It’s Friday Friday Gotta Get Down on Friday

(If you’ve been spared the “pleasure” of Rebecca Black’s little ditty, you totally DID NOT get that title)

So, if you don’t follow along on Facebook, I just wanted to make sure you heard…Silhouette has just announced this bad boy:


It can cut up to 12” wide and 10 feet long.  YIKES.

This means they’re discontinuing the trusty SD (the machine that I have and love).  This also means that you can grab one (while supplies last) for $175.  You can also get 20% off supplies.  Code “CRAP” will get you both of these deals between now and the end of the month.  The supplies for the SD will still be around, it’s just the SD itself that’s going away.


I’ve also been on a thrifting frenzy as of late (which led to me sending a borderline obscene text to my pal Tina).

My powder room is about to get a little makeover.  The builders glued an ugly oval mirror to the wall, and it’s not centered.  It’s been driving me nuts for almost 8 years now and this could very well be the day it gets ripped down.

See?  No gap on the left, big gap on the right.  Yes…I did put 2 pictures together.  Why would you ask?  Winking smile

The paint has been purchased (“Plum Passion”, but it’s green).


And this will be in there, too, after its date with Krylon.


Keller starts football practice tomorrow.  I’ve been told that life as we know it is about to change.  I can’t stop giggling about how smooshed his face is in his helmet.

photo (5)-2
(Crappy phone pic)

There may have even been one incident when the helmet was stuck on his head.

So, how’s that for a whole lot of random?

Anything you’ve got to share?

Big weekend project plans?

Do you like cookies?

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The Creative Connection Event

First, I want to clarify something about my last post.  We were not on the test train involved in the fatal accident (it was empty).  We were in our van driving to the grocery store and we arrived shortly after it happened.  Please talk to your kids about train safety.  And if you’re a Utah local, go enter to win a TRAX pass here.  I’ll pick a winner tomorrow.



I’ve been given the insanely awesome opportunity to attend The Creative Connection Event this September in Minneapolis as part of the social media team.  (See?  I didn’t just make it up!)

Ever since I heard about TCC last summer, it’s been on my bucket list.  Tangent:  I hate that term, but I don’t know what else to call it.  So what exactly is TCC?

From their site:

“Bringing together the creative process of handmade goods and food with the marketing savvy of business and social media, the second annual event will draw on the rich experience of over 100 industry experts, entrepreneurs, and authors. Hands-on workshops in cooking, knitting, sewing, jewelry making, crochet, creative writing, paper crafts, photography, food styling, book publishing, painting, baking, cheese making, canning, journaling, and more will be joined with social networking and business panels that focus on the practical details of setting up, running, and marketing a business and leveraging its impact through blogging and other social media.”

Sounds amazing, right?

Would you like to attend?

Would you like to bring a friend?


You MUST enter on THIS POST on TCC blog.  Those are the ONLY entries that will count.


Contest rules and details can also be found on the entry post.

So, who’s going?  Do you already have a ticket?  Are you crossing your fingers to win?  How’s the weather in Minneapolis in September?

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10% of my readers…or less

According to Google Analytics, only about 10% of you live in Utah.

So, why am I posting about this?  Because I think it’s important, and I think there are things that are applicable to everyone.  And I have something to give away.  Stick with me.  Winking smile

Do you use public transit often?  I’ll admit it — I don’t.  I like the idea of public transit, but accessing the trains hasn’t been convenient.  In fact, getting to a TRAX (our local light rail) station has been a 25 minute drive.  Once you’re all loaded and driving 25 minutes…

Here’s the good news:

UTA has recently expanded the TRAX lines to the west side of the valley.  AND, there is a stop within walking distance of my neighborhood.

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a Mom Aboard event for bloggers (there I am on the very left edge of that top picture) to preview the new Mid-Jordan line.  I took all 4 kids with me…solo.


Some were happier to be there than others.

We talked ahead of time about train safety.  Tangent: UTA had gone to my kids’ school (and many others locally) and presented an assembly about the trains and staying safe.  As someone who lives near the tracks, I appreciate this A LOT.  I’m also impressed that my kids seem to have remembered most of the information.  Nicely done, UTA assembly people!  We were about 4 cars back when this happened…not close enough to see anything, but close enough for it to really hit home for my kids.


UTA did a fabulous job with the Mom Aboard event.  The kids have asked when we get to take the train again.  The answer?  The new west side lines (Mid-Jordan as well as West Valley) open officially August 7th.  You can check them out early, on August 3rd, by donating a canned food item as your fare.  Details here.

Are you one of the 10%? Winking smile

I’ve got a Mom Aboard Group Pass for one lucky Crap I’ve Made reader!

This pass is good for up to 4 passengers (5 and under are free, I believe…waiting for official word from Tauni on that) and is valid for one round trip during the month of August.


Leave a comment.

I’ll pick the winner on Friday so I can get you your pass!

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I am…

Are you guys familiar with the insanely talented Megan from Brassy Apple?

(That’s her on the left along with Lara and Ashlee)

Because her blog (which is fabulous) and her Brassy Apple shop (also fabulous) don’t keep her busy enough, she’s got another project.

jan11 header

(Click on the picture to head on over to check it out)

Megan says:

This blog is about sharing snapshots from women all around the world. We are more than just all the labels, advertising, and categories we are put in or put ourselves in.

We are more than just………..

We all have different forms of beauty, different talents, traits that make us who we are and ideas that drive us and mold our character. We all have a story to tell.


The theme for July is “Enjoying Summer”.  You might even recognize the kids/master bedroom/art work in today’s post. Winking smile

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New Project With Tutorial Today


BUT you’ve gotta head on over to Tatertots & Jello to see it.

It should be up around 10 am MST.

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So, What Else Can This Thing Do?

In honor of today’s release of the Possibilities series from Lifestyle Crafts, I decided to test the limits of my Epic 6 and see what the “possibilities” with it really are.  You know I love the letterpress capabilities, but what else can I use this thing for?

First up, can it cut vinyl?

I used one of the nesting frames dyes and a piece of regular old black vinyl, face down.


It cut like a dream.  I added it to this dollar store soap dispenser


and then used a chalkboard marker to label it.

(Just call me captain obvious!)

Challenge #2, can it cut fabric?

I applied a fusible web to the backs of my fabrics first.

(I peeled off the paper before cutting.)

I cut 2 shapes using the nesting flowers set and then decided it needed a little something else.  I used one of the nesting stars and only cut part of it.


Then I trimmed off the sides.


Put it all together with a dollar store dish towel and here’s what I came up with:


Cute, right?


To celebrate the release of the new dies in preparation for CHA this week, you can get 20% off the new Possibilities line (or anything else) at Lifestyle Crafts using code “CRAP”.

***Lifestyle Crafts provided me with my Epic Combo and the dies.***

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Lifestyle Crafts: Possibilities

I feel like the universe is conspiring against my desire to blog!

I’ll be back later today with a project and a direct link, but I wanted to give you all a heads up:

Lifestyle Crafts (you remember them…the letterpress that’s also a die cutter) has a big new release coming today.  They’re calling it their “Possibilities” line.  This will be Lifestyle Crafts’ highest value line with products containing up to 22 dies and sizes ranging from .25" to 5.75".

AND, they’re offering you all 20% off using code “CRAP”.

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Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness

First things first:

The winner of the Everyday Lettering giveaway is Andi.  If your name is Andi, check your email and respond to claim your prize!

Where have I been?

You know…around.

We took a little break from the crazy and headed up to Bear Lake for a long 4th of July weekend.

Looking for deer off the deck

We also fulfilled Macy’s birthday request to attend the Cache Valley Cruise-In.


Someone has an old car obsession, particularly Bel Airs.


And by “obsession” I mean she took over 600 pictures.

We also celebrated my grandma’s birthday.  There are pictures, but she threatened to kill me if they were published on the internet.  Does my grandma have the internet?  No, but she says she has connections.  I’m talking about you, Amy.  Open-mouthed smile

We ate a lot of salsa


and spent a lot of time swinging on the deck


and reading car magazines with Grandpa.


We even managed to get a few new pictures taken.


And we got home just in time for me to do 6 or 8 loads of laundry and then head back out the door to EVO.  More on that to come.

How’s your summer shaping up?

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Giveaway: Everyday Lettering

Meet Heather.


Heather says:

I’m a stay-at-home mom to one fantastic little two-year old boy and I’m a photographer based in Brigham City, Utah.  I have been doing photography for over three years and have loved every second of it.  I have met tons of great people and I have gotten to be a part of some of the biggest moments in their lives.  It has been wonderful.

About two years ago I saw some photo letters in a store and fell in love.  But at over $150 for my little last name (Jones), I knew I couldn’t afford it and there must be others who couldn’t too.  So I searched for a way to make it more affordable.  Then I spent over a year collecting pictures of everyday objects and editing them to make them beautiful.  I hope you enjoy Everyday Lettering as much as I do!

Heather realizes that we all like a little variety in our lives, so she has 2 different options for your lettering.



In this option, you are just ordering the photographic prints and you can frame or display them however you want.  They come in 3X5, 4X6, and 5X7 and are SUPER reasonably priced ($2 or less per letter!).



This option has each letter mounted individually on a wood block.  The blocks are approximately 5.5” tall, 3.5” wide, and 1.5” deep.  Pricing is $4 per letter.



The board option features your entire name on a single board and is also $4 per letter.

(My head is spinning with ideas for THE SINGLE and my guess is that I’ll have ordered some by the end of the week.  I have no self control.)

What’s in it for you?

Heather is giving one lucky Crap I’ve Made reader one word or name valued at up to $30 plus FREE shipping!


Leave a comment on this post saying what word/name (you can just say “my last name” if you don’t want to leave your last name in the comments) and which option (single/board/block) you’d choose!


Follow the Everyday Lettering blog.  Come back and leave a comment on this post saying that you did.

Follow Everyday Lettering on Facebook.  Come back and leave a comment on this post saying that you did.

Share the giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Come back and leave a comment on this post saying that you did.

***Giveaway runs through Sunday, July 10th at 10pm MST.***

And, if you’re in the Brigham City area and in need of a photographer, be sure to check out Heather’s photography sites!

Joy Photography by Heather

Joy Photography by Heather on Facebook

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Happy 4th of July

Here’s hoping that you’re spending it with the people that you love!


(And that your mom didn’t make you wear red white and blue…)


Fun giveaway coming in the morning.  See you then?

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Creative Commons License
Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Registered & Protected