While the cupcakes were baking, the girls decorated the brims of their hats. I had fabric markers and stuff for them to stitch. All of them but like 3 chose the markers.
Then the girls decorated cake boxes to carry home their cupcakes. I got the boxes locally at Orson Gygi for 99 cents each, but I bet the bakery at your grocery store would be willing to sell you some, too. They decorated with markers and booklets of cupcake stickers that I found at JoAnn’s for $1.
Next we opened presents, so that our rainbow cupcakes would have plenty of time to cool.
After that, we decorated cupcakes. I’d pre-baked about 2 dozen vanilla and 2 dozen chocolate. The girls got 2 of each flavor plus one or two of the rainbow ones.
I made 6 colors of frosting and put it in Ziploc bags with the corners cut off. Be sure you use freezer bags if you do this. We had a little “incident” when we tried it with regular bags. I also had white and chocolate frosting in pastry bags with tips. There were 9 or 10 different sprinkle and candy options. We put those in little glass bowls (similar to these) from IKEA.
Man those girls like frosting!
Finally, we had cake and ice cream with pink lemonade and blue raspberry lemonade in glass spigot jars that I found at Target. Apparently our singing was so loud that the neighbors could hear. Sorry Jenn. :o)
The girls got to take home their hats and aprons, cupcakes, left over stickers, and a bottle of sprinkles.
Why does my kid always pull faces? Wait. Don’t answer that.
Super fun day, but I’m glad we’re done with birthdays ’til January!