Do under cabinet lights count as lamps?

Because if they do, I am ROCKING this year’s resolution!

And see that shiny new laptop? I’m finally (after a MONTH) back to blogging on my own computer and not one I pilfered from BC. Woo!

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  1. The Lil Missus says:

    Okay, I'm TOTALLY jealous of your nook!!!!! I want one!

  2. Where'd you get the sweet french blue desk accessories?

  3. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    JoAnn's clearance. $4.97 for the entire set, which includes a letter tray and a storage bin and 3 or 4 folders as well.

  4. Carla Hegeman Crim says:

    What a great space!

  5. Jamielouwho says:

    I have a very similar nook and was telling my husband just the other day how I would LOVE under cabinet lighting to free up the space where my lamp is. You just gave me the "umph" I needed! Looks awesome!

  6. Kristine Robinson says:

    Yes, yes they do. Love your blog. So glad you are my friend!

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