Glitter Ornaments

A few weeks ago I saw my friend Kristine McKay (of My Craft Channel fame) on Studio 5 (local morning show) doing a segment on glitter.  Macy’s been INSISTENT that our tree needs more white glitter, so the ornaments that Kristine made sounded like the perfect solution.  Plus, they were simple enough that I could make Macy make them herself.  Open-mouthed smile


Basically, you pour some floor cleaner in an ornament, swirl it around, dump out the excess, add glitter, and shake.

I love how they look like frosty snowballs and aren’t super in your face glittery.  If you want SUPER glittery, you can for sure achieve that with a different color of glitter.  Check out these over on Things That Sparkle!

You can watch Kristine’s segment here.

Have you made any ornaments this year?

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  1. cute ornaments! love them!

  2. What a clever idea…how do people think of these things.

  3. I have 40 of them (in blue, pink or dark gray glitter) that I made for each of our young women this year. I put a nativity on them too in vinyl–so fun to make!

  4. The link isn’t working. Is that really all it is? Can you use homemade floor cleaner?

  5. Floor cleaner, interesting.

  6. Wow! With floor cleaner? What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I see glitter in a title and I’m all over it like glitter on glue! Love this idea. So simple and so sparkly. Thanks!

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