
I’ve been searching for *something* to go behind my couch for well over a year now. One time I came close. I found a cabinet, but it had a “HOLD” tag on it. And the hold until date had passed. But they still wouldn’t sell it to me.

I was thrifting last month and found this buffet. It was obviously way too big (note my 4’ 10” child laying on top to demonstrate just how big), but the price was right.

Phase 1:


I called my dad and said “bring a saw”. He gets scared when I do that. We hacked 10” off the legs and then reattached the feet.

Phase 2:


Just yesterday I finished Phase 3:


I KNOW I’ll be hearing from you wood purists, but you didn’t think someone with an aqua piano could leave it alone, did you?

I’m still going to rough it up a bit and glaze it, I think.

Man I love orange!

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  1. The Keele's says:

    My hubby is a wood purist- no fun in my opinion! :D I love it!!!

  2. Camilla Jones (CioCo Photography) says:

    This is gorgeous! And I think anything made cerca 1940's is free game. Or anything that is ugly. That is fair game too. :)

  3. erin, maker of chimes says:

    Love it! I wish that I had the courage to try doing stuff like this :)

    P.S. The piano looks awesome too!

  4. I love it!

  5. I 'm a wood purist but I must say this buffet looks great. Now, I wouldn't have the guts to paint my piano…!!!

  6. *blinks* My ex-sil would probably do you harm for painting a piano like that. lol Personally, I'll just reference the bright yellow buffet as evidence of your insanity. ;) They say people attracted to yellow are crazy. Can't wait to see how it looks all roughed up!

  7. I didn't think I was a wood purist…. but it kind of hurts me to see the piano and buffet painted like this…. so maybe I am one but didn't realize it! :-)

    However, I ♥ LOVE ♥ the shortened legs on this thing!

  8. I love it! wood purist Im not, I love the color it looks more yellow canary to me.What is the color name? Great idea shortening the legs.

  9. Amy from Our Dish says:

    REALLY REALLY love it. I would have never thought to shorten the legs, but of course, you are a creative genius. Well done!

  10. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    My eyes, they bleed! But hey, it has to make you happy, not me! Enjoy!


  12. I LOVE it!

  13. Liz Harris says:

    Did you brush paint this or spray?

  14. The Morrisseys says:

    I'm in love!!! Also love the piano as well!

  15. If that was hand carved birds eye maple I'd be hurt for you, but art deco pieces are usually veneered rough lumber. I love your colour choice and LOVE LOVE what you did with the height. *thumbs up*

  16. I think it looks great- much brighter and more cheerful!

  17. IN LOVE!!!

  18. Amanda Joy says:

    It looks great. I love it!

  19. ooooh love it!!

  20. --strings and things-- says:

    I normally like wood, but I think this looks better painted, maybe its the grain of the wood?

  21. I like it! I could never go with such bold colors, but I love seeing it when others do!

  22. Wow, this is awesome! You picked the perfect color too. I love color so I'm with ya on this for sure! :) Great work!

  23. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    It's fabulous!

  24. Oooh! I have a piano that needs painting. Any special tips or just GO FOR IT?

  25. Beverly @ The Buzz says:

    Yours is pretty, but I couldn't do it to mine. I'm a chicken. ;-)

  26. Tam @ Sew Dang Cute says:

    LOVE it!!! It turned out great. One question…when the heck did you do that yesterday???

  27. you know how in one of those old cartoons this wolf sees um… i forget what, but the object of his affection — anywho, and his eyes bug out of his head in the shape of hearts? that's totally what just happened as i scrolled through this post! THAT.PIECE.IS.AWESOME. 'nuff said. oh, and some drool too.

  28. The more color, the better. Forget about being a wood purist…go for color every time. I love it!
    Peace & Love,

  29. Looooove it!!!! :)I say if its yours in your house you can paint it or leave it and who care what anyone else thinks!!! :)

  30. porter family says:

    i am looking for something JUST LIKE THAT for behind my couch. if you come upon another one, snatch it up for me!! please?!

  31. This looks fantastic! I absolutely love it!!! Great job!!!!!

  32. Jen / Desert Drivel says:

    LOVE IT! I am one of those "wood purists" but you have taken something so-so and made it spectacular. Good job! You've inspired me too! =)

  33. That loos awesome! Love that color!

  34. Courtney Price ~ Vintage Ginger Peaches says:

    This is great :)

  35. Michelle@Somedaycrafts says:

    That is awesome! Looks amazing and bold!

  36. I'm too chickenshit but I LOVE IT against the whiteness of the couch!

  37. Fabulous!!!!!!

  38. Christie @ A Lemon Squeezy Home says:

    Wow, I really love that. It looks great and is such a good color!

  39. LOVE it! What is the name of the color you used?

  40. The Fear Fam says:

    Beautiful! I love how you took a "before" that didn't seem to fit your style and make it an "after" that looks like it was custom made for you (which, I guess it was!) :)

  41. I love it!!

  42. This is fabulous!!!

  43. April Poyer says:

    Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but I kinda hate you right now! I have been looking for something JUST LIKE THAT for storage purposes to put behind my couch. AND…AND… you painted it orange???? That's only my most favoritest color in the whole, wide world. Wood, schmood it looks TERRIFIC!

  44. I think it looks great!

  45. brown paper packages says:

    It looks fabulous!! I love it! Although I'm glad you mentioned it was orange, because it looks yellow on my screen. Not that I don't love yellow, but I really love orange.

    And I'm not a wood purist at all. I paint everything.

  46. carlisle clan conversation... says:

    love it, love, love it…looks awesome!

  47. Love it! Looks great! :)

  48. Leisa Waldron says:

    Oh my goodness, we are the same person. I just finished this not too long ago and love it to death.

    I LOVE your website.

  49. Looks sooooo good! I love doing that to furniture!

  50. Love the Yellow! Super Cute!

  51. It's amazing!! Love it!!

  52. WOW!! That is fantastic! I'm married to a wood purist, too…which is too bad because I have this fabulous gigantic armoire that would look great in robin's egg blue or something! What do you use to do this? Spray paint? AWESOME!!

  53. jen @ {decor junkie} says:

    I love color! It looks great! And I'm definitely going to have to check out your blue piano now!

  54. Gah I LOVE IT!

  55. PiperandRowen says:

    i'm not a wood purist, AND orange is my favorite color! love it, love it, love it so very much!

  56. Kara@ Creations by Kara says:

    I never would have thought to cut the legs off to make it shorter. Genius!

  57. I am a wood purist but I love the look! So bright and happy

  58. Kristine Robinson says:

    Love it – may have to come see it in person.

  59. sarah*spunda says:

    it's PERFECT!!

  60. Wood purists be damned!! I love it!!

  61. Meg the Grand says:

    love the color – it looks great!

  62. OMG. I think that was tiger wood. (as opposed to Tiger Woods) Yikes. I'm pretty sure I'd be scared to do such a thing. However, I do need some boldness in my life. And bravery. Good for you! ps – I didn't see the pic of the blue piano!

  63. I need your bravery. I have a brown secretary, bonified antique, that I can't bring myself to paint. But, it's brown! Ugh. What to do, what to do.

  64. Smith Family says:

    Wow! I'm so impressed. Love the color.

  65. love love love it! the color is fabulous!!

  66. I love it!! It adds just the right pop of color! Way to go, I wouldn't have thought of taken the legs down, I'll have to keep it in mind for other projects!


  67. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    The color is Toasted Pumpkin. It's a Valspar color from Lowe's. I used one of those little foam rollers and a foam brush. It really wasn't that bad on account of most of it being large flat surfaces!

  68. I LOVE the buffet and your bold color choice! I could never do it for fear I would regret it, but this really is inspiring!

  69. Kim @ NewlyWoodwards says:

    I am positively DYING over the yellow. Love it.

  70. Cutting the legs down was inspired! Now it looks perfect there. Can't wait to see it with a little glaze.

  71. it looks great!

  72. I love it too. I am married to a wood guy and I have a few things I want to paint that he has vetoed. I wish he wouldn't be like that.

  73. wow that's beautiful… good for you for delegating the saw job!

  74. Tyler and Kendyl says:

    I love it! My husband is a wood purist and it bugs me! I would paint everything if he would let me

  75. We are sort of wood purists but I would looooove something like that!! The orange is delightful!!

  76. Get out!! How did I miss this post?? The orange is so fantastic, and from the girl who painted her piano red to the girl who painted her piano blue, I say very nicely done!!

  77. One Year of Christmas says:

    wow, that looks fantastic! Somehow the shorter legs look so much more in proportion than the long spindly ones.
    And the color is adorable!

  78. Kristen Duke Photography says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! What a great idea to chop off the legs!! I am an orange lover,too. Painted an end table for my family room.

  79. Chelsea McDougald says:

    It looks yellow, not orange, but it is fabulous. What kind of paint did you use and/or did you have to sand it first?

    I have a piece I want to do that to and it has no finish on it. Should I still sand it first?

  80. Char @ Crap I've Made says:


    I used Behr Premium Plus Ultra (it's their paint and primer and one).

    I did sand first, but just enough to rough up the finish and give the paint something to "grip".

    If it's bare wood, I probably wouldn't sand…I'm no expert, though.

  81. I’m one of those wood purists, and I’m appalled… so appalled. (it was a good idea to chop off the legs though)

  82. Just curious, you said the price was right, how much did you pay for this before the make over?

  83. Kenda Blanning says:

    Love that you show so much detail…..


  1. [...] out of her house one of these days…. Another item I plan on stealing — her Yellow Buffet. So pretty! I’ve seen this Laptop Sleeve in person — it’s so cute!! Char [...]

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