Events of the last 6 days:
School spelling bee.
Contrary to the looks on her face, she took 3rd place.
Preschool graduation. Can you see the anxiety written all over his face?
On the way in he announced “I’m not saying anything.” And, he didn’t. His post graduation dinner request? “Chick Fil A, because they have a drive thru and I’m sick of looking at people.”
Asperger’s much?
Class play.
Someone played a dumb girl. So, you know, it was a real stretch.
Karate belt test.
I was forbidden from taking pictures until lit was over because “all those flashing lights and people staring at me drive me nuts”.
Asperger’s much?
Pack meeting.
2 of my BFFs in town for the weekend.
BBQ at my house to celebrate.
Photo class (with the fabulous Kristen Duke).
Saw some old friends, made some new ones.
Leaky window in the family room, discovered around 12:30 am Sunday morning…on a holiday weekend…of course! At least we got this sweet set up out of the deal.
Cemetery visits for my dad
and BC’s grandparents.
And let’s not even get started on the part where we had a bird’s nest in the dryer ducting (inside the house) or where Keller spent $229.08 on Amazon (from like 10 different sellers) because someone (hint: BC) stayed signed into Amazon/one click ordering on his iPad. What did he buy? Well, my personal favorite item is the $1 trillion bill from Zimbabwe.
Yes, really.
And that is all I have to say about that.
I’ll be closing down this giveaway later today, so run over and enter if you haven’t already.
And you can still go here to enter to win $50 to Target, courtesy of Consumer Crew.
Do you think Consumer Crew can help me find a stunt double to attend both awards assemblies I’m supposed to be at today?