Giveaway: GroopDealz gives you $50 to Target

How was your weekend?  Create anything fabulous?  I finished Neighbor Jami’s crib bumpers on Friday.  I need to sneak over there and get some pictures to share.
I spent most of the rest of mine trying to locate something to wear to Creative Estates that hides my heffer-ness.  Perhaps the cuteness of the shoes I purchased will help?
I’m also trying to kick a cold that will not die.  NyQuil and I are good friends these days.  So good, in fact, that after I got the kids off to school I got back in bed and slept until 10:30.  Oops.
So, to get the week started right (after noon…ha!), I’ve got a little something for you, courtesy of the nice folks over at GroopDealz:
target gift card
a $50 Target gift card!
Are you familiar with GroopDealz?
Let me give you a quick rundown.  GroopDealz features fabulous handmade products, 1 or 2 at a time, for a short period of time at a HUGE discount.  Right now they’re offering these insanely cute Easter hair clips:
$7, $2.50 shipping
And a hilarious take on a “No Soliciting” sign:
$4, shipping included
The deal changes every couple of days, so you’ll want to be in the loop.  There are 2 ways to do that:
Follow GroopDealz on Facebook (1 entry)
Sign up for notifications on the GroopDealz site (1 entry)
Leave me a separate comment for each one.  Giveaway closes Saturday morning when I roll out of bed.
Ready?  Go!
Please follow and like us:


  1. I follow groupdealz on facebook!

  2. I follow groupdealz on facebook!!

  3. I am signed up for notifications via email!

  4. I also signed up for the notifications!! I love the idea of groupdealz!

  5. Deron Ashley and Gavin says:

    I follow groupdealz on facebook.

  6. Deron Ashley and Gavin says:

    I receive groupdealz notifications via e-mail.

  7. Cherie@DragonfliezCreationz says:


  8. Cherie@DragonfliezCreationz says:

    and signed up for emails.

  9. I "like" GroopDealz on FB!

  10. Christina says:

    I love GroopDealz! :o) I signed up for their e-mail.

  11. Christina says:

    And I "like" GroopDealz on FB!

  12. I "like" GroupDealz" on FB!

  13. I get email updates from GroupDealz!

  14. Mrs.Abbott says:

    I follow on facebook!

  15. I just liked them on FB!

  16. I am signed up for their emails (and I love them!)

  17. I get their emails!

  18. Mike and Jen says:

    I am signed up for their emails.

  19. Warne Family says:

    I liked GROOPDEALZ on Facebook!!!

  20. Warne Family says:

    I signed up for GroopDEalz!!!

  21. I don't have facebook, but my hubs "likes" Groopdeals on FB! :)

  22. I get email subscriptions from Groopdealz. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. i have signed up for groopdealz! love them!

  24. Just the Two of US says:

    I'm already signed up for Groopdealz!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I looooovvveeee target!


  25. Cara Hill says:

    I follow GroopDealz on facebook!

  26. The Cooper Family says:

    I follow on FB

  27. The Cooper Family says:

    I signed up for an email subscription.

  28. I follow them on FB :)

  29. I get email's from them :)

  30. Mandi @ CRUSH says:

    I follow them on facebook!

  31. Mandi @ CRUSH says:

    I am signed up for groopdeals too!

  32. liked on FB!

  33. get their emails

  34. Miss Monica says:

    I followed GroopDealz on FB!

  35. Miss Monica says:

    I signed up for notifications!

  36. Jessa Smith says:

    I already follow GroopDealz on facebook!

  37. I followed GroopDealz on FB.

  38. Jessa Smith says:

    I've signed up for notificiations

  39. I follow GD on FB!

  40. I subscribe to groopdealz dealz :).

  41. I follow Groopdealz on facebook!

  42. I get Groopdealz emails! Just bought the "welcome" vinyl this weekend!

  43. I get the e mails!!

  44. The DeGiulio's says:

    Im a follower of groopdealz on FB

  45. I LOVE GroopDealz! I follow them on FB!

  46. I get GroopDealz notifications too!

  47. The DeGiulio's says:

    And I've subscribed to groopdealz

  48. I like Groopdealz on facebook!

  49. I follow them!

  50. I've signed up for their emails!

  51. I follow GroopDealz on FB!

  52. I signed up for the emails!

  53. Tim and Jennie Lindstrom says:

    I like Groopdealz on FB!

  54. I signed up for the notifications!

  55. Tim and Jennie Lindstrom says:

    I get updates from Groopdealz.

  56. Signed up for emails, what a great concept.

  57. Signed up for emails. I would love to get this gift card. I'd use it to get a baby swing.

  58. I like Groopdealz on FB

  59. I like/follow them on facebook!!

  60. I just signed up for notifications!

  61. I signed up today! Thanks.
    [email protected]

  62. Signed up on FB.

  63. Signed up for notifications.

  64. I get their emails!

  65. Liked on Facebook!

  66. I like GroopDealz on FB

  67. I get GroopDealz emails

  68. Signed up for notifications :)

  69. Courtney @ Kisses Come in Twos says:

    I receive GroopDealz e-mail notifications.

  70. Courtney @ Kisses Come in Twos says:

    I also follow GroopDealz on Facebook.

  71. I followed group deals on FB and signed up for the site.

  72. Just signed up for GroopDealz emails.

  73. I signed up for email notifications.

  74. I like GroopDealz on facebook too! Thanks.

  75. I like GroopDealz on facebook

  76. I'm signed up for Groopdealz emails

  77. The Potvins says:

    I follow groopdealz on facebook

  78. The Potvins says:

    I receive email notifications from groopealz over email!

  79. M Mommy to 4 says:

    I follow groopdealz on facebook

  80. M Mommy to 4 says:

    I receive emails from groopdealz

  81. I follow groopdealz on facebook. OH yeah.

  82. I'm now receiving emails from groopdealz. WOOT!

  83. MelindaB says:

    I get e-mails from Groopdealz!

  84. The Miller Five says:

    I follow Groopdealz on FB!

  85. The Miller Five says:

    I already receive emails from Groopdealz!

  86. Nama Halacy's Comfy Cottage says:

    I like Groupdealz on fb!

    [email protected]

  87. Nama Halacy's Comfy Cottage says:

    I get emails from Groupdealz

    [email protected]

  88. shansen20 says:

    I receive their emails. Now I'm really hoping to win!

  89. I like Group Dealz on FB.

  90. I'm signed up to receive Group Dealz notifications.

  91. I signed up for notifications.
    bec289 at hotmail dot com

  92. Two Broads Design says:

    Liked them on facebook and I want that sign :) twobroadsdesign at yahoo dot com

  93. Meghan and Randy says:

    I signed up to get daily notifications! I'm a new mama and would love to get some pants that fit me!

  94. Meghan and Randy says:

    I liked Groopdealz on facebook!

  95. I have gotten some fabulous things on Group Dealz and I get their emails. wkpanter at yahoo dot com

  96. I follow GroopDealz on Facebook.

  97. And I signed up for notifications on the GroopDealz site.

  98. Love Goup Dealz! Already follow on FB
    [email protected]

  99. Also get their e-mails
    [email protected]

  100. Deelightful says:

    FB liked :)

  101. Deelightful says:

    And signed up for the emails …

  102. Kiersten says:

    I liked Group Deals! kiersten.k at gmail dot com

  103. Kiersten says:

    I signed up to receive notifications from group deals! kiersten.k at gmail dot com

  104. jenpetersen says:

    I signed up for both!

  105. Callin and Kristen says:

    I love my groopdealz emails!

  106. I follow them on facebook now!

  107. I just signed up for the notifications on the website :)

  108. I signed up on the site!

  109. I signed up on Facebook too!

  110. I Love Groopdealz! I get their notifications.

  111. Follow on FB as well.

  112. Juleen Kenney says:

    I am a fan on Facebook

  113. Juleen Kenney says:

    I subscribe to Groopdealz notifications.

  114. I follow groopdealz on facebook!


  115. I also get emails from groopdealz


  116. Sims Family says:

    I am a facebook fan of groopdealz!

  117. Sims Family says:

    I get their emails and have bought many fun things from them. Too much perhaps. :)

  118. Mama Mama Quite Contrary says:

    I follow on Facebook.

  119. Veronica says:

    I receive emails from groopdeals.


  120. Mama Mama Quite Contrary says:

    I also signed up for the email notifications.

  121. The Geyers says:

    following groopdealz on twitter!

  122. Mandy @ Sugar Bee Crafts says:

    following them

  123. Mandy @ Sugar Bee Crafts says:

    get their emails

  124. Cool idea! I signed up! Thanks for the giveaway!

  125. I also liked them on Facebook!

  126. I am already a huge fan and follower on facebook of groopealz.

  127. I signed up for notifications to be sent to my email! I love groopdealz.

  128. I signed up for their notifications.

  129. I follow GroopDealz on Facebook!

  130. I get GroopDealz emails!

  131. Jennifer says:

    i get groopdealz emails!

  132. Ranae Broadhead says:

    im a fan on fb!

    [email protected]

  133. Jessica @ The Virtual Scrapbook says:

    I follow on FB!

  134. Ranae Broadhead says:

    im signed up for notifications

    [email protected]

  135. Jessica @ The Virtual Scrapbook says:

    I get emails every day about their great deals!

  136. I "like" them. A lot, in fact. :)

  137. I get their emails. Love a good deal. Thanks for the giveaway!

  138. I get email notifications! Totally awesome!

  139. I like groopdealz on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!

  140. i've signed up for email notifications.

  141. i like groopdealz on facebook!

  142. carlisle clan conversation... says:

    Love them! Signed up for Groop Dealz emails!

  143. carlisle clan conversation... says:

    Liked Groop Dealz on FB!

  144. Brittney says:

    I receive Groopdealz notifications.

  145. Jennifer says:

    I like them on facebook!

  146. I liked GroopDealz on FB.

  147. I like Groop Dealz on FB

  148. I also signed up for the email list.

  149. Hi, I'm Susan! says:

    i'm a fan of theirs on facebook!

  150. Hi, I'm Susan! says:

    i also receive their emails! :)

  151. I follow Groop Dealz on FB!!

  152. I'm a FB fan of Groop Dealz.

  153. I also get their emails!

  154. Debbie B says:

    Fan on facebook!

  155. Debbie B says:

    subscribe to their emails!

  156. Following on fb

  157. Subscribed to emails!

  158. FB done

  159. emails done.

  160. Sarah Rae says:

    I've been following GroopDealz on Facebook for awhile now. :-)

  161. maggie4182 says:

    Facebook fan

  162. maggie4182 says:

    Signed up for emails

  163. I signed up on FB. I might win an iPad 2, also!! Yippie!

    (well, it could happen!)

  164. CodynStacey says:

    I get their notifications!!!

  165. I just liked on FB

  166. and I am now signed up for their emails. I do want to keep an eye on them.

  167. I receive GroopDealz notifications-I love them!

  168. I liked the Facebook page!

  169. I signed up for the emails!

  170. I follow on Facebook!

  171. and I get the notifications!

  172. I am signed up for email notifications.

  173. I follow them on facebook!

  174. Alida L. says:

    I already receive Groopdealz email notifications, and it's hard not to purchase every bargain!

  175. Alida L. says:

    I follow them on Facebook now as well!

  176. I follow Groopdealz on FB.


  177. I think I signed up for emails, but the first time it said my email wasn't valid. I'm pretty sure I am…

  178. Quilter in the Gap says:

    I follow them on FB

  179. Quilter in the Gap says:

    I signed up to receive their emails

  180. Signed up for emails!

  181. Kayla W. says:

    I subscribe to GroopDealz and LOVE it!!!

    [email protected]

  182. Kayla W. says:

    GroopDealz Facebook fan!

    [email protected]

  183. Catherine says:

    Fan on Facebook {and am wondering where the cute shoes photo is at?}

  184. Catherine says:

    Signed up for notifications.

  185. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    I follow GroupDealz on facebook!

  186. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    I signed up for the GroupDealz alerts!

  187. Mama's making ... says:

    follow groupdealz on facebook!

  188. Mama's making ... says:

    signed up for email notifications

  189. Lizzy @My Mind..My Life says:

    Just became a follower on Facebook.

  190. I signed up for some email

  191. I am a follower

  192. I am a facebood follower.

  193. I signed up for the emails

  194. booharts says:

    I get email. Thanks, Boo
    [email protected]

  195. I like Groopdealz on FB!

  196. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!

  197. I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!

  198. Two Dollars says:

    liked 'em on FB

  199. Sourkraut says:

    I'm already a Facebook fan of theirs.

  200. Sourkraut says:

    I also already get email notifications from them.

  201. Liked on FB

  202. And signed up!

  203. I signed up to get the GroopDealz emails!

  204. ro-grammie says:

    I'm ready. I liked them on facebook!

    [email protected]

  205. Michelle says:

    I follow them on FB

  206. Kiki Fangupo says:

    I'm following them on facebook now!

  207. Michelle says:

    I receive their emails

  208. Kiki Fangupo says:

    I'm now signed up for Groopdealz notifications as well!

  209. Mormishmom @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe says:

    Holla! Thanks for the shout out for my little 'ol bows! :) I follow GroopDealz on FB.

  210. Mormishmom @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe says:

    I get the GroopDealz notification emails!

  211. Danny & Alyssa Coon says:

    I am signed up for notifications via email

  212. Tiffany Meagan says:

    I follow Groopdealz on facebook!

  213. Tiffany Meagan says:

    I now get their emails too. Tiffanymeagan(at)yahoo(dot)com

  214. I get the notifications from GroopDealz!

  215. Skinny Minnie says:

    I signed up for the notifications via my email address.

  216. Ashley S. says:

    I was already getting e-mails from Groopdealz! I love it!

  217. Ashley S. says:

    And now I'm following them on Facebook!

  218. kelliemorgan says:

    I liked them on Facebook. Thanks!

  219. kelliemorgan says:

    I signed up for notifications. Looks like a great site. Thanks!

  220. I receive notifications from Groopdealz! [email protected]

  221. Jennifer says:

    Signed up for notifications. Looks like I've found a new place to spend some money!

  222. Abbey Hughes says:

    I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!
    abbeystaum [at] gmail [d0t] com

  223. Abbey Hughes says:

    I signed up for Groopdealz notifications!
    abbeystaum [at] gmail [d0t] com

  224. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I've liked on facebook.

  225. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I'm signed up for their updates.

  226. Candace Clark says:

    I follow Groopdealz on Facebook! :)

  227. Candace Clark says:

    I have signed up for the updates! :)

  228. Poulsen Family says:

    I follow gd on fb.

  229. Poulsen Family says:

    I get emails from gd.

  230. Silly Steeneck's says:

    love groopdealz! I am signed up for notifications!

  231. i follow groop dealz on fb! thanks!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  232. i signed up for the notifications! thanks!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  233. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook

  234. I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz

  235. I signed up for their emails
    [email protected]

  236. rickimoo says:

    I already get their emails.

  237. I follow groopdealz on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!

  238. mamatkins says:

    I signed up for groopdealz on there website. Thanks

  239. The Mommy Teacher says:

    I signed up for notifications from Groopdeals..never had heard of it! It looks great!

  240. The Mommy Teacher says:

    I liked on Facebook too!

  241. Megan Haan says:

    I follow Groopdealz on facebook.

  242. Megan Haan says:

    I signed up for notifications on Groopdealz.

  243. I already follow them on FB :)

  244. I already get notifications!

  245. I follow on Facebook!

  246. I receive notifications!

  247. I get regular notifications from GroopDealz via email. Thanks for the giveaway! Blessings

  248. I liked Groopdealz on FB!

  249. I signed up for email notifications! Thanks!

  250. I follow them on facebook. [email protected]

  251. I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!

  252. I like GroopDealz on FB!

  253. I already receive email notifications from them :)

  254. I "like" Groupdealz on FB!

  255. I signed up for email updates from Groupdealz

  256. Quinna Borden Photography says:

    Followed on facebook

  257. Cossebooms says:

    I follow groopdealz on Facebook.

  258. Cossebooms says:

    I'm already signed up to receive Groopdealz notifications!

  259. I've been signed up! Love them!

  260. i follow them!

  261. Julie @ Pickles and I Scream says:

    I signed up for GroopDealz notifications!

  262. Julie @ Pickles and I Scream says:

    I like GroopDealz on FB

  263. Following on FB.

  264. Signed up on their site too! :)

  265. Garner Fam says:

    What a fun contest!! If I didn't have just boys I would snatch up those hair pretties in a hurry! I now follow groopdealz on facebook!

  266. Garner Fam says:

    I also get notifications from Groopdealz! :D Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  267. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook.

    [email protected]

  268. I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz.

    [email protected]

  269. MotherMay says:

    I liked Groopdealz on Facebook

  270. I follow Groopdealz on facebook!

  271. I get notifications from Groopdealz. I just bought some earrings this morning on there!

  272. I follow on FB. Fun!

  273. I "liked" Groopdealz on facebook

  274. I signed up for email notifications from Groopdealz.

  275. Jessica and Matt says:

    I recieve their email notifications.

  276. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I get emails from Groopdealz

  277. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I am a facebook fan of groopdealz

  278. I'm signed up for GroopDealz email's!

  279. emneilsen says:

    I follow Groopdealz on Facebook

  280. emneilsen says:

    I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz

  281. Pilkington Family says:

    i signed up for email notifications!

  282. i signed up for their emails!

  283. i like groopdealz on FB!

  284. TheDixiePixie says:

    I get notifications from Groopdealz (and love them)!

  285. TheDixiePixie says:

    I follow them on FB!

  286. I am following on Facebook.

  287. I am now signed up for notifications…can't wait to see the deals!

  288. Call Commotion says:

    I "like" GroupDealz on Facebook!

  289. I follow groopdealz on Facebook!!

  290. Call Commotion says:

    I get the email notifications from GroopDealz!

  291. Danielle says:

    I like Groopdealz on FB!

  292. Danielle says:

    I just signed up for emails from Groopdealz

  293. I follow groupdealz on facebook :)

  294. I also signed up for notifications. Thanks!

  295. Michael Thornton says:

    Just signed up for Groupdealz notifications! Thanks!

  296. ackouvelis says:

    Yay, i love these sites! Just signed up for emails!

  297. I like Groopdealz on FB!

  298. I already get Groopdealz emails

  299. Joyful Notes says:

    I am signed up for notivications for Groopdealz! LOVE groopdealz!

  300. Christine says:

    Email notifications!

  301. Josh and Amy says:

    I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz.

  302. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook! I love them!

  303. I am signed up for their e-mail too!

  304. Michelle says:

    I like them on Facebook!

  305. Michelle says:

    I get the GroopDealz emails!

  306. I'm signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!

  307. I like Groopdealz on facebook!

  308. Amanda @ Frills and Frolic says:

    I get notifications from Groopdealz!



  309. Amanda @ Frills and Frolic says:

    I follow Groopdealz on facebook!



  310. Lauren Davison says:

    Signed up for emails!

  311. following on facebook!

  312. I signed up for Groopdealz notifications.

  313. claygirlsings says:

    I followed Groopdealz on Facebook.

  314. SarahJarnagin says:

    Love Groopdealz! I get their emails!

  315. SarahJarnagin says:

    I also like them on FB.

  316. I get the email notifications from Groopdealz!

  317. i signed up for notifications. thank you!

  318. erinantonelli says:

    I follow groupdealz on facebook.

  319. erinantonelli says:

    I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz!

  320. Just this... Alice says:

    I follow Groopdealz on Facebook and email notifications.

  321. Britney Jean says:

    i follow groopdealz on facebook!!

  322. Britney Jean says:

    i'm signed up for email notifications with groopdealz!

  323. Just liked them on Facebook!

  324. I follow them on facebook

  325. I'm signed up for notifications from them

  326. triciaperdew says:

    I am now a follower on facebook!

  327. FB follower for GroopDealz! Thanks!
    mommy saves ya hoo {dot} dom

  328. I signed up for Groopdealz notifications. Thanks!

  329. Courtney says:

    signed up!

  330. Courtney says:


  331. The Nelsons says:

    Liked on FB!

  332. The Nelsons says:

    Signed up for notifications!!

  333. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook :D

  334. I signed up for emails from Groopdealz :D

  335. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!

    [email protected]

  336. I signed up for the Groopdealz notifications!

    [email protected]

  337. I signed up for notifications!

  338. I am a fan of Groopdealz on facebook

    Jennifer McClanahan Rowcliff

  339. I am signed up for notifications via the Groopdealz site. Thanks!

  340. -Veronica says:

    YES – I did it Char – I sold out for you and the $50 gift card to Target. <3

  341. -Veronica says:

    And I signed up for notifications !!!!!!!!!!

  342. I signed up for email on Groopdealz!

  343. I am a Groopdealz Facebook follower!

  344. I signed up for email notifications!

  345. I signed up for Groopdealz! lara3400 at

  346. I like Groopdealz on FB! lara3400 at

  347. I signed up for their emails! I love that door sign — hilarious!

  348. I signed up for notifications from Groopdealz! And how cute are those Easter hair clips!!!!

  349. I signed up for the e-mail notifications! Thanks for the giveaway!

    tari.mcdonald [at] gmail [dot] com

  350. Heather says:

    I LIKE Groopdealz on Facebook!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  351. Heather says:

    I signed up for Groopdealz notifications!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  352. FACEBOOK!!!!!!!

  353. Leah Claire says:

    I also get their notifications!

  354. Leah Claire says:

    I'm already a Groopdealz FB follower. Snagged some great deals through them!

  355. Signed up for Notifications :) LOVE the mustache necklace they have today!

  356. bluestocking mama says:

    i'm a facebook follower

  357. I follow Groopdealz on Facebook!
    (and I bought the mustache necklace – in fact I got 3 – for my daughters)

  358. I get the groopdealz emails.

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Creative Commons License
Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Registered & Protected