Valentine, you’re tops!

This is part of a week-ish long series in which I’ll be sharing simple kid Valentines that can be printed as 4 X 6 photos (13 cents-ish at your local warehouse club) and then spiced up with the addition of inexpensive party supply store trinkets (25 cents or less). If you’re a new reader, check out the TOAD-ally awesome ones I did last year that inspired this series. All of my trinkets were purchased at Zurcher’s, but I’m sure you can find similar things at any party store. I used Zots 3D to adhere the toys.


Click on the image below to access the printable:


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  1. Love this one too!

  2. so cute! Thanks for sharing the printable!

  3. Oh my goodness, too cute! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Doing this for my daughter’s preschool class. They’ll LOVE it!

  5. Super cute!

  6. Wow! I love all the “crap” you have made! I really think I should make some it too! only… non of it really looks like crap to me, more like amazing! The thing I like most is the blog name and the statement beneath it. Anyone who is creative knows that sometimes you hit a home run and it is amazing and sometimes…NOT and it is crap! I laughed out loud on this one. I’ll visit often!

  7. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Elizabeth Lones says:

    Hi there! LOVE THIS! Thanks so much for sharing the printable…it’s exactly what I was looking for! Quick did you attach your trinkets to the card? Any info is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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