You asked for it!

Since I’m SERIOUSLY behind on emails right now (as in weeks), I’m going to answer some of the questions I’ve gotten most often.

Where is this Pottery Barn damaged goods outlet you speak of?

It’s on 3505 W and 3500 S in West Valley City. Be prepared for A LOT of crap, but when you score? You score big.

I got this Spiderman backpack for Campbell for $4. It was monogrammed, but a little careful patience with the seam ripper and you can’t even tell.


What color is that paint? It looks yellow on my screen!

It’s Toasted Pumpkin by Valspar and I got it at Lowe’s. It’s most definitely orange. The lighting in my room may have been weird yesterday or maybe your monitor settings are different from mine or something.

Where’d your search box go?

It wasn’t working and from what I found on the web, Google was aware of the problem. There was no fix planned at that time. I should probably check and see if that’s happened yet. Or, does anyone know of another good search widget/gadget/whatever?

Where did the giveaway listing go?

I got a lot of requests when it was new, but then it kind of fizzled out. And it when it was active it was way more work than I thought it was going to be. If you’re looking for a good list of bloggy giveaways, Michelle over at Someday Crafts hosts one every Thursday.

What is the font called in your header? Is that your handwriting?

I have no idea. Kim at 733 did my redesign and she picked it all. It is most definitely not my handwriting. I write like a doctor.

Where did the buttons go?

They have their own page now. If you look on the left under “Connect With Me!” next to the Facebook and Twitter and subscription options, you’ll see a button. Click on it. I dare you. Or, just go here.

Anything else you’d like answered? Leave it in the comments or shoot me an email!

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  1. Michelle@Somedaycrafts says:

    Thanks for the link! That is so kind of you!

  2. Just read all of your organization posts. I can't wait to hit the Dollar Tree this weekend and Target to organize!

  3. Pati @ A Crafty Escape says:

    That "Pottery Barn damaged goods outlet" sounds like HEAVEN to me!!!

  4. You write like a doctor…he he he he.

  5. I had a problem with my search box a few weeks ago… was the perpetual "loading" message the problem you mentioned you had with yours? If so, it's fixed now. :)

    Happy weekend!

  6. When are you taking me to Tai Pan? :D

  7. When are you coming to see me?

  8. Mrs Happy Homemaker says:

    I want a pottery barn outlet store. You think they might decide to open one out in the boonies of which I live? haha

  9. rollyo is a search engine you can put on your blog, you can set it to just search your blog, or your blog plus some other sites you choose, or the entire web, no download no sign up just set your preferences and copy and paste.. Can't tell you much more than that about it I just found it and added it to my page a few days ago but if you're still looking for a search its worth a look

  10. Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says:

    You have got such a great style! Way to go!

  11. Kim @ seven thirty three says:

    OK, I'm a little behind on this BUT the font for the menu is Pea Lacy available at

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