BIG NEWS from Silhouette


I’ve gotten a TON of emails asking if the Silhouette can cut fabric.

Guess what?


It can now!


I haven’t tried it yet, but you KNOW I’m gonna.

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  1. OH MY WORD! This post has me leaping for joy. I'm heading to the Silhouette site right now to get details!

  2. Danielle Bartran says:

    This has me so excited and HAPPY! I can't wait to try it!

  3. Real Life Reslers says:

    awesome! had no idea it could!

  4. you can probably use heat n bond to cut fabric as well…i have an S but haven't tried it yet. i've used my cricut to cut fabric.
    you can also cut gum paste and decorate FABULOUS cakes.

  5. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It now the most perfect crafting tool in the world!

  6. This is the most exciting news ever. I am excited to try it out.

  7. Lisa ~ The SweetTalk Shop says:

    I want a silhouette!!! I feel deprived! lol

  8. Oh please try it out and let us know what to do to get the cleanest cut possible… seems like we'd have to do something different if it's "just now" available to cut fabric. I'm so excited though!! I HATE hand cutting!!

  9. The Picanco Family says:

    That is very exciting news. Just another thing to add to my "Why I need a Silhouette" list that I am using to try to convince my husband that I need one.

  10. PootleFlump says:

    OMG! Ive been wanting one of these for ages but couldnt justify buying it as wasnt sure if it could cut fabric or not. I wondered if it would with wonder under type backing. Now I can buy one! Hooray!! x

  11. I just saw this this morning. I am SO excited!!

  12. YAY!!!!!!!! That is one reason I wanted one so bad!!! This is going to make my life a hundred and fifty times faster! no more scissor finger pain!!1

  13. Christie @ A Lemon Squeezy Home says:

    Um–yay, yay, yay!!! That is awesome. I'm really excited. I keep thinking how much more worth the money it would have been if it cut fabric. Now I can RIP.

    Just kidding. But I am really excited!!!

  14. I just got that email from Silhouette this morning and came over to see if you had some killer ideas for us! WOOT!

  15. Oh wow! So exciting. I hope it works on the old silhouette too.

  16. Barefoot Apron says:

    OMG OMG OMG you have no {IDEA} how exciting this news is to me…… I think I just died and went to heaven.

  17. CraftyBrit says:

    I guess I just figured it could, and got one (Silhouette SD) for my b-day this week. My first project? cutting fabric…and it worked, with heat n bond too!

  18. I have the older model Silhouette and it cuts fabric with both heat-and-bond AND freezer paper backings for anyone who can't wait for their order to arrive.

  19. Hands Sew Full says:

    Thanks for the great news! I wondered if it was possible ….now I know!!

  20. Fleur de Bee says:

    Ok NOW I will purchase one :) Not needed one until you posted this. You had me at FABRIC :)


  21. Yippee! Such exciting news! I've had my eyes on purchasing one lately, but this seals the deal for me now :) Valentine's day gift, right?!? :)

  22. Holy smokes.

  23. Jill @ Craft in a Northern Town says:

    I can't wait! Mine should be here in a week! YAY!

  24. Saweet! I can't wait to give this a try!

  25. The SPANGLER says:

    Wow… the 'amazing-ness' of this machine and my desire for one just keeps growing and growing… oh the possibilities!
    I am enjoying following your blog – and wanted to invite you to take part in my giveaway to win a $30 voucher to Shop @ SpaNGle…

    The Quick Unpick Giveaway

    …hope you come by!

    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick

  26. Oh I wish that I owned a Silhouette. That is so cool.

    Btw I love your blog and there is an award for you on my blog.

  27. I often use my Silhouette to cut freezer paper that I then use to cut out (by hand, gasp!) appliques…works like a charm!
    <3 my Silhouette, can't wait until I have more time to use it!

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