
My sister was in charge of the candles on my cake. She decided 34 was WAY TOO MANY candles. (She’s 20. What does she know?)

She decided to write my name with candles instead. That took 39 candles, thank you very much.

And when she lit them?

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  1. Sasha Fierce says:

    Happy Birthday! I love your blog!

  2. My kids were all looking over my shoulder when I was reading your post, and they all said "That looks like a campfire"!! Happy birthday :D

  3. LOL – Happy Birthday!

  4. DQ Mountain Girl says:

    well, it makes a nice fire anyway… :)
    I'm turning 40 this year!

  5. Lacie @ Creative Attempts says:

    lol that's great happy bday

  6. Heidi@TheCraftMonkey says:

    (giggling uncontrollably) happy birthday!

  7. happy birthday! were you able to blow out all those candles or did you need help? :)

  8. Kari @ Ucreate says:

    HILARIOUS!!!! I needed a good laugh.

  9. That is awesome.
    Happy Birthday.

  10. Hopeful Helpmate says:

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Hilarious!
    Happy Birthday again, Sunshine.

  12. Beverly @ The Buzz says:

    Hysterical! Happy birthday!!

  13. This is HILARIOUS! And yes, I can laugh b/c I'm 35! Ha! :) Love this!

  14. Connie Babe says:

    Happy Birthday! This makes me laugh…my brother did this for his wife's cake a few years ago…set off every smoke detector in the house, even the ones upstairs…it was a riot!!!

  15. Kristine Robinson says:

    Hope your day was great. I also hope you had a fire extinguisher handy! Being 34 is awesome, isn't it?

  16. did someone say "ring of fire?"

  17. Hilarious! Just shows 20 year olds CAN'T be trusted :)

  18. Too too funny!

  19. Happpy Birthday Char.

  20. Crafty Christina says:

    Soo funny! Happy Birthday! (My sister is 21 so I can relate to the little sister hijinks!)

  21. Happy Birthday!!!


    I just tagged you with an Honest Scrap award. Find the details here. http://mycraftysideforyou.blogspot.com/2009/09/i-was-tagged.html

  22. The Harding Hive says:

    I guess that means you really are old if your candles put the whole cake on fire. I hope you had a great birthday!

  23. Joni Walton says:

    34 candles is too many! :) Happy birthday! And, tried the cashew cookies this weekend and loved them!

  24. Classic! Always thought that was just an urban legend that candles would do that if there were too many!

  25. That is so funny…isn't that what sisters are for? To create a laugh, even if they didn't mean to?

  26. Jen V - Flawed and Fabulous Crafts says:

    Happy 34th! 34 is a good year for me – so far – hope yours is as great!!

  27. Happy 39th Birthday! (you're catching up to me pretty quick)


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