
Guess who’s an aunt!

This sweet baby girl made her appearance at 8:31 this morning….only 13 days late.

Congratulations to my brother and his wife!

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  1. awwww, congrats! good work, Anya.

  2. Congrats Auntie! We need more details though. How big was she? Was Anya in labor for 24 hours? Come on!

  3. YAY!! Congrats to your brother and his wife- as well as to you auntie Char.

  4. Jared and Delia says:

    Whew! 13 days! Yikes. Congrats.

  5. ugh! 13 days late? that's crazy!

    congrats Auntie!

  6. She is sooo pretty! Congrats to all!

  7. porter family says:

    CONGRATS GUYS!! but amys right…DETAILS!!

  8. We also need a name. Hurry.

  9. she's beautiful! congrats Auntie

  10. If she had a name, I could tell you what it is. However, she does not.

    She weighed 8lbs 9oz.

    And that's all I've got.

  11. Congrats to your brother and his wife… and to you, of course.

  12. Wahoo!

  13. whoo! bring on the girly baby stuff!

  14. She is a cutie! Look at all that hair? Congrats to the new aunt and the mom and dad!!

  15. What a cute baby. Congratulations to all of you!

  16. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    Congratulations! She's beautiful (and worth the wait!).

  17. "Due dates" are mean toture techniques. Good for her for waiting it out and not getting pressured. Congrats!

  18. YEAH!!! One more day and you could have shared a B-Day!!

  19. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Yay!!! However, 13 days late and she doesn't have a name???

  20. Name yet?

  21. Sorry…still no.

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