Next week: Nativity Parade @ Crap I’ve Made

(Button courtesy of the fabulous Kim @ 733 design)

I don’t care if you call it a nativity set or a creche, I love them all.

When I was a kid, we had one made entirely (by my mom) out of salt dough. Each little figure had garlic pressed dough hair and hand drawn faces. I really wish there were pictures of that thing, because it was AMAZING. I’m giddy just thinking about the camels and sheep. INSANE!

Now that I’m all grown up, I have a couple on display, which I’ll be sharing next week.

Starting next Tuesday (December 7th), I’ll be hosting a linky party. I want YOU to show off your nativity. I don’t care if it’s Fisher Price or olive wood from Jerusalem or terra cotta pots (or salt dough)…I WANT TO SEE IT!

So get it out, dust it off, set it up and then BLOG it and link up with us!

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  1. KJ@letsgoflyakite says:

    This is a wonderful idea. Count me in.

  2. What an awesome idea … I can't wait to see all the links!

  3. saraiwithani says:

    I just put my nativity out tonight and can't wait to show it off! What a great idea!

  4. Melanie@Crafty Cupboard says:

    How fun! I've got one we bought at Tai Pan years ago when we lived in Utah… maybe I'll share!
    p.s. Totally cute pyrex, yes, but the price tag was a little ugly for my taste, being from an Antique mall. :)

  5. fun!!! i too love nativities as JESUS IS the reason we celebrate Christmas afterall! i JUST made a nativity for my son, so i'll have to learn how to link up with you.

  6. I'm so playing!!!

  7. I have a Nativity addiction. I only put up 4 this year – I'll send those pics. :)

  8. snippetsandyarns says:

    So I guess that explains at least some of your creativity :-) Apparently it runs in the family! I'm looking forward to checking out everyone's Nativities.

    ~ Meagan

  9. Clemencia says:

    Hmmm, I don't have one :( but it has given my an idea to start searching how to make one, because I can't afford to buy one, or maybe… Would you teach us how to make one like your family did? is probably too much to ask, and I understand, but is worth the try :)

  10. I've bookmarked this… because I want to show off mine! Great idea!

  11. I was watching just after Thanksgiving to see if you were going to announce the 2011 Nativity Parade, but then I didn’t make it back for a long time. Did you do one this year?? Did I miss it?? Loved this feature in 2010 and was looking for it again, just just curious!!

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      I didn’t! This year has been kind of a mess for me and I didn’t even remember that I did one last year…LOL! Maybe Santa will bring me a vacation for Christmas.

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