Value Wall

I got this idea from a friend several years ago, it’s just taken me forever to get around to getting it done. We’re coming up with 10 family values and we’ll be putting one in each frame. I figure we can talk about one a week for FHE and kill 2.5 months of my New Year’s Resolution right there. Frames from IKEA, vinyl from here again. And the silhouettes found a good home.

In other crap making news, several ladies from my neighborhood came over yesterday for a sewing group. We made a dozen or so school bags for the LDS Church Humanitarian Center. If you’re my neighbor and you’re reading this (I hear my blog was discussed in Relief Society a couple of weeks back, which makes me giggle a lot), come join us next time!

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  1. it looks fanfreakingtastic!

  2. That looks so good. I can’t believe you already put up the vinyl! I think after our little bambino is old enough to do a silhouette, I will be copying this idea. (Great for FHE ideas as well)! School bags were fun. So t-shirts with appliques or wonder under next time?

  3. Valarie says:

    it looks great!

    seriously- like it’s out of a magazine with Bennett’s cute room right there.

  4. Rosie and Derek says:

    I love that, it looks awesome!!! Maybe someday I’ll get around to doing something like that…

  5. I wanted to come yesterday, but a nap was calling my name! Paige was down, Carter was gone..what more can I say??

  6. sweetpea says:

    I have been wanting to do this forever too Char!! I really need to get with it. You have inspired me.

  7. kirsten says:


    watch out – some people in my ward just discovered my blog – and now i’m scared…

  8. Which frames did you get from Ikea…they are great. The whole wall looks beautiful.

  9. Mel, they’re the NYTTJA cheapies that come in 7 or 8 different colors and are like 1.99. I got the 8 3/4 X 11 inch size.

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