UPrinting: HUGE giveaway!

If you follow along on Facebook, you may have seen my new business cards.

photo (36)
(Crappy cell phone pic)

They don’t really “go” with my current blog design.  I’ve got a new one in the works, which you should be seeing shortly.

I ordered from UPrinting based on the recommendation of paper nerd and print snob extraordinaire Lara (from Announced Design).


I placed my order on March 21st and had my cards in my hot little hands March 28th.  Nice, right?  (And plenty of time left to order before SNAP!, in case you haven’t done that yet!)  I went with the glossy paper and I’m seriously IN LOVE.  I didn’t have any issues with image formatting (which has happened in the past with other companies).  I want you to know that these cards weren’t freebies and that I spent my own real money on them.

The only thing I’d change?

Next time I might spring for the die-cut business cards with the rounded corners.


I guess I could just get busy with my corner rounding punch instead… Winking smile

So, what’s in it for you?

In addition to a bunch of their fabulous printed items (canvas print, custom stickers, business cards, magnet printing, custom postcards), UPrinting is giving away an iPad!


There are several of us participating in this giveaway, so to make entering easy and central, we’re using Rafflecopter.  You don’t have to leave a million comments either.  Nice, right?

[Read more...]

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Giveaway: Fat Quarter Bundle courtesy of Riley Blake

Guess what I’ve got!


A fat quarter bundle from the delightful Riley Blake Daisy Cottage line.

NOTE: This fabric is NOT laminated like the stuff I used for my shower curtain.  This just regular old (fabulous) quilting cotton.


Leave a comment on this post (on the blog, not on Facebook or in response to your email subscription) telling me what you’d make with this bundle of awesome.

OPTIONAL ENTRIES (leave a separate comment for each one):

Like Riley Blake on Facebook

Follow Riley Blake on Pinterest


***3 possible entries per person***

Giveaway is open to US residents age 18 and over only and closes Saturday, March 31st at noon MST.  Winner will be chosen at random using a WordPress Plugin (And The Winner Is…) and notified by email.  Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

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Today you can find me

sharing a SUPER easy shower curtain tutorial over on the Riley Blake Designs blog.


Go here for the tutorial.


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Art Class Dropouts Unite!

Confession:  In high school I took ceramics and social dance for my art credit.


can’t draw.  Like, not at all.  I think I’m too uptight or something.  I also can’t paint.  My grandma tried to teach my brother and I to oil paint one summer.  It didn’t end well.  I wonder if my mom still has my floating peach painting somewhere…

You know that you can draw with your Silhouette, right?  I made some art for above my headboard a couple of years ago:

(You can read all the details here.)

One of the features of the Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition software is the ability to change pretty much ANY of the designs into a sketch.

Macy loves old cars (specifically ‘55 Bel Airs).  Her bedroom makeover (which I have big plans to finish before the end of April) was inspired by some classic car prints.  I found a car design in the Silhouette Online Store:

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I ungrouped the design:

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I stacked the design pieces on top of each other in the software, like you would if you were assembling the design out of paper:

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And then I grouped them back together so I could resize/flip/whatever without undoing all my hard work:

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Then choose the sketch menu and whichever sketch option you like:

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I’m a fan of the “continuous” option myself.  Winking smile

I started out with a silver pen, because I thought it looked like a pencil sketch, but the pen died on me.


I decided to try a couple of different glitter pens instead.


Fun, right?

And just a friendly reminder about the current Silhouette promotion:

Silhouette CAMEO™ + Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition = $269.99

That’s a savings of almost $80!!!

Go here to add the bundle to your cart and, as always, use code “CRAP” to take advantage of the savings.

If you already have a CAMEO and just want to pick up the software, it’s 50% off using code “CRAP” as well.

The promo runs through the 28th.

See you soon!

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Scribble Shop Challenge: Popsicle Stick Bookmarks


I was recently given the opportunity to participate in the Scribble Shop Challenge.  What exactly IS the Scribble Shop Challenge?  Well, Scribble Shop sent a box of random supplies to a bunch of crafters and asked us to use as many of them as possible to make something (hopefully) fabulous.

I opened my box and found the following:


Metallic Stamp Pad
Dress It Up Embellishments
Mod Podge
Glass Gems
Motivational Quotes
Popsicle Sticks
Colored Pencils

I have to admit…I WAS STUMPED.  Not an ounce of fabric or ribbon or ric rac in my box.  No paint, either.  I was gonna have to think way beyond my comfort zone.  So, one afternoon, I turned the kids loose with the popsicle sticks and the colored pencils.  I told them to go nuts.



They used the stencil and the ink pad on a couple and I cut the rub ons up into funny phrases and put them on a few as well.  (You know I couldn’t get all serious! Winking smile)  I also decided to try one with scrapbook paper.


One they were done, I put a couple of coats of Mod Podge on them to make sure that the ink/pencil/whatever wouldn’t get on the book pages.

Then, I hot glued the gems and embellishments on top of some and drilled holes in a few others and tied them with raffia.  If you want to drill a hole in a popsicle stick, don’t push…just let the drill do the work.  Pushing leads to this:


So, I think I used everything, right?




I love crafts that involve the kids and I think these popsicle stick bookmarks would be perfect to give a teacher or a grandparent.

If you’d like to check out some of the other Scribble Shop Challenge projects, you can take a look at the challenge Pinterest board here.

And, just because they’re so darn nice, Scribble Shop is offering each and every one of you 15% off your entire Scribble Shop order using code CRPIVMD between now and April 30th!

You all can follow Scribble Shop at the following:

Scribble Blog:  http://www.scribbleblog.com/
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/ScribbleShop
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/scribbletown
Google+:  https://plus.google.com/105280145209704798197

Find my post disclosure here.

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Silhouette Promotion!



Silhouette CAMEO™ + Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition = $269.99

That’s a savings of almost $80!!!

Go here to add the bundle to your cart and, as always, use code “CRAP” to take advantage of the savings.

I used the Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition software in my post yesterday about painting a polka dot mailbox.  I’ll be back with another project later (need some light for pics).  In the mean time, here’s a little run down on the other features:

Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition contains all the same functionality as Silhouette Studio® plus the following designer features:

  • Ability to open, manipulate, and cut .svg files

    Rhinestone tools to convert designs into rhinestone templates and create your own rhinestone designs
    Sketch tools to convert designs into several styles of sketchable art
    Creative knife tools to allow you to clip designs using different patterns
    Enhanced eraser set to modify designs with more precision
    Built-in ruler and guide lines for precise alignment and drawing

  • Happy Thursday!

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How To Paint a Mailbox

(Or at least how to make it polka dotted)

I promised the how to on the paint job from the mailbox I used in yesterday’s post, so, without further ado…


The first thing you’ll want to do is remove the flag from the mailbox.  Mine had a nice little pin to pull out and the flag came right off.


Next you need dots.  Lots and lots of dots.  I used vinyl and cut them with my Silhouette CAMEO™ and my Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition software, but you could easily trace and cut them by hand or even use a large punch.  Because I bought an oversized mailbox, I wanted my circles big…1.5”.  I made one and then used Object > Replicate > Fill page in my software to fill my vinyl.  A 9” by 24” piece gave me enough 1.5 dots for my whole mailbox.

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I drew a pencil line down the top of my mailbox and found the center.  I placed my first dot there.  I then spaced the dots 2 1/4” apart (from edge to edge) along the top of the box.

To make the next row, I drew a line 2 1/2” from the bottom edge of the dots and placed the bottom of the next row right up next to that line.


I centered a row of dots down the front and back of the mailbox with the same spacing, and then filled in the ends the same way.


Once all the dots were in place, I had a kid run her finger around all the edges to make sure that the vinyl was sealed tightly.  Then, I headed for the garage with a can of Valspar Gloss Exotic Sea.  (Random side note:  I’m enjoying the new Valspar spray paint cans immensely.  The big old trigger button makes the painting much more comfortable.)


My favorite “duh” spray painting tip is to always start with your item upside down.  Get all the bottom edges painted nicely first.  I gave the whole mailbox a couple of coats and then peeled off the vinyl.  I used the hook tool from Silhouette, but again…not necessary.

Put the flag back on and you’re good to go (chains and bird perches optional)!  I’m totally wishing my mailbox wasn’t brick right about now.


Check back tomorrow for a seriously awesome deal on the Silhouette CAMEO™ and the Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition software.

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Mailbox Birdhouse

When the nice folks at Lowe’s told us that our challenge for the month was a “bird retreat”, I was not excited.  See, I DETEST birds.  They’re basically just rats with feathers, right? Winking smile

My first idea was to take a picture of my dryer vent, because heaven knows there’s a bird in there every. single. morning.  And you can totally buy dryer vents at Lowe’s, right?  While this idea was a terrible one, it got the wheels turning and got me started thinking about other things that could become a bird retreat…like this mailbox:


(The how to on the polka dots will be in a separate post, probably tomorrow.)

I went to Lowe’s and picked up some supplies:


I got a mailbox (it’s the oversized kind), birdseed, chain, some little locking link things (close up picture later in the post), eye bolts, washers, nuts (which led to an exchange that embarrassed Macy so badly she hid on another aisle, but that’s a story for another time), drawer pulls, and machine screws.

The other 2 items in the picture are a vintage bottle hummingbird feeder and pre-mixed nectar.  Once the snow stops, I’ll hang it near the mailbox birdhouse for the ultimate bird retreat.  The vintage bottle feeders are about $15 at Lowe’s and frickin’ cute.  They also come in clear.

The first thing you’re going to want to do is mark where your eye bolts will be mounted (one at the front, one at the back).  A dry erase marker works fabulously for this.  I marked the center of the mailbox ends and then moved in about an inch from that mark when I made my holes.


Next, take a hammer and nail and tap the nail on your mark just enough to make a dent.  The dent keeps your drill bit from bouncing around once you start drilling.


Using a drill bit just bigger than your eye bolt, drill a hole in the mailbox.


Once your holes are drilled, put an eye bold through each one and fasten it securely on the inside with a washer and a nut.  You might need a wrench to get it really tight.

(Obviously not tightened, but I wanted to show you what I meant.)

Next, I decided where I wanted my drawer pulls turned bird perches mounted.  I marked the door of the mailbox


and then followed the same hammer and nail/drilling procedure that I used for the eye bolts.

Put the drawer pulls on using 1/2” machine screws.  The ones that come with the pulls are meant to accommodate a cabinet door, not a mailbox (strange, right?), so they’re too long.


Using these locking links (not the real name…you find them by the chain)


attach chains to your eye bolts.

I cut a piece of 2 X 4 the width of the mailbox and pounded it into the gap between the box and the door.  It keeps the seed from falling out and keeps the door open.  It fit in so tightly that I didn’t need to screw it in place, but you could for sure do that if yours doesn’t fit as tightly.  Somehow I missed photographing this step, but you can see it in the finished product pictures.

Keep in mind that I woke up to this:


So, it’s not hanging in an actual tree.  And I’m a wuss whose neighbors were staring, so some of the pictures were taken indoors.

(There’s a good shot of the piece of 2 X 4)

The birdseed goes here:


It holds quite a bit more than you’d think.





Don’t have a tree or a covered porch to hang it from?  You can buy pre-assembled mailbox posts (Lowe’s carries them for about $25) and could stick it in a flower bed or a garden.

Fun, right?

I’m glad Lowe’s got me to stretch a bit this month.  It felt good to get creative.

Don’t forget to pick up a FREE Subscription to Lowe’s Creative Ideas Magazine:


You can also find Lowe’s Creative Ideas on Facebook.  (They’ve moved, so if you “liked” them before, you should “like” them again!)

And, now there’s a Lowe’s Creative Ideas blog.  Go have a look around.  You might recognize a face or two.

Disclosure:  Lowe’s provided me with a gift card for supplies for my bird retreat.

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Get Air + Giveaway for UT locals

Hey!  It’s me.

I’m not dead.

Where have I been?  You know…around.  Lots of mom-ing.

(Gratuitous kid pic)

Macy’s the stage manager (or something) for the school play so there have been a lot of practices.  We also had PT conferences (YAY for good ones all around!) and a couple of days off school.  I’ve got several things that I’m working on (a Scribble Shop challenge, my Lowes project this month, a Rile Blake tutorial), so I promise a bunch of posts soon.

In the mean time, I’ve got a little something for a lucky reader in the Northern Utah area.

Last week, my friends The Crafting Chicks threw a little get together for bloggers AND their families.  (Tangent:  I freaking love The Crafting Chicks and I already have dibs on being the new chick if one of them dies, so don’t even try to get in on that action.)  They invited us all up to Get Air Sportsplex for a night of jumping (if your bladder works properly), pizza, and fun.


Some bloggers decided to show off a little:


Some kids decided to show off a little:


Some husbands decided to show off a little:


They had some great sponsors for the night, so we walked away with a bunch of goodies, too.  Who doesn’t love baker’s twine and mustaches from Pick Your Plum?

And, what about these super cool Lyke Watches.



Macy told me exactly which colors to pick and I probably will never see them again.

The folks at Get Air were also kind enough to give us each a birthday party for up to 10 people to give away!

Cool, right?

So, if you’re in Northern Utah or if you come to Northern Utah or if you have a friend or family member who lives in Northern Utah and you’d like to win a 10 person party ($140 value!!!) at Get Air, LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST.

Giveaway is open to US residents age 18 and over only and closes Saturday, March 17th at noon MST.  Winner will be chosen at random using a WordPress Plugin (And The Winner Is…) and notified by email.  Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

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It’s March 1st

And what happened with Google Friend Connect?

Well, it’s still there.

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Does it still work?

Don’t know.

Can new people join?

Also don’t know.

This sort of feels like that whole Y2K thing.

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Creative Commons License
Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.crapivemade.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.crapivemade.blogspot.com.

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