(I’m going to be changing the date of this post repeatedly so it stays at the top all week…don’t let that throw you!)
It’s here.
The day you’ve all been waiting for. (OK, maybe just me.) It’s time to link up to your nativities. Let’s see them ALL.
I’ll be featuring some of my favorites (as well as my own) throughout the upcoming weeks.
I’d like it if you could add the button (courtesy of the fabulous Kim @ 733 design) to the bottom of your posts so that people can come back here and check out more awesome displays.

I'd like to take part, to show my humble nativities, when's the deadline?
What a sweet party and one that shows off the most important part of Christmas- Christ coming as a lowly babe- Immanuel- God with us! What a gift!
Bee blessed
Well this has to be the most gorgeous nativity collection I've ever seen!
I'm leaving it open through Christmas (maybe even the end of the month…I forget which date I picked) and I'll feature some every few days!
Thanks, Char, for the linky party! Photographing my nativities for a post to link to your party made me realize all over again the importance they hold in the holiday season. Thanks for the reminder! Also, I'd love for you to come on over and enter to win a Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint Wallflower Set (winner announced 12/10):
Oh, this is so nice! They are all lovely, but the home made ones are just extra special. I shall post a pic of my store-bought one soon.
Thank you Char! My blog is fairly new and I so appreciate the visits this has brought my way! You are awesome and I am thankful thankful thankful to you you you!!! http://www.humbletasks.com
Okay i totally look like a big dummy since I posted a link to my nativity and didn't see the big fat typo on my caption. can you fix that for me? If not please know I didn't mean too.
wow so many ideas!! bookmarked the page for when i get a chance to have a tidy look. i've added to the linkup, please come follow my blog:
Thank you for hosting!!! I LOVE nativities and there are some beautiful ones here!