such attitude! my husband calls my craft desk my crap deck. congrats on TCB feature!
Great blog! Found it over at Today's creative blog. Glad she featured you!!
I am CRACKING UP! I just found your blog from Mod Podge Rocks and laughed out loud at the title of your blog. Love it! I look forward to reading through your posts!
Thought I would let you know… I just found your blog tonight and think it's the greatest. I read through the whole thing and laughed out loud more times that I can count. My husband now thinks I am so annoying, and didn't get why the poop on the porch was funny. Anyway, love it! You're hilarious and crafty, the best combination.
I just spent the last hour neglecting my child while I went through all your posts… okay not word for word, but I am envious of many of your creations… namely your craft room and beautiful iwouldneverspendthetimeotpaintit piano. Truly it is amazing, and I will be coming back, well as often as you post!
Oh man! I needed a good laugh and found a whole mess of them on your blog! Your blog is such a joy to read. I just found it after seeing the feature on Today's Creative Blog. I laughed so hard at your hot dog on plate and poopy panties post, I literally had to get up and leave my computer to gather myself! hahaha Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more in the future.
Hi! I've just come over from Today's Creative Blog! And you are now on my bloglines list
LOVE your blog and your sense of humour
See you again soon
joanne xx