(If you’re looking for the CAMEO giveaway, it’s one post down)
I posted these and the general how-to on Facebook, but I know that a lot of you don’t Facebook and you can’t pin stuff from there, so I’m posting it here as well.
You’ll need:
Painter’s tape
Craft Knife
Glitter Blast
Glitter Blast Clear Sealer
Now, I wouldn’t recommend doing this to a pair of $250 glasses or whatever, but we get most of Macy’s glasses from Zenni Optical (seriously…11 pairs in assorted colors for less than ONE pair of boring brown at the eye doctor) and I would DEFINITELY recommend doing it to an inexpensive pair from there.
Tape off the lenses with painters tape. Get a really good tight seal and trim the edges carefully with the craft knife. Do the inside and the outside.
The trick with all of this is to go slowly and allow plenty of drying time.
Give the glasses a coat of primer. I tried one pair (dollar store reading glasses to make sure my technique was good) without and the glitter didn’t stick as well.
After the primer, coat with Glitter Blast.
After that has dried, coat with the Glitter Blast Clear Sealer.
Carefully peel off the tape…like I used a pin to pry up a tiny corner so I wouldn’t scratch the lenses.
And you’re done!
Now, I don’t know how these are going to “wear”, because that hasn’t happened yet. I’ll update if something goes horribly wrong, I swear!