Remember how Keller turned 8 last week?
When you’re a Mormon, that’s kind of a big one. He’ll be getting baptized next weekend. He requested a sports jacket for the occasion (which made me pee my pants a little). He also got a new set of scriptures.
I made him this to haul them around in and hit his brother with:
I didn’t tutorialize for a couple of reasons:
1) I wasn’t sure if there were enough of you that would care to make it worth my while (since I know that many/most of you are not Mormons).
2) I had no idea what I was doing.
So, now that it turned out quite nicely, I need to know if there’s enough interest to warrant a tutorial. Leave a comment if you want one and I’ll see what I can do.
I would love a tutorial…although I would be putting a big beautiful Y on mine…
my BYU fan turns eight next month….i'd love a tutorial
tutorial would be great… even the non mormon's out there might use a scripture type tote for their bible/journals/other random things…
yes!! tutorial please!!
Can I buy one? Seriously!?:) My son turns 8 at the beginning of March. He is OBSESSED with the U. We live in 'Y' country and I think his obsession might get him killed someday (good thing he is the size of a 12yr old, but still not so good that he chants B'die'U!). Anyhow, I would so love a tutorial. Not that I could ever make it, but maybe I could convince my MIL!
Y, Yes I'd love to see a tutorial, please & thank You.
You are a mormon and you like the U??? I'm not so sure about that! Sounds pretty rebellious to me:)
I would love a tutorial, in fact I have been looking into this recently anyways
Hello, a tutorial would be AMAZING!!!
Brisbane Mormon here. I would love a tutorial but at the risk of sounding stupid what is the U? oh and what is the Y?
Donna, the U of U = a heathen school and BYU's biggest rival.
Y = BYU.
A Mormon Ute fan? Hmmm can I trust you?? LOL
I would love a tute for this.I have been deliberating on deconstructing my husbands old one to trace. A tute would be much better.
oh yes please make a tutorial!! I could use this as a gift for one of many Ute fans in my family!! =)
yes I would like one!
HUGE YES for the tutorial {except for an awesome blue color with a giant Y!)!!
I would love a tutorial.. with or without the U. We are Aggies, so not really concerned with the rivalry between the Y and U.
yes! I would love a tutorial too! I can make some not just for my kids, but for my young women too =D
Well, not with a giant "U" on it! But if you added a lovely "Y" I'd be game. WAHAHAHAHA!
YES! Mine turns 8 in June… would LOVE to make him a scriptures case!!!
Yes I would love a tutorial. I too would make mine with a Y.
I think tou could use this for other books then just scriptures! Bring on the tutorials!
I'm not a Mormon (well, I used to be, but that is another story!)….BUT, I'm a HUGE "U" fan! GO UTES! I love this! A tute would be great, as you just never know who might need a scripture case, and I would hate for it not to have a big "U" on it!
Thanks for the heads up! I see this does create a little rivalry better your readers. I love the comments.
Go Utes!
WOW! I big, puffy heart ADORE the Utes scripture case. Serious, serious moxy there! And yes for the tutorial. I would love one of these for me and Hubs to push back the wave of navy blue Y's floating around our building.
I vote yes on the tutorial!
This is adorable, tutorial! Tutorial! Tutorial! yes I am chanting….
Brazen! Walking around with a U on your scriptures like that!
Brazen, but cute. I SUPPOSE.
Yes on the tutorial, but I'm an Arizona fan so I'll make mine with a block A. Glad to know I'm not the only Mormon that isn't a BYU fan!
Yes, please! My boys have needed scripture cases for their new scriptures that we bought them when they turned 8. Which was over a year ago.
Can't say I'll be putting a U on mine though. Maybe a Longhorn?
You did a fantastic job considering you didn't know what you were doing!!! :o)
I'd love a tutorial too! And even though I went to the Y, I'd be putting a BIG OLD "S" on there for Superman.
I get requests to make these as gifts all. the. time. So I would LOVE a tutorial so i can quit being a wuss and just DO it.
no, no, no, no, no! When the kid wearing a U of U tie passes me the sacrament I always choke on my bread a little bit.
Yes please. Kthanxbye.
I would love a tutorial as well. But I am majorly disappointed yours has a U on it. Bleh!
would love one!!!
I think a tutorial would be awesome. My little girlies could definitely use one of those!
Okay, when I saw the title in my blog reader thing, I got so excited thinking there'd be a tutorial b/c I really want to make one for my son since I didn't love any of the ones on etsy…so if you are feeling up to it, a tutorial please
I would love a tutorial! And the U is perfect in our house!
Yes…I would love to see a tutorial. My little girl will be baptized in May. So exciting!
Heck yes:)!
As a fellow "U" fan I am sure I could figure out how you made this great looking scripture case, but apparently a tutorial is needed for all the Y fans out there so yes please post a tutorial!
My daughter will be baptized in March, and I would LOVE to see a tutorial so I can make her a scripture case. It looks great!
I've seen a bunch of scripture case patterns, but none as awesome as this. Tutorial please?
Ummm…..HOLLAH! Yipee! I love this. And I think a tutorial would be divine. We are big U fans here too. But 'cept I'm from up North, so just to mix it up. I think I'd propose a lovely "A"? (plus, that school to the south stole our colors. They're supposed to be royal blue. Which ISN'T cute. We're the original Navy, baby!)
My family doesn't "do" sports but I say I am a "U" fan just to tick off my neighbors. You know, that and being a Democrat gets the ward missionaries over here in a jiffy. I'm a rebel like that. I'd love a tutorial, but at my house it would have glitter, or dance shoes or the Slytherin emblem.
Tutorial! tutorial! Yes I'd love one…I want to gift this to my granny who keeps all her Pooja books together with a rubberband
she can keep them all together in one place and I could may be do an "OM" on the top
yes, please! (although the "U" will definitely have to go. the "Y" reigns supreme at our house.)
I would like to have a tutorial. Perhaps the Relief Society could benefit from it as well for a Work Meeting project. Thanks for sharing.
My son turns eight this year too! I would love a tut!
It would be nice to have a tute. But I'll put an H on mine, go Huskies, at least that's what my husband says.And then give it to our grandson in UT who turns 8 next Sept. Please keep up all the good stuff.
I need one!
You surely have enough postitive feedback for now…but here goes…love to have the tutorial!
I seriously need this tutorial. I am a Mormon and I am a UTE fan…
GO UTES!!!!!
I'd LOVE a tutorial! I teach CTR 7… and they're just starting to remember to bring their scriptures… but non have a case!
I would love a tutorial! I tried to make my husband a scripture case last year and it was a definite fail…
Yes for a tutorial!
Oh, yes! Please!
I think a tute for your this scripture would probably fit my New American Bible and my CCC (Catechesis of the Catholic Church) which I take to my apologetics class every week….Although I'd have to put my husband's alma mater (sp? – you can tell I'm an engineer, right, very bad spelling!) Pitt on the front!
A tutorial would be great. I've been making totes bags for my girls' scriptures, but boys don't really want to carry around a tote bag. Please and thank you!
seriously. why does your stuff always look so perfect? i think you have a problem.
Would love a tute!!! GOOOOOOOOO UTES!!!
Not Mormon, but I'm friends with one or two, and I'd LOVE a tutorial for this type of thing. I can see making one of these for my daughter's confirmation gift of a Missal (we're Catholic). ;-D
SO GREAT! And I LOVE that you guys are U fans!
I knew I liked you!
I'd love a tutorial too!
A tutorial would be great! My son is turning 8 this year, too and I would love to make him one!!The only ones I've seen tutorials for are for the little tote bags…and they're a little too girly for my taste! A case that's personalized would be awesome!! Thanks!!!!
Love it! If I made one it would have a big A on it. Go Aggies!
Another rebellious Mormon Ute fan here!!
I would love a tutorial!
Please, please, PLEASE give a tutorial for this awesome case! Does it have a handle?
YES, YES, YES! We'd love a tutorial!! I really need to make one for my almost 9 year old! He's been using a hand-me-down from my brother who's almost done with his mission. And I think he got it when he turned 8. Please, please, please help me!!!
I knew you guys had to be fellow Ute fans. High fives, Keller!
yes yes yes! Ours will be showing off the "Y" instead! ;o)Thx!
Looks like you'd better figure out how you did this thing, cause the people want a tute. Me, I don't really have a need for one (lightening bolt comes out of nowhere and fries her computer…). Well, I don't tote my Bible anywhere. Just read it at home (lightening can strike twice…) What I love about reading blogs is peeking into the lives of people who live in another part of the country and have a different life than me. Really fascinates me. First, I'd love to know more about the Morman faith; how about a tute on that? And I chuckle over the whole U and Y thing, which I suspect means nothing to any of us outside of Utah, or outside of the sports fan world. But some of the comments are pretty funny. I guess we're all really the same, just a few of the details change depending on our church and where we live. Brothers will always hit brothers with what ever's handy.
Heck yeah! Bring on the tutorial!
Yes, pease!
I think you have your answer about a tutorial! But maybe you should put a clause in it that it has to be a "U" and not a "Y" =)
A tutorial would be great! I'm not sure if there is a special difference between a scripture case or a bible cover, but it looks like I might be able to use it for covers for my boys' bibles.
I am a big Utes fan! Love this!
Nice job! I know a lot of people who would LOVE this!
Oh a tutorial would be greatly appreciated! My middle son has asked for a new cover for his Bible. Plus the one I made my husband out of my old leather jacket has fallen apart and I don't remember how I made it….
I would love a tutorial. Don't be turned off the idea for all those who want a Y on theirs. There still plenty of us looking for that U!!
Yes please! Though I might make it with some other design.
It looks fantastic! I've actually been looking for a scripture case tutorial lately for my daughter's upcoming eighth birthday too. I can't wait!
Please do a tutorial….my daughter would LOVE it!!!
YES YES YES!!! Please? Need to make one for my brother asap – he’ll be leaving on his mish this summer!!!
Yes, please! I’ve been looking up homemade scripture cases and this is one is unique because it zips up and actually looks store-bought. I’d love to know how you did it!
PLEASE PLEASE make a tutorial!!
please! please! please! make it a tutorial….BTW I love your blog
I’m pretty sure of my boys had this, they would remember their scriptures every week!
Tutorial PLEASE