I *may* have crossed a line with vinyl

(If you follow Crap I’ve Made on Facebook you already saw this, but it’s some entertainment whilst I blog Nativity #1.)


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  1. Oh, that is too funny! That pretty little girl seems to think you did a great thing! Just look at that adorable face!

  2. Ive been blinded by your sheer awesomeness!

  3. Jamie @ Happy House, Happy Home says:

    i think it's fabulous!

  4. My daughter has a viola concert tonight. Maybe I should decorate too! Love it!

  5. That is super cute!

  6. Real Life Reslers says:

    Your genius is amazing.

  7. Heidi Ferguson says:


  8. I like the festiveness of it but as a musician- seeing anything stuck on a violin just about made me pass out. I'm pretty sure my parents would have beat me if I had decorated one of my instruments. (Or at least locked me in my room until the urge passed.)

  9. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    Does the fact that it's a cheap-o student model that's being replaced with a larger one as soon as this concert's over help at all?


  10. Yes, yes it does.

  11. Birdie3008 says:

    Oh my gosh this made me laugh!!! Thanks :)

  12. What a great resrcoue this text is.

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