Get Organized #1: Bill Box

I get a lot of emails asking how I find time to sew or craft with 4 kids running around and still run a household. Answer? Ignore them.


I thought over the next few days, I’d share with you all some of my favorite ways I keep organized.

Today, I’m showing you my bill box. Oh how I love my bill box! Going out to buy one *might* be my favorite part of the new year.

You’ve all seen these accordion files before, right? You can get a solid colored one at any office supply store or super center. Those run about $8. I usually spend a little more and get a cute one to make my bill paying life more pleasant.

Here’s last year’s:

I label it with the year clearly on the outside.

Some of these files come pre-labeled. I don’t really like their categories, so I re-label. I bought a pack of file folder labels for just a few dollars 7 or 8 years ago and I still haven’t used them all.

You can label them however fits your needs. I use the following categories:

Bank Account
Chase/Old Navy/TCP
Debit Receipts/Check Duplicates (I clear this one out after I’ve entered receipts and reconciled statements)
Pay Stubs
Questar (gas)
Qwest (phone)
Receipts (for major purchases)
Utah Power (electric)

At the end of the year, I take the entire box downstairs to our storage room. It doesn’t take up a lot of room and it’s easy to locate something should the need arise. Like the time the cable company turned us over to collections for a $16 bill because they hooked cable up at a house we hadn’t lived in for THREE YEARS and then tried to tell me I never paid off our original account. And I’m still bitter about it. :o)

Next up? The Family Binder

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  1. Amanda Jo says:

    Great idea!!!! I have the hardest time staying on top of all the papers and filing. I really think this method will work for me!

    Thanks! Can't wait to read tomorrows blog!

  2. This is why I love you.

  3. This is great! I have started an organization blog at and I would love to post a link to your idea when we get to "tackling paperwork" in late January. I have had friends begging me to write a book for years, but the blog format is more managable with so many little ones. I have enjoyed your blog for months, so thank you for that as well! ~Laura

  4. I am lovin' this! I already have a binder so I am ready to go and will be following your next post too. Thanks Char!! Kristin

  5. I'm SO glad you're doing this… I need all the organizational help I can get! I'm queen of the unorganized!!!!

  6. Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says:

    Keep them coming!

  7. Kristine Robinson says:

    Cool – thanks for sharing. I will be getting one tomorrow!

  8. FYI: everytime I see an accordian file, I think of you.

    damned cable company anyway :)

  9. The Lil Missus says:

    Oh I can't WAIT for the family binder one! The bill organizer is SUCH a great idea, and I've really had it laid on my heart to start a family binder and I'm sure your blog about that will be fabulous too! :o)

  10. For the last 10 years or so, I've done this same type of system, except in a file cabinet with file folders. At the end of the year I just take out all the file folders and put them in a big box. I think I'm going to give your idea a try….I like the idea of having everything stay together in its own file container. No more going over years' worth of files to find what I need! Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. The Harding Hive says:

    You don't even know how much I appreciate this post. I have a drawer that is OVERFLOWING with miscellaneous bills that I can't put in my filing cabinet because IT is overflowing as well. This is a great way to start my organizing.

  12. I try to be organized. I really try. But I would never keep up with this! We do everything online anyway, but that means no record of it. Regardless, I admire you!

  13. Get N Together says:

    I just have a stack of papers sitting by me waiting to be filed away…I like your idea!

  14. This is making me nauseous….because I am SO behind on being organized! I still don't have a 2010 calendar!

  15. I just went out and bought one and labeled my files. So excited to have everything at my fingertips, without having to go to the filing cabinet.

  16. SuzSpeaks says:

    where did you find your cute/decorative box? I can't find one :( I know I can use plain brown.. but filing will be so much more fun if it's in a cute box! ha!

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