How was your weekend? Create anything fabulous? I finished Neighbor Jami’s crib bumpers on Friday. I need to sneak over there and get some pictures to share.
I spent most of the rest of mine trying to locate something to wear to Creative Estates that hides my heffer-ness. Perhaps the cuteness of the shoes I purchased will help?
I’m also trying to kick a cold that will not die. NyQuil and I are good friends these days. So good, in fact, that after I got the kids off to school I got back in bed and slept until 10:30. Oops.
So, to get the week started right (after noon…ha!), I’ve got a little something for you, courtesy of the nice folks over at GroopDealz:
a $50 Target gift card!
Are you familiar with GroopDealz?
Let me give you a quick rundown. GroopDealz features fabulous handmade products, 1 or 2 at a time, for a short period of time at a HUGE discount. Right now they’re offering these insanely cute Easter hair clips:
And a hilarious take on a “No Soliciting” sign:
The deal changes every couple of days, so you’ll want to be in the loop. There are 2 ways to do that:
Follow GroopDealz on Facebook (1 entry)
Sign up for notifications on the GroopDealz site (1 entry)
Leave me a separate comment for each one. Giveaway closes Saturday morning when I roll out of bed.
Ready? Go!

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Thanks for the giveaway! I looooovvveeee target!
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I subscribe to groopdealz dealz :).
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I get Groopdealz emails! Just bought the "welcome" vinyl this weekend!
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Signed up for emails, what a great concept.
Signed up for emails. I would love to get this gift card. I'd use it to get a baby swing.
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I signed up today! Thanks.
[email protected]
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I follow groopdealz on facebook. OH yeah.
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[email protected]
I receive their emails. Now I'm really hoping to win!
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bec289 at hotmail dot com
Liked them on facebook and I want that sign
twobroadsdesign at yahoo dot com
I signed up to get daily notifications! I'm a new mama and would love to get some pants that fit me!
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I have gotten some fabulous things on Group Dealz and I get their emails. wkpanter at yahoo dot com
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I get their emails and have bought many fun things from them. Too much perhaps.
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following groopdealz on twitter!
following them
get their emails
Cool idea! I signed up! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I am already a huge fan and follower on facebook of groopealz.
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I signed up for their notifications.
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i get groopdealz emails!
im a fan on fb!
[email protected]
I follow on FB!
im signed up for notifications
[email protected]
I get emails every day about their great deals!
I "like" them. A lot, in fact.
I get their emails. Love a good deal. Thanks for the giveaway!
I get email notifications! Totally awesome!
I like groopdealz on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!
i've signed up for email notifications.
i like groopdealz on facebook!
Love them! Signed up for Groop Dealz emails!
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I liked GroopDealz on FB.
I like Groop Dealz on FB
I also signed up for the email list.
i'm a fan of theirs on facebook!
i also receive their emails!
I follow Groop Dealz on FB!!
I'm a FB fan of Groop Dealz.
I also get their emails!
Fan on facebook!
subscribe to their emails!
Following on fb
Subscribed to emails!
FB done
emails done.
I've been following GroopDealz on Facebook for awhile now.
Facebook fan
Signed up for emails
I signed up on FB. I might win an iPad 2, also!! Yippie!
(well, it could happen!)
I get their notifications!!!
I just liked on FB
and I am now signed up for their emails. I do want to keep an eye on them.
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and I get the notifications!
I am signed up for email notifications.
I follow them on facebook!
I already receive Groopdealz email notifications, and it's hard not to purchase every bargain!
I follow them on Facebook now as well!
I follow Groopdealz on FB.
I think I signed up for emails, but the first time it said my email wasn't valid. I'm pretty sure I am…
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Signed up for emails!
I subscribe to GroopDealz and LOVE it!!!
[email protected]
GroopDealz Facebook fan!
[email protected]
Fan on Facebook {and am wondering where the cute shoes photo is at?}
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follow groupdealz on facebook!
signed up for email notifications
Just became a follower on Facebook.
I signed up for some email
I am a follower
I am a facebood follower.
I signed up for the emails
I get email. Thanks, Boo
[email protected]
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I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!
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liked 'em on FB
I'm already a Facebook fan of theirs.
I also already get email notifications from them.
Liked on FB
And signed up!
I signed up to get the GroopDealz emails!
I'm ready. I liked them on facebook!
[email protected]
I follow them on FB
I'm following them on facebook now!
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I'm now signed up for Groopdealz notifications as well!
Holla! Thanks for the shout out for my little 'ol bows!
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I now get their emails too. Tiffanymeagan(at)yahoo(dot)com
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I signed up for the notifications via my email address.
I was already getting e-mails from Groopdealz! I love it!
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I liked them on Facebook. Thanks!
I signed up for notifications. Looks like a great site. Thanks!
I receive notifications from Groopdealz! [email protected]
Signed up for notifications. Looks like I've found a new place to spend some money!
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abbeystaum [at] gmail [d0t] com
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abbeystaum [at] gmail [d0t] com
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I get emails from gd.
love groopdealz! I am signed up for notifications!
i follow groop dealz on fb! thanks!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
i signed up for the notifications! thanks!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz
I signed up for their emails
[email protected]
I already get their emails.
I follow groopdealz on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!
I signed up for groopdealz on there website. Thanks
I signed up for notifications from Groopdeals..never had heard of it! It looks great!
I liked on Facebook too!
I follow Groopdealz on facebook.
I signed up for notifications on Groopdealz.
I already follow them on FB
I already get notifications!
I follow on Facebook!
I receive notifications!
I get regular notifications from GroopDealz via email. Thanks for the giveaway! Blessings
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I signed up for email notifications! Thanks!
I follow them on facebook. [email protected]
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!
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I signed up for email updates from Groupdealz
Followed on facebook
I follow groopdealz on Facebook.
I'm already signed up to receive Groopdealz notifications!
I've been signed up! Love them!
i follow them!
I signed up for GroopDealz notifications!
I like GroopDealz on FB
Following on FB.
Signed up on their site too!
What a fun contest!! If I didn't have just boys I would snatch up those hair pretties in a hurry! I now follow groopdealz on facebook!
I also get notifications from Groopdealz!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook.
[email protected]
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz.
[email protected]
I liked Groopdealz on Facebook
I follow Groopdealz on facebook!
I get notifications from Groopdealz. I just bought some earrings this morning on there!
I follow on FB. Fun!
I "liked" Groopdealz on facebook
I signed up for email notifications from Groopdealz.
I recieve their email notifications.
I get emails from Groopdealz
I am a facebook fan of groopdealz
I'm signed up for GroopDealz email's!
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz
i signed up for email notifications!
i signed up for their emails!
i like groopdealz on FB!
I get notifications from Groopdealz (and love them)!
I follow them on FB!
I am following on Facebook.
I am now signed up for notifications…can't wait to see the deals!
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I follow groopdealz on Facebook!!
I get the email notifications from GroopDealz!
I like Groopdealz on FB!
I just signed up for emails from Groopdealz
I follow groupdealz on facebook
I also signed up for notifications. Thanks!
Just signed up for Groupdealz notifications! Thanks!
Yay, i love these sites! Just signed up for emails!
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I already get Groopdealz emails
I am signed up for notivications for Groopdealz! LOVE groopdealz!
Email notifications!
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz.
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook! I love them!
I am signed up for their e-mail too!
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I get the GroopDealz emails!
I'm signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!
I like Groopdealz on facebook!
I get notifications from Groopdealz!
I follow Groopdealz on facebook!
Signed up for emails!
following on facebook!
I signed up for Groopdealz notifications.
I followed Groopdealz on Facebook.
Love Groopdealz! I get their emails!
I also like them on FB.
I get the email notifications from Groopdealz!
i signed up for notifications. thank you!
I follow groupdealz on facebook.
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook and email notifications.
i follow groopdealz on facebook!!
i'm signed up for email notifications with groopdealz!
Just liked them on Facebook!
I follow them on facebook
I'm signed up for notifications from them
I am now a follower on facebook!
FB follower for GroopDealz! Thanks!
mommy saves ya hoo {dot} dom
I signed up for Groopdealz notifications. Thanks!
signed up!
Liked on FB!
Signed up for notifications!!
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook
I signed up for emails from Groopdealz
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!
[email protected]
I signed up for the Groopdealz notifications!
[email protected]
I signed up for notifications!
I am a fan of Groopdealz on facebook
Jennifer McClanahan Rowcliff
I am signed up for notifications via the Groopdealz site. Thanks!
YES – I did it Char – I sold out for you and the $50 gift card to Target. <3
And I signed up for notifications !!!!!!!!!!
I signed up for email on Groopdealz!
I am a Groopdealz Facebook follower!
I signed up for email notifications!
I signed up for Groopdealz! lara3400 at
I like Groopdealz on FB! lara3400 at
I signed up for their emails! I love that door sign — hilarious!
I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz! And how cute are those Easter hair clips!!!!
I signed up for the e-mail notifications! Thanks for the giveaway!
tari.mcdonald [at] gmail [dot] com
I LIKE Groopdealz on Facebook!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I signed up for Groopdealz notifications!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I also get their notifications!
I'm already a Groopdealz FB follower. Snagged some great deals through them!
Signed up for Notifications
LOVE the mustache necklace they have today!
i'm a facebook follower
I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!
(and I bought the mustache necklace – in fact I got 3 – for my daughters)
I get the groopdealz emails.