
I used this tutorial. I just printed the originals on my printer, so the glueing with a gluestick didn’t work out so well. I’d recommend double stick tape. I bought the 8 X 10 frames and printed my kids 5 X 7. The frames came from Michael’s. They were 55% off this week, down to $9 each. Woo! And, Bennett’s lack of a neck is killing me!

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  1. okay, i totally did silhouettes on scrapbook paper for Christmas gifts and still haven’t blogged about it! i wasn’t patient enough to find the oval frames, though…

  2. My friend has these above ehr amntle – love them. Nienie has them on her site – love them. haven’t gotten around to doing them myself but they’d be cute in my playroom!

  3. sorry for the typos temple day induced exhaustion so cut me some slack ;)

  4. How awesome and creative!

  5. they look totally AWESOME!

    did you get those fine-tipped scissors? i love mine.

  6. So Cute! I love the blog you found them on. You did a great job on them. Did you put them on your wall where your clocks use to be?

  7. Kirsten, that is CRAZY. I think we’ve got some sort of telepathy thing going.

    I did not get the fine tipped scissors, Liss, but I still plan to.

    Janer, yeah…that’s where I put them for photographing purposes, but I think I’m going to hang them somewhere else.

  8. the detail on the spiky hair is insane. Nice work!

  9. porter family says:

    i bet you are like me and wished you had gotten them done at disneyland but just didnt get to it. i have had a bee in my bonnet about getting it done since we got back. maybe i will try doing it myself!

  10. Rosie and Derek says:

    Those are so darn cute, you did a great job! I did some silhouettes too but I want to find better frames to put them in.

  11. Those turned out great!

  12. love them, especially on the light green paper background.

  13. Those look awesome! Where do you come up with these things? I may have to copy.

    BTW…Baked Potato Soup was yummy and a BIG hit with my kiddos! Thanks!

  14. Meh, the neck is overrated. Owl’s seem to do just fine without it.

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