The DIY Blogger House @ Daybreak, UT

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Not far from me is a delightful community called Daybreak.  BC would move there if given the chance (and by “given the chance” I mean “the thought of moving didn’t make his wife break out in a cold sweat”).

From their site:

In Daybreak the homes are mixed right in with all sorts of things that make life simpler and more flavorful. Like community gardens and good schools. Places to shop. Restaurants, offices, swimming pools, tennis courts, sports fields and more parks than you can shake a Frisbee® at. All connected by miles of walking/biking trails. And in the middle, a big freshwater lake.

Plus, they have gelato.  EVERYTHING is better with gelato, right?

So, when I was presented with the opportunity to be involved in this project with some of my favorite people on earth in one of my favorite neighborhoods on earth, I jumped at the chance.


No brainer, right?

Over the next 90 days or so (less…the Parade of Homes starts August 3rd…ack!), Bangerter Homes, an award winning designer (Brian Clark of Brian Clark Designs), and 5 local DIY bloggers (myself, Shelley, Jen, Lara, and Amy) will take this:

and turn it into something fabulous.

Want to watch the announcement video?

DIY Blogger House @ Daybreak

(You have no idea how glad I am that video froze on Jen’s face.)

You can follow along on Twitter where we’ll be using the hash tag #DIYhouse or on any of our blogs and Facebook pages.  The Daybreak blog will also have updates.  So, join us..will ya?  I think it’s going to be frickin’ amazing.

Full Disclosure: I am being modestly compensated for my participation in this project, I say modestly because how cool is it that I’m getting paid to design a fabulous house with 4 of my good friends? And, while I am being compensated, the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own. I wouldn’t have jumped in if I didn’t think it was an amazing opportunity.

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  1. Oh my gosh! That is going to be SO fun! I know you guys will make it over the top fabulous!!!

  2. Wow! What an amazing opportunity! I know you ladies will make it look fantastic! (I was going to say fabulous, but Kim already took that adjective)

  3. This will be a blast and a pain. Stock up on diet coke and tylenol.

  4. Lindsay L says:

    ooh! i have connections with Daybreak – a friend’s family lives there. how wonderful. LOVED that neighbourhood!

  5. That is awesomely, totally COOL! What a fun, fun project! Can’t wait to watch what you all do. Wish I lived closer so I could come check it out!

  6. Oh wow!!! Congrads! It does sound like fun! What a great opportunity!

  7. Congratulations! What an amazing opportunity! Looking forward to following your progress.

  8. That sounds like a dream come true! I can’t wait to follow along and see what you guys come up with!

  9. That is so cool! Congratulations!

  10. I still can’t get my jaw off of the ground over how FREAKING cool this is. You go girls! I can’t wait to see it and you bet I will be making an extra special trip from Idaho to see it!

  11. That’s so cool! We love driving through Daybreak and around the lake. We’ll have to drive past your house to see how it’s coming along.

  12. We have a huge parade of homes here in Minneapolis, I would love to see them organize something like this. Exciting for you.


  13. If I lived in UTAH, I would TOTALLY buy that house, at it isn’t even done yet….you, Shelley, Jen, Lara & Amy are a FABULOUS combination and it would be SO much fun…can’t wait to see it all come together. Have a Blast.

  14. That sounds AMAZING! Can’t wait to see what you ladies come up with!


  15. That is so cool! I cannot wait to see it!!!

  16. Please say that you get to design the best sewing/craft room EV.ER? Ok, maybe not….because I would be so jealous!

  17. Oh my gosh, I want to live there! Sounds fabulous and your opportunity sounds even more fabulous, have fun!!!

  18. Very cool.

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